A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 211: Similar in nature, different in habits

Criminal investigation interrogation room of Yancheng Beijiao Police Station.

Han Xu's mood became extremely heavy at this time. Even though he was used to life and death, it was still difficult to understand what Wei Daguang did!

Everything Wei Daguang has done can no longer be simply described as a bad word.

It is simply a model of insanity!

As the person involved, Gong Li certainly made mistakes. No, to be precise, she did nothing wrong. She just kept trying to use her thin body to resist the evil deeds hidden in the corners of the world!

But her approach was too aggressive, elevating the conflict to an irreversible point through insults again and again.

If she had chosen to endure it, reach a safe place, and then use legal means to protect her own interests, perhaps such consequences would not have occurred.

But in this world, there is no if!

There is no regret medicine either!

Things have happened and are developing in unpredictable directions. Everything is doomed.

Wei Daguang fell into a brief silence after telling the story of this case that seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Because he knows what he is going to face!

"A living life was wiped out by your own hands like this. Don't you regret the crime you committed?"

This question was asked privately by Han Xu. After hearing this, Lao Zhang wisely stopped recording.

Wei Daguang didn't know what he was planning, his eyes were wandering, and he didn't seem to hear Han Xu's last question.

Or maybe he heard it and just didn't want to say anything more!

Han Xu suddenly understood that people like Wei Daguang just did what they did and never thought about regretting anything.

Seeing the two people frozen there, Lao Zhang added in time, "Wei Daguang, do you have anything else to explain? Now that we're giving you a chance, you'd better not hide anything, otherwise you'll be responsible for the consequences!"

Wei Daguang raised his head and glanced at Lao Zhang, sneered, and then fixed his gaze on Han Xu, "Officer Han, I have already done everything that needs to be explained, and I don't expect you to be lenient. People like me, "Death ten thousand times is the retribution you deserve."

When Wei Daguang said this, he paused for a moment, his eyes became more and more distracted, as if he was recalling his entire life, "I, Wei Daguang, have only one life. If I die, I will die. It's no big deal.

Did you just ask me if I regretted it? Haha, there is nothing to regret.

If I had to choose again, I would kill that stinky bitch!

I originally wanted to tie her up with a stone and throw her into the sea, but I didn't feel like it would relieve my anger! She's so cheap!

Damn it, she is also a human being, what is so good about her! What annoys me the most is this arrogant bitch! "

Han Xu had already guessed that Wei Daguang would be like this, but he still felt depressed.

In the beginning, human beings are inherently good. Similar in nature, but far apart in habits.

Perhaps people are all kind-hearted when they are born, but due to the different learning environment during their growth, their temperaments also differ between good and bad.

Wei Daguang has lived alone on a fishing boat for a long time. It cannot be said that he is isolated from the world, but it is not much different.

Coupled with the early death of his parents and the lack of care during his growth, this resulted in such an extreme character!

Not everyone is born a devil, but becomes a devil little by little!

At this thought, Han Xu secretly shook his head and glanced at Wei Daguang, who was sitting blankly in the interrogation chair.

"Brother Zhang, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to go out and take a breath! I've been here for a long time and it's a bit boring!"

Lao Zhang nodded when he heard this, and looked at Wei Daguang again. He wanted to say something, but he held it back, feeling that it was not necessary.

After Han Xu finished speaking, he walked to Lao Zhang and patted the elder brother on the shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"Are you polite to me? When have I not wiped your butt for you?" Lao Zhang had long been used to it, and even though his mood was equally heavy, he still replied with a smile.

Han Xu said nothing more and walked straight out of the interrogation room.

In fact, he had already guessed the causes and consequences of the No. 2 Lighthouse case, but he didn't expect that the cause would be like this.

"Pah!" He started the fire again, lit a Liqun, and took a puff out of habit. Maybe he was inhaling too hard, and like Wei Daguang, he started coughing.

"So this smoke is so strong?!" Chengzi appeared next to Han Xu at some point and casually patted his immediate boss on the back.

Han Xu finally managed to clear up his cough, but was slapped down by Cheng Zi, almost suffocating his breath.

"You won't be gentle?"

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it back," Chengzi moved his big hand away awkwardly, trying to divert someone's attention, "This Wei Daguang is really not a thing, he is simply a murderous demon."

How could Han Xu not know Chengzi's little thoughts, but he didn't point it out, "Everyone's living environment is different, and their personalities are also different. Wei Daguang's character has serious flaws, even to the point of being pathological. Who knows this kind of person?" What kind of things will it do if it is activated?”

"I just said that there is definitely something wrong with this Wei Daguang. Look, am I right?" Chengzi chuckled, rarely confirming his point of view.

"Well, that's amazing, you guessed it all!" Han Xu was in no mood to argue with Chengzi.

In fact, after Han Xu walked out of the interrogation room, Chengzi came out of the listening room next door.

Cheng Zi watched the entire interrogation process clearly.

However, after listening to Wei Daguang's entire narration, Chengzi, who usually has a hot temper, did not get too angry, because he could not find the point that aroused his anger.

In Chengzi's eyes, both parties in the conflict had problems, but he did not expect the conflict to escalate to that point.

"Team leader, I have a question I have always wanted to ask you!"

"What question?"

"You said that the little mute really touched the victim's butt?" Chengzi has been struggling with this question from the beginning.

"What do you think?" Han Xu did not answer directly.

"How is it possible? The little mute does not look like someone who would do such a thing?" Chengzi paused and continued, "But this Wei Daguang has no need to lie at all! It has come to this point."

Han Xu did not comment after listening, but had to admit a fact.

That is, the little mute played an important role in this case!

If the little mute had not salvaged so many physical evidences, it would not be so easy to convict Wei Daguang.

Just relying on that mosquito is not convincing enough!

Is it really just a coincidence that the little mute returned to the ship and witnessed Wei Daguang's evil deeds?

And the question just mentioned by Chengzi, is it really like Wei Daguang said that the little mute ignited the fuse of this case?

So was the little mute subjective will, or was it just a coincidence?

Through contact with the little mute, Han Xu did not think that this teenage boy could have such a meticulous and terrible mind.

But everything is too coincidental!

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