"Fake?!" It was Han Xu's turn to be surprised. "Since it's a fake, there's no need to go to great lengths, right?"

Chen Zhong explained, "The main reason is that those guys were so arrogant and dared to attack the museum. This was simply a slap in the face of the Yaoyang police, which was intolerable. At that time, our old director became angry. We must capture those guys at all costs!”

Han Xu chuckled and said, "These thieves are quite interesting. Oh, no, how do you know they are a group?"

"Although the cameras at the crime scene were destroyed by them, some sounds were still recorded. After analysis by the technical investigators, they concluded that the other party was not alone, but at least three people collaborated in the crime." Chen Zhong said calmly.

"So that's it," Han Xu frowned, "That's really strange. There are so many valuable things in the museum, why did they steal only one fake one?"

"We didn't know it at the time, but the most bizarre part of this theft case was right here. A group of thieves left the rare treasures untouched and only stole a fake painting!" Chen Zhong sighed, and still can't figure it out until now. this problem.

Qin Fen interjected at this time, "I don't think so. Think about it, those rare treasures are all priceless things. Although they are valuable, those thieves may not have the channels to sell them, such as those Bronze vessels and so on are all national treasures, and if you take out any of them, you will lose your head.”

"That's what we thought at the time, but no matter what, we couldn't just steal a worthless fake, so we speculated that the thieves were not highly educated, but they understood some industry rules." Chen Of course Zhong understood what Qin Fen said and replied impatiently.

"This case is interesting!" Although Qin Fen had heard of it before, it was just a summary of the story, which was not as satisfying as hearing it from the person involved.

Han Xu asked curiously, "What happens next? Have the thieves been caught?"

"Of course they were caught, but the painting was destroyed in anger," Chen Zhong replied casually.

Han Xu frowned when he heard this, "The painting was destroyed?"

Chen Zhong nodded, "I saw with my own eyes that the painting was burned by them. Because it was a fake and not worth much, the thieves were not sentenced to many years after they were arrested, and they have been released long ago."

"Could it be that one of these thieves is named Wu Laogou?" Han Xu asked out of nowhere.

When Chen Zhong heard this strange name, he couldn't help but be startled, "Hey, how did you know? The leader is indeed called Wu Laogou! The name is so tacky, it's so easy to remember!"

When Qin Fen heard the mention of Wu Laogou, he immediately became interested, "What's the matter, Wu Laogou was responsible for this case? When did that old guy come to Yaoyang again?"

"Not only have I been here," Han Xu smiled, "I have also served several years of imprisonment here! Wu Laogou is a real prisoner!"

"That's not right." Qin Fen was a little confused when he heard that Wu Laogou had served his sentence in Yaoyang. "There are rules in their line of work. You are not allowed to cross the line easily. How can this old boy come to Yaoyang to work?" Are you here? Have you served your sentence here?”

Of course Han Xu has heard of this rule, but the things on the road used to have some binding restrictions. Now that the world is declining, those old-fashioned things have long been eliminated.

In other words, people nowadays are becoming more and more unruly.

"Is Wu Laogou very famous in your place?" Chen Zhong asked suspiciously when he saw that both of them knew this old thief.

Before Han Xu could say anything more, Qin Fen had already caught the conversation, "How can that old boy be famous? He is so damn famous! He is known as the king of thieves in our Yan City, and it is said that he wants to be his disciple. If you line up, you can circle the earth twice."

"Such an exaggeration? How come I haven't heard of it in Yancheng before?" Chen Zhong didn't expect Wu Laogou to be so famous. He tried to think about it and found that he had never heard of such a famous person.

"How old were you when you were in Yancheng? Wu Laogou was the king of thieves. No matter how famous he was on the road, he would never reach the ears of ordinary people. Otherwise, how could he, the king of thieves, get around like a rat crossing the street when he went out? , everyone is shouting for a beating?" Qin Fen gained the upper hand for the first time and let out a long sigh.

Chen Zhong thought the same thing. After all, the king of thieves is the king of thieves. How can he still be a thief after knowing it!

Han Xu took over the topic at this time to avoid going astray, "With Wu Laogou's experience and knowledge, he shouldn't be thrown into jail for a fake, right?"

When Chen Zhong heard this, he looked at Han Xu in surprise, "What you said is exactly the same as what your father said at that time! Teacher Han also said the same. He seemed to have dealt with Wu Laogou before. Although he caught someone But I still feel that the case is not that simple, and there seems to be something hidden.”

"Then what?" Han Xu couldn't help but ask, he wanted to know the result.

Chen Zhong sighed, "If your father hadn't been here, we still don't know how long it would have taken to catch that Wu Laogou. But he was caught, but nothing was explained. The two people who were with Wu Laogou He's a thief who doesn't know anything at all. He just came to help. That old dog Wu just said that he made a mistake and spent a long time to get a fake product, and his reputation was almost lost. "

"With Wu Laogou's skills, you don't need so many people to help, right?" Han Xu can always grasp the key to the problem in a short time.

Chen Zhong shook his head in admiration, "It's true that a tiger father has no dog son. Teacher Han also thought so at the time, so he interrogated Wu Laogou alone. Unfortunately, nothing was found in the end, and the case had to be dropped."

"Did my father interrogate Wu Laogou alone?" Han Xu suddenly recalled Wu Laogou's reaction when he mentioned Han Yu before. That look of horror didn't seem to be fake at all.

"Although it was against the rules, Teacher Han still got the permission of our old director, and we, as subordinates, turned a blind eye." Chen Zhong said so.

Qin Fen echoed in time, "If I were here, I would have closed both eyes!"

The museum theft case has come to an end here.

Although the case is not complicated, it is quite bizarre, and Han Xu always feels that the truth is not that simple.

Perhaps there are some secrets hidden behind the fake painting, but now is not the time to delve into this.

Qin Fen nagging Chen Zhong for a long time, and finally took the pot of strong tea before saying goodbye and leaving, and embarked on the return journey with Han Xu.

So far, the Yaoyang case has come to a conclusion.

Although there are some flaws, the real murderer has been found after all!

Next, Han Xu plans to go back to Yancheng and have a good chat with the other main suspect!

The case has finally come to the point where the truth is revealed!

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