In the listening room next door, the three people present were a little confused, and they actually began to agree with what the suspect said.

"Yeah, isn't this like taking off your pants and farting?" Li Le found a more suitable metaphor.

Cheng Zi scratched the few inches of hair on his head and said, "Although your metaphor is a bit crude, it is very flavorful! It will kill me!"

Captain Qin Fen Qin was left speechless by the two young boys, but he couldn't deny that Li Le's metaphor was both flavorful and vivid.

"Yes, why did Guo Feng do this? Killing Lisa Liu doesn't have to be so troublesome, right?"

"Who knows, maybe this kid just has a strong desire to cosplay." Li Le thought of another keyword.

"Coseplay? Are you playing with yourself?" Chengzi was shocked, but it seemed to make sense.

Qin Fen shook his head and was speechless. Fortunately, he still had Han Xu, otherwise the Northern Suburbs Police Department would have lost hope in solving crimes just by relying on these two guys.

"Okay, everyone, shut up and listen to what Han Xu says." Qin Fen glared at the two living treasures and returned his attention to the interrogation room.

At this time, Han Xu took a sip of boiled water and stubbed out the half-smoked cigarette in the palm of his hand, "Superfluous? This is a good metaphor, but you really used this technique to cover up your murder of Lisa Liu. Motive!"

"Officer Han, why do the more you talk, the more confused I become?" Guo Feng smiled and shook his head, "Besides, these are all your guesses, right? I really admire your ability to write stories, it's so exciting! TV series are all Don’t you dare to make it up like this? Aren’t you afraid that your audience will be confused?”

"Whether I'm making up a story or not, you know best," Han Xu said without hesitation, as if he was confident.

Guo Feng was overjoyed. After hearing Han Xu's words, he was so happy that he burst into tears and laughed, "Let's not talk about my motive for killing Liu Lisa. Officer Han, do you really believe that I am Guo Feng, not Li Mingyuan, you have to come up with some evidence, right?"

Han Xu seemed to be waiting for this sentence. A pair of clear eyes without any variegation stared at Guo Feng's face for an instant.

Guo Feng felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave when Han Xu looked at him like this, but he still held his neck and argued, "Officer Han, I admit that I killed Lisa Liu, but I am not Guo Feng, and the matter is not as complicated as you said. Besides, you don’t have any evidence, right?”

Guo Feng was sure that Han Xu had no evidence. After all, Li Mingyuan's body was already decomposed. Forget about fingerprints. Even if DNA could be extracted, the best it could do was compare it with their father Guo Genliang's. There is no way to prove that the person who died was Li Mingyuan and not Guo Feng, because they were brothers and the DNA comparison results were almost the same.

Han Xu seemed to have already guessed what Guo Feng's trump card was. He calmly took out two evidence bags from his pocket and placed them one by one in front of Guo Feng.

"Look what this is?!"

Guo Feng looked over after hearing this, and then said with a surprised look, "Isn't this the ID card you took from me? Hey, hell, how come there are two of them? Officer Han, couldn't you have cloned one? Bar?"

Han Xu smiled and said, "I don't have that ability. Don't you want evidence? This is the evidence!"

Guo Feng looked up at Han Xu in confusion, then lowered his head and looked at the ID card in front of his eyes. His head was full of question marks!

Not to mention the person involved, Guo Feng, even several key figures in the auditorium were confused. They had never seen this thing before.

Lao Zhang raised his eyes in confusion, trying to see clearly. Although he was also confused, he could tell that one of the ID cards was placed in the evidence room because the bag had a number on it.

But the other one had nothing, just an ordinary transparent evidence bag.

When everyone was confused, Han Xu calmly picked up the numbered evidence bag and said, "This ID card is yours. It is clearly written on it, including your name, place of origin, address, and your current household registration. Are you still in Yaoyang City?"

Guo Feng nodded numbly, but immediately realized something and shook his head again.

"It should be said that Guo Feng's household registration is still in Yaoyang, but this ID card has been used for a long time!"

Han Xu said and turned it over. The date was clearly written on the back of the ID card. It was seven years ago.

"What do you mean?" Guo Feng frowned, not grasping the point yet.

"You may not know that if you want to replace the second-generation ID card, there is a fingerprint recording process.

So your fingerprints are not included in this ID card.

But the other one is different! "

After that, Han Xu picked up another ID card that was almost exactly the same as the first one. "This one has fingerprints recorded on it, but the fingerprints inside are not yours! Do you want to know why?"

Guo Feng's eyes couldn't help but narrowed, as if he thought of a possibility, his face instantly turned pale!

Seeing this, Han Xu couldn't help but explain, "The date on the back of this second-generation ID card is clearly written, it was one and a half months ago."

"What on earth do you want to say?!" Guo Feng tried to calm himself down, but his legs swayed uncontrollably.

Han Xu paused for a moment, whetting someone's appetite, and then said, "I found this second-generation ID card at Li Mingyuan's residence. You should understand what I said, right?

Haha, it’s in vain that you have exhausted all your mechanisms and missed God’s will!

Teacher Guo, you didn’t expect that Li Mingyuan really wanted to occupy the magpie’s nest. Before he attacked you, he actually deceived your family’s household registration book from the old man, and relied on this thing to claim it as lost in Yaoyang City. I got a replacement Guo Feng’s second-generation ID card. His purpose is to become a seamless successor after getting rid of you! "

Guo Feng suddenly paused and said in shock, "Could it be that the fingerprints inside are Li Mingyuan's?"

Han Xu nodded and said, "That's right, you are indeed Teacher Guo. One point tells the truth. We mistakenly thought you were Li Mingyuan before. Another very important reason is that we once compared the fingerprints on the brick with Guo Feng's. The fingerprints left in the household registration are inconsistent, and coupled with your flawless performance, I admit that I was indeed misled.

However, the Skynet is vast, sparse and not missing! It turns out that the person who left the fingerprints in the household registration a month and a half ago was not you, Mr. Guo Fengguo, but Li Mingyuan, who wanted to occupy the magpie's nest. "

After hearing this, Guo Feng's face was no longer pale, but coated with a layer of deathly aura, "But..."

"No need to make excuses, we have already checked. Li Mingyuan left behind image data when he applied for a new ID card, and you were still in Yancheng at that time. It's useless to argue!"

Han Xu dropped the last nuclear bomb without expression!

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