When Han Xu heard Chengzi's logical lie, he walked slowly to the edge of the sofa, sat down, and crossed his long legs comfortably.

"Then tell me what happened in the Snow Mountain case?"

Chengzi was stunned for a moment, then turned off the TV and said with a serious face, "Didn't Dr. Wang get arrested?"

"What about Jiang Zigui?"

"You saved a life? What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Han Xu curled his lips, "Oh, it's not that there is a problem, it's that the problem is not small. It's just that I turned a blind eye to appease Doctor Wang."

"You mean, this Jiang Zigui dares to lie in that situation?! His life is almost gone, why is he so big-hearted?" Chengzi raised his eyebrows, feeling that the criminal suspects he met recently were all big-hearted. Man, each one is more difficult to deal with than the other!

"Did he lie? In fact, I have no evidence at all." Han Xu sighed again, glanced at Cheng Zi who looked shocked, and tried to guide him, "Tell me about Dr. Wang's murder motive in the Snow Mountain Case. What is it?”

Chengzi blurted out without thinking, "Didn't we already find out clearly? Dr. Wang killed those people because they indirectly killed Zhao Wanting, just to avenge his sweetheart."

Han Xu nodded, "Doctor Wang's purpose is indeed revenge, but why did he let Jiang Zigui go?"

"Didn't you say before that Jiang Zigui will not die if he is blamed? Before the rope was cut, only Jiang Zigui voted against it. However, at that moment when his life was hanging by a thread, it was really too much for Lawyer Jiang to still think about not giving up on his teammates. That's rare!" Chengzi talked eloquently, and finally praised Lawyer Jiang, which shows that Jiang Zigui's popularity is quite good.

Han Xu was noncommittal and said calmly, "How were you sure that only Jiang Zigui voted against it at that time?"

Cheng Zi was startled when he heard this, "What do you mean? I remember it was you who said that Doctor Wang heard this voting story from Li Hongwei! And Lawyer Jiang Zigui Jiang also said the same, so Doctor Wang only In the end, they didn’t kill Lawyer Jiang!”

Han Xu pursed his lips, but his eyes deepened, "On the surface, it was for this reason that Dr. Wang chose to let Lawyer Jiang go, but have you ever thought that everyone involved in the Snow Mountain case was already dead? The team leader Ye Yeqiong, Xiao Ya, Zhang Hengyi, Li Hongwei, and the troublemaker Liu Bo all turned into corpses one after another."

"Well, that's right, Lawyer Jiang was the only one left alive in the end." Chengzi continued doubtfully, not understanding the implication of Han Xu's words.

"The key point here is that Li Hongwei is also dead!" Seeing that Chengzi hadn't figured it out yet, Han Xu explained impatiently, "Li Hongwei, who once told Dr. Wang the truth, was also killed! What does this mean?"

"Li Hongwei didn't vote against it, didn't he become Dr. Wang's target?" Chengzi grabbed a detail and started to dig at it.

"No, you can't think like that, you have to think differently," Han Xu paused and continued, "Suppose Li Hongwei told the truth after drinking, and what he told Dr. Wang was not the truth!"

"It's not the truth? What do you mean? Are you saying that Li Hongwei also lied?" When Chengzi heard this, his whole body went numb, and his mind couldn't keep up with Han Xu's jumping rhythm. "No, let me understand." By the way, if Li Hongwei told a lie to Dr. Wang, then who was it that cut the rope on that **** snow mountain?”

Following this train of thought, Han Xu continued, "Let's assume that the person who cut off Zhao Wanting's life-saving rope was the last one, that is, the person in front of Zhao Wanting."

"The order in which they marched was Li Hongwei, followed by Jiang Zigui, Xiao Ya, Ye Yeqiong, Liu Bo, Zhang Hengyi, and finally Zhao Wanting." Chengzi's memory is quite good, and he easily recalled the group's movements when those people descended into the snow-capped mountains. Order.

"Yes, if Zhao Wanting did not cut the rope with her own hands, then Zhang Hengyi was the only one who had the chance to cut the climbing rope! But Jiang Zigui also said that they did not carry knives with them and had no chance to cut the climbing rope. The purpose of Jiang Zigui's words was to What?"

Chengzi slapped his forehead, "He wants to convince Zhao Wanting to cut the rope by herself."

"Yes, Jiang Zigui can only convince Doctor Wang by raising Zhao Wanting to a very shocking moral high point. Because in the eyes of Doctor Wang, Zhao Wanting is like a goddess, perfect! If Jiang Zigui said this, It is easy to resonate with Dr. Wang, and as you can see in the end, Lawyer Jiang Zigui survived to the end." Han Xu made a very reasonable logical assumption.

Cheng Zi was a little confused, "No, this Jiang Zigui must have a very good brain. After hanging upside down for so long, can he still come up with such an excuse?"

"It's a pity that the situation at that time, I could only follow Jiang Zigui's statement to appease Dr. Wang's mood. If I'm not mistaken, Dr. Jiang even took my reaction into consideration. You say it's scary or not? !" Han Xu helplessly shrugged his shoulders and told a fact that shocked Cheng Zi's jaw.

"No, if that's the case, isn't this Lawyer Jiang more powerful than Dr. Wang? Good guy, he clearly played with the psychology of several people present as soon as he opened his eyes." Chengzi was dumbfounded and couldn't help but stare. He glanced in the direction of the opposite door again, and the cold sweat on his forehead was almost falling.

"This is just one of the reasons," Han Xu then dropped a bombshell, "The second one is even more outrageous. I guess the order of going down the snow mountain from Jiang Zigui and Li Hongwei's mouth is wrong. If you swap Jiang Zigui and Li Hongwei with Zhang Hengyi and Liu Bo, what will the result be?"

"Switch?!" Chengzi was stunned for a moment, and then said, "If you swap, it will become Zhang Hengyi or Liu Bo first, followed by Xiao Ya and Ye Ziqiong, then Jiang Zigui or Li Hongwei, and finally Zhao Wanting!

Fuck, you mean it is possible that Jiang Zigui or Li Hongwei cut Zhao Wanting's climbing rope?! "

Han Xu nodded slightly, and said, "No matter which one of them cut the rope, the result would be completely different."

Chengzi was completely numb, and goose bumps fell all over his body. "Fuck, does that mean Li Hongwei and Jiang Zigui agreed to tell the same story afterwards? The order of going down the snow mountain was changed by them, so what was the purpose of doing this? To evade responsibility?"

Han Xu's face was calm, and he nodded lightly, "Nine out of ten times, it's like this. Because this story was only told by Jiang Zigui and Li Hongwei, they may have chosen to agree to tell the same story in order to avoid something!"

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