"I didn't hire a murderer to kill anyone!" Song Qi tried to argue.

Han Xu guessed that the other party would deny it, so he slammed his big hand on the table.

"Look where this place is? Now that you've come in, I advise you to tell the truth!"

Song Qi raised his pretty face with a complicated expression.

Han Xu snorted again, "There are all witnesses and evidence at the scene. If you didn't hire the murderer, can you explain what happened to the cash?"

Seeing that the suspect did not say anything, Han Xu emphasized his tone again, "We have investigated your background. You have no intersection with the deceased Wang Zhang, and there is no deep hatred. You are just an accomplice at best!

But if you don’t explain anything and the evidence chain is complete, even if you don’t say anything, it’s enough for a sentence! "

When Song Qi heard what Han Xu said, the expression on his face became even more nervous. The fingers of his hands were clasped tightly, and the thumbs of both hands kept moving.

"Tell me!" Han Xu increased his voice again, trying to break through the suspect's psychological defense in a short time. "I know there is someone behind you. Even if you don't tell me, I can find out. It's just a matter of time. question.

I advise you to tell the truth honestly. It will save everyone trouble, right? "

Song Qi's tempting words made Song Qi even more uneasy.

Han Xu felt that although the other party was smart, he was still a novice, so he played the emotional card again.

"If you don't think about yourself, think about your parents, who have worked so hard to raise you. Do you want to see them visiting you in the dormitory every now and then when they are much older?"

Song Qi didn't say anything after hearing this, but the manicure on his hands had cracks and blood seeped out, staining his fingertips red.

Han Xu let out a long sigh, shook his head, took out a cigarette from the box, and lit it with a snap.

Lao Zhang, who was in charge of recording on the side, looked at the situation and felt that it was almost done.

Judging from his long-term experience in interrogation, dealing with such a young child should be done with just a few bluffs.

However, this man named Song Qi obviously has a high IQ. He can fool a group of police officers in the northern suburbs police station. It is not easy to open their mouths in a short time.

However, there is nothing wrong with the interrogation tactics used by Han Xu. Even for him, a veteran policeman who has been in business for many years, he is nothing more than these tricks.

Time passed by, and the interrogation room was silent.

The criminal suspect Song Qi's mind was also blank, and the silent silence seemed like a huge stone pressing on his chest.

It was obvious that the police officer in front of him had not said a word for more than ten minutes, but the invisible pressure was slowly eroding his heart.

"I said~"

A mosquito-like sound echoed in the interrogation room.

Lao Zhang, however, was smart enough to withdraw his wandering thoughts and sit up straight.

Han Xu poured a cup of hot water calmly and handed it to Song Qi.

Seeing his manicure that was so bloody that he picked it out, he gave him another pack of tissues.

Song Qi took the tissue, pulled out one, and held it randomly in his hand, as if he had made great determination, "It is his wife who wants to kill Wang Zhang."

"Chen Lu?" Han Xu was not surprised by this answer.

Song Qi nodded and whispered, "Chen Lu and I are good sisters, best friends!"

It sounds ridiculous for a man and a woman to be best friends, but when Han Xu looked at Song Qi's behavior, it wasn't surprising.

Song Qi is a sissy, and he hides his behavior very well, but Han Xu can see the femininity in his bones at a glance.

"Go on," Han Xu doesn't dislike these people, he just doesn't like them.

Song Qi paused for a moment, as if trying to get rid of the guilt of betraying his best friend, "We have known each other for a long time and are friends who talk about everything. But since she got married, things have changed.

She became taciturn and unlike the lively and cheerful girl before.

After a while, we lost contact.

It was about a year and a half ago, maybe it was fate, I met her again!

At that time, I realized that the man she married was a beast!

That bastard beats her every day,

She was covered in injuries, and it made me feel bad to see her!

I wanted to settle the score with that beast, but I didn't have the courage.

Until one day, the beast almost killed her and broke two ribs. Chen Lu stayed in the hospital for more than three months.

She couldn't bear it anymore, and she cried and asked me if she could find someone reliable to kill that beast!

I couldn't bear to see her like that. "

Han Xu continued, "You happened to meet Guo Wei through online chat at that time, so you hired him to help you kill people?"

Song Qi nodded, "I heard they call you Han Xu, Officer Han, you are quite good.

Yes, you are right, but we did not expect that Guo Wei's work efficiency was so poor!

In half a year, nothing was done, and they only asked us for money! "

"How much did he ask for from you in total?" Han Xu asked casually.

"About three hundred thousand. He always makes excuses. That beast hasn't even lost half of its hair!"

Lao Zhang muttered, "Guo Wei is dishonest."

Han Xu was noncommittal and gestured with his eyes to Song Qi to continue his explanation.

As Song Qi spoke, he couldn't help crying, "I was afraid that you would come to arrest me, so I kept being ambiguous with Guo Wei, making him think that I was a woman.

But I didn’t expect that I would be caught by you in the end. "

"How did you contact Chen Lu?" Han Xu concluded that they must not have met often before.

Sure enough, Song Qi stopped crying and replied, "We have been in touch through text messages. We don't see each other often."

"Do you have that phone with you?"

"Yes, it's in my bag."

After hearing this, Lao Zhang left the interrogation room and took Song Qi's phone back from the physical evidence.

Song Qi saw the phone and said, "I was careful in advance and didn't delete the text messages in the phone."

Han Xu couldn't help but look at Song Qi more. It's really the most vicious thing, and the backhand is ruthless enough.

Lao Zhang also snorted coldly, and he was disgusted with people who said one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

Song Qi heard the dissatisfaction and smiled bitterly, "You don't know Chen Lu. This woman is not that simple. If I don't leave her any handle, I don't know what will happen.

Think about it, she did everything to get promoted."

Han Xu had asked Li Le to investigate Chen Lu before, and knew the dark history that Song Qi talked about.

Chen Lu was just a little model back then. In a talent show, in order to get ahead, she accidentally pushed a very competitive colleague off the stage.

This accident was once a hot topic. The poor man broke his leg on the spot and lost his qualification for the talent show.

Chen Lu successfully became popular with this competition and got close to Wang Zhang, the cash cow.

Han Xu was startled when he heard this, and recalled the beautiful young woman in a long-sleeved cheongsam he saw yesterday.

This was confirmed by the femme fatale in Song Qi's mouth.

The direction of the case seems to have become more interesting!

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