"No?" Han Xu frowned when he heard it, walked a few steps to the well mouth, and looked down along the beam of strong light. What he saw was not much different from what Li Le saw.

But the well water was very turbid, and it was a little unclear whether there was anything under the water.

At this time, the old man came up curiously and glanced at the bottom of the well, "Yeah, where did so many broken bricks come from?!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested!

Han Xu immediately reacted, "There should be something under these bricks!"

After saying that, he took off his down jacket and prepared to go down to explore!

How could Chengzi let the leader take risks, so he stopped Han Xu, "Let me do this kind of small job!"

Han Xu smiled, then gestured at the size of the well mouth, "The well mouth is only this big, look at your arms, can you get down?"

Chengzi gestured when he heard it, hey, he really got stuck!

"Let me do it!" Han Xu said, and borrowed a rope from the firefighter.

Then, with the help of several people, he slid down along the rope.

With Han Xu's skills, he actually didn't need a rope. As long as he could hold on to the wall of the well, he could go up and down freely.

But in order to be low-key, he still rappelled down along the rope.

When Chengzi saw Han Xu's rappelling technique, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Haha, his movements were more standard than those of the special forces instructor!

At that moment, Chengzi even began to doubt who was a special forces soldier.

Li Le was happy to join in the fun, and chatted with the old man casually, without looking down the well at all.

Anyway, with Han Xu here, there is nothing to worry about.

As for Han Xu, he rappelled down along the rope. In less than ten seconds, his toes touched the broken bricks and tiles at the bottom of the well.

He tried to change his posture and supported his long legs on the wall of the well.

Fortunately, there was not much moss on the wall of the well, so it was not slippery.

After balancing himself, Han Xu leaned down and reached into the turbid well water with his hands, groping for a while!

However, he didn't touch anything!

Han Xu then focused his attention on the pile of broken bricks and tiles.

I just heard from the old man that there must have been no such things before the well was sealed.

So it is obvious that these broken bricks and tiles were deliberately thrown down before the well was sealed.

Sealing it was already suspicious, and throwing so many broken bricks and tiles down was no different from trying to cover up the truth!

Sure enough, as Han Xu cleared the bricks one by one, a plastic woven snakeskin bag was revealed below in a short while.

It was a very common large-sized thing, enough to stuff anything you wanted to stuff in.

Han Xu exhaled a long breath of turbid air when he saw this, "Sure enough, there is something!"

However, when he cleaned the bricks on the snakeskin bag bit by bit, an extremely disgusting smell still came up.

Even Han Xu couldn't tell what this smell was!

It doesn't smell like a corpse, but it's even worse than a corpse!

Han Xu quickly covered his mouth and nose with one hand, fearing that this thing was poisonous.

In the end, he was worried for nothing. It was just some rotten smell. After a while, it was not so serious.

Han Xu had time to look at the snakeskin bag carefully!

I saw that the bag had been soaked in well water. When I touched it, it broke!

And the hole was quite big. You could see some white things in it.

Han Xu took a closer look and pursed his lips. The things inside were really a surprise!

"Chengzi, Li Le, go find a stronger bag and find a rope to throw down!"

Chengzi leaned over to agree, and then asked in confusion, "Is there really something underneath?"


Concise and to the point!

One word attracted the attention of everyone around!

Even some neighbors heard the news and ran over to act as spectators.

Fortunately, the old man was very conscious and persuaded these people to go back one by one, reducing some unnecessary trouble.

After hearing Han Xu's shouting at the bottom of the well, Chengzi turned around and went to look for something.

When Li Le heard that there was indeed something below, he immediately became smart and borrowed a rope from the firefighter and went to the side of the well.

"Hey, Han Xu, can you hear me? What is there below?"

"You'll know when you get up there, and call for support! Evacuate the people by the way!"

Even though Han Xu was at the bottom of the well, his logic was still clear, and he arranged everything properly in a few words!

Li Le nodded, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called Captain Qin!


Almost half an hour later, Qin Fen and a group of police officers from the North Suburbs Police Station arrived at the scene!

Seeing this, he couldn't help shaking his head, and had to admire Han Xu.

He had just been out for a morning, and he made such a big fuss. It turns out that there is a gap between people.

At this time, Han Xu had already climbed out of the well and safely lifted out a suitcase full of things.

The plastic woven snakeskin bag was obviously unusable, so Chengzi had to replace it with a worn-out suitcase that Chengzi found from somewhere.

Han Xu picked up the things in the bag one by one and put them into the box, then lifted it out of the well.

"What's going on?" Qin Fen didn't hear clearly what Li Le reported on the phone, but when he saw the worn-out suitcase and the broken well next to it, his face darkened, as if he realized something.

Han Xu stepped forward and said two concise words again, "Skeleton!"

"How many people?" Qin Fen frowned and asked calmly.

"Two!" Han Xu replied, and then added, "To be precise, it's one corpse and two lives!"

Qin Fen's pupils shrank slightly after hearing this word. It has been a long time since he saw such a serious case.

However, this place belongs to the territory of the South City Police Station, and he still notified them before coming.

So the two sisters Miao Xiaofeng and Miao Xiaolan arrived at the scene early in the morning, and they were discussing something around the two skeletons.

Qin Fen walked over and greeted Miao Xiaofeng. When encountering such a case, he was in a terrible mood.

Miao Xiaofeng was the same. When he saw that it was one corpse and two lives, he was not feeling well!

In the South City area of ​​Yancheng, such a vicious case is still very rare!

Counting the previous dismemberment case, this one in front of him can be ranked second.

Because this place is under the jurisdiction of the South City Police Station, Qin Fen naturally did not bring the Technical Investigation Team from the North Suburbs.

The forensic doctors and trace examiners who examined the scene were all from the South City.

"What happened?" After Qin Fen greeted him, he leaned over and asked.

Miao Xiaofeng knew that Qin Fen was asking about the preliminary results of the forensic doctor's investigation, and replied casually, "The specific cause of death has not been determined, but the possibility of drowning is not high. The forensic doctor initially determined that the death was caused by mechanical asphyxiation!

To be more accurate, it needs to be transported back for further autopsy!"

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