"Okay, I can't beat you two, surrender, okay?"

Han Xu really had no way to deal with these two funny guys, so he raised his hands.

"That's good enough," Li Le and Chengzi smiled with satisfaction, ending a teasing.

After several people returned to the police car.

Li Le asked first, "Team leader, where are we going now?"

"Where else can we go? It's this late, drive the car back and go home!" Han Xu replied truthfully.

"Fuck, is that all? When I usually go out to visit, I have to work until late at night!" Li Le frowned fiercely, and looked at the sky just getting dark outside, "This TM Yancheng's nightlife has just officially begun, and you are ready to go back now?!"

"Then where else can you go?" Chengzi didn't want to go back so early, but there was still someone at home, "You are single and have nothing to worry about, and Han Xu and I have to go back to take care of Xiao Wei!"

Li Le understood and said with a sneer, "How could I forget about this, huh? That's not right, why did I hear that Xiao Wei has been taking care of you two?"

"Really? Who said that?" Chengzi looked confused.

Han Xu didn't say anything directly.

"Who else could it be? Didn't you tell Xiao Xiao? Now it's spread in the office that you two hired a child labor nanny to help you cook and do housework! Isn't that right? The evidence is conclusive, Chengzi, you must not deny it?"

Li Le seized a pain point and would not let it go even if he was beaten to death.

When Chengzi heard that it was Xiao Xiao who said that, he immediately shut up and said nothing, lest he would make more mistakes the more he talked.

"No, I have to go investigate, team leader, I'll go to your place tonight to have a meal!"

Li Le was like a dog-skin plaster, and he was completely dependent on it.

Han Xu didn't say anything, good guy, he was blackmailed like this?

"Fuck, Li Le, you are not interested in the bar? If you want to have a meal, just say it earlier!" Chengzi understood it. It turned out that this guy said a lot, but he had only one purpose.

Since Han Xu moved out, he hasn't invited his colleagues to have a meal.

Mainly because he is busy. This time, although Li Le is alone, he is a rich second-generation and must be taken care of specially.

"Okay, Orange, let's go buy some vegetables. I'll cook a stir-fried prawn dish today. I haven't cooked it for a long time, so my cooking skills are a little rusty."

When Orange heard Han Xu's words, he understood instantly. Wow, this is going to be the big move of the Salt King!

"Xu, isn't this bad?" Orange was a little bit muttering, and asked Han Xu in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, Li Le's ears worked well, and he was not calm, "What's wrong? I like stir-fried prawns the most! It's okay, I'll pay for all the dishes today!"

Orange looked back at the jubilant Li Le. Although he felt a little reluctant, there is a saying that goes, "You will suffer for your own sins!"

You are just walking into the trap, who can you blame? !

Originally, Orange was thinking whether the ingredients would be wasted, but he didn't expect Li Le to pay for everything, and this worry was instantly thrown out of the window!

"Okay, let's go! Let's treat Mr. Li well today!"

After Chengzi said that, he stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out.


The few of them went back to the North Suburb Police Station first, but they happened to encounter the evening rush hour and were stuck on the road for more than ten minutes.

It was not easy to go back and return the car.

Li Le originally wanted to drive his own car, but was stopped by Han Xu, "It's not far, just walk there, and you can also go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables. Chengzi, buy more wine today, let's have a good drink!"

When Chengzi heard that the ban on alcohol was lifted, he was immediately overjoyed, and he just wanted to hug Han Xu and bite him hard.

In the past few months, because of the case, the three of them have been busy and exhausted.

Han Xu thought it was necessary to relax, and he couldn't always be tense.

The three went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables, and then went to the supermarket to buy some.

Li Le paid with a smile, and he was indeed much more reliable than Chengzi, who was poor.

When Han Xu returned to the residential area where he rented, he happened to run into Attorney Jiang who was out for a walk.

"Hey, Officer Han, Officer Cheng, hello, who is this?"

Li Le had heard of Jiang Zigui's name a long time ago, and introduced himself with a smile, "My name is Li Le, and I'm their colleague."

"Oh, it's Officer Li," Attorney Jiang extended his big hands enthusiastically.

Li Le was still holding something in his hand, and raised it embarrassedly, "Sorry!"

Jiang Zigui took his hand back awkwardly, but he saw that there seemed to be some prawns in the bag in Li Le's hand, and his face changed immediately!

"Huh? Attorney Jiang, have you had a stomachache recently? Why do I see that your face doesn't look good, as if it's a little green?" Li Le is outspoken, and his observation skills are quite amazing!

Jiang Zigui's face twitched, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll just go out and exercise."

At this time, Chengzi asked at the right time, "Lawyer Jiang, you haven't eaten yet? Why don't you not go exercise, let's eat and drink together, I bought a lot of wine, enough!"

When Jiang Zigui heard this, he glanced at Han Xu again, and without waiting for the other party's enthusiastic invitation, he quickly refused, "I'm really sorry, thank you Officer Cheng for your kindness, I have a client waiting here, I won't disturb you."

"Hey, Lawyer Jiang, didn't you just say you were going out for exercise?" Li Le didn't understand and asked in confusion.

"Oh, we made an appointment to talk while running. Haha, then I won't bother you anymore. Officer Han, and the other two officers, let's meet again another day, another day!"

After Jiang Zigui said that, he was ready to run away.

Han Xu smiled, "Lawyer Jiang, didn't you make an appointment with Mr. Shen?"

Jiang Zigui's face changed slightly when he heard that, "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Officer Han. How did you guess it?"

"It's just a blind guess," Han Xu gave Jiang Zigui an unfathomable smile, and then said nothing more, took Chengzi and Li Le and said goodbye and went back.

Jiang Zigui stayed where he was, looking at the three people, shook his head slightly, and sighed for a long time...

Seeing that they were far away, Li Le just asked in confusion, "This lawyer Jiang is still involved with that Shen Lei?"

Han Xu pressed the elevator button and replied, "Of course, otherwise this case is quite difficult."

"You haven't been suspecting that Shen Lei all the time, have you?"

Before the elevator door opened, Li Le asked again.

"It's not that I want to suspect him, but all the clues point to this person in charge of Daxiawan!"

Han Xu turned around and smiled helplessly at Li Le.

"I heard that the meeting of the Municipal Office today is probably related to the case we are investigating now!"

Li Le is worthy of being an investigator, and he can even get this kind of internal information.

"What's the connection?" Chengzi asked in confusion.

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