"Officer Miao, I really don't know. If you tell a lie, I'll be struck by thunder..."

Chen Shaochong does it again!

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Han Xu, "So you don't know?"

Chen Shaochong looked at Han Xu blankly, nodded, and then shook his head, "Hmm, I don't know!"

"You'd better be honest. We have investigated it. Lying here will not do you any good." Miao Xiaolan's words became sharper, but she did not reveal that Wang Donglin had gone to the welfare home to find Chen Chunsheng, Director Chen. matter.

Han Xu glanced at Miao Xiaolan with satisfaction. As expected, he was the head of the serious crime team of Nancheng Police Station, and he still knew the importance of things.

The previous misunderstanding was immediately dispelled. It is estimated that Nancheng only asked Chen Shaochong, but did not reveal too much information.

"Officer Miao, I don't need to lie. I really don't know the whereabouts of the two of them! You have found the wrong person. I thought you were here because of Brother Ma at first." The look on Chen Shaochong's face was worse than that of Dou. E still wanted to be wronged.

"So, you know something about Ma Mingtao?"

Han Xu's ability to jump in thinking was far beyond that of ordinary people. Not only did Chen Shaochong fail to react, but even Miao Xiaolan on the side was a little confused.

Good guy, I pulled it back all of a sudden!

It’s hard to guard against it!

After all, Chen Shaochong is young. As long as he speaks, he is not afraid of finding any flaws.

Sure enough, he still let it slip!

"No, Officer Han, you didn't say anything!" Chen Shaochong quickly made up for it, "I really don't know the whereabouts of these people!

Brother Ma did find me three years ago, but since then, we have never met again. Whether he is dead or alive has nothing to do with me. "

"That Li Tianyi, didn't he tell you?" Han Xu asked along.

Chen Shaochong shook his head, "No, I haven't contacted Li Tianyi for a while. The last time was a year ago. He told me that Dong Shushu died, so..."

Stop suddenly!

"What?" Han Xu caught the topic instantly.

Chen Shaochong smiled, "It's nothing, just let me be careful. Who knows who killed Dong Shushu. Li Tianyi is afraid of implicating me. After all, we have all been with them for a while."

"Then who do you think Dong Shushu was killed? Did you have any enemies at the time?" Miao Xiaolan intervened at the right time and asked a very sharp question.

Chen Shaochong shook his head numbly, "Officer Miao, Officer Han, how old were I at that time? I was thirteen or fourteen years old. I actually just helped them run errands, buy things and so on. I didn't know anything at all. What Dong Shushu and the others did. I was not involved in those things at all.”

There is nothing wrong with what he said, and he meant it sincerely. It stands to reason that Chen Shaochong was only that old back then. He said he had been around for two and a half years, but in fact he was still a child. He didn't know many things, which is understandable.

Miao Xiaolan looked at Han Xu again after hearing this, and seemed to be moved by Chen Shaochong's words.

Han Xu remained expressionless, and after a long while he continued to ask, "Why did Ma Mingtao look for you before he ran away?"

Chen Shaochong didn't seem to expect that Han Xu would suddenly ask this question. His reaction was obviously slow before he replied, "He asked me to borrow some money!"

"Is it just borrowing money?" Han Xu didn't believe that Chen Shaochong had any savings at that age.

"I borrowed a lot, more than 30,000 yuan. Alas, I guess I won't get the money back." Chen Shaochong replied angrily.

"More than thirty thousand? Hehe, you are quite rich! How did you, a junior high school student, get so much money?" Miao Xiaolan couldn't help but frowned, ready to break the casserole and ask.

Chen Shaochong smiled, "Didn't I get admitted to a key high school at that time? My dad rewarded me!"

"I'm going to give you so much? It's impossible, right? This matter is easy to find out. I advise you to tell the truth!" Miao Xiaolan seized on this topic and continued to dig deeper!

Chen Shaochong's expression changed, he pursed his lips, and said leisurely, "My dad rewarded me a little, and then I took a little more from home."

"Take it? You didn't tell your family, why don't you tell them to take it?" Han Xu finally understood. It turned out to be a thief!

"Chen Shaochong, your behavior constitutes theft, do you know?" Miao Xiaolan took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire. It finally started to burn, but it couldn't be put out.

Chen Shaochong seemed to have known about this situation, and smiled, "Officer Miao, don't scare me. I admitted my mistake to my father afterwards, and he didn't mind. How can it be called theft?"

Miao Xiaolan didn't expect that Chen Shaochong was waiting for her here, so she snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Han Xu made an insinuation and said, "Hey, you can easily take out more than 30,000 yuan from home. It seems that your family is quite rich?"

Of course Chen Shaochong knew what Han Xu was trying to test, "Officer Han, I think you'd better ask my dad about this question. His hands and feet are not very clean. You can check it out by the way!"

Good guy, a loving father and a filial son!

Miao Xiaolan was almost shocked by Chen Shaochong's sexy moves!

Han Xu was also very curious about how Chen Shaochong's character was developed!

To be honest, it’s quite weird!

For the brothers and friends on the road, it seems that he stabbed me in both directions without batting an eyelid, but for my father, the knife stabbed me in the back clearly.

"Don't worry, we will find time to check, but it seems that you don't have a good relationship with Dean Chen?" Han Xu felt that this family matter was quite complicated, and perhaps something could be revealed.

Chen Shaochong didn't mind at all, "My old man has a good relationship with people outside, haha, but in my eyes, he's not that good!"

Han Xu understood a little, "You were often beaten when you were a child, right?"

Chen Shaochong didn't expect Han Xu to find out the truth so quickly, and fell silent for a long time.

Miao Xiaolan guessed the cause and effect!

It is estimated that Dean Chen has some tendency to domestic violence. Chen Shaochong was beaten since he was a child. No wonder he was so rebellious when he was thirteen or fourteen years old!

"Didn't you say that your father didn't care about you much?" Han Xu was talking about something else, and he just wanted a repeated stimulation.

Chen Shaochong finally showed some impatience on his face, "If violence is equal to discipline, then there is no so-called darkness in this world!"

"That makes sense!" Han Xu felt that he had asked enough questions, "Okay, you can go, thank you for cooperating with our work."

Miao Xiaolan didn't expect Han Xu to let the tiger go back to the mountain so soon, and frowned fiercely, but it was agreed before that Han Xu would be fully responsible for the questioning work, so she forcibly held back.

When Chen Shaochong heard this, he was even more confused!

"Officer Han, are you saying that I can leave?"

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