A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 446 Complex relationships between characters

When Lao Zhang heard that he could follow Captain Qin and Han Xu to investigate the case, his expression was like spring snow melting, and his whole spirit was very good!

Although Captain Qin Fen saw something, he didn't say much, but asked Lao Zhang to bring his computer and talk on the way, as if he was afraid that the other party would regret it.

You know, Lao Zhang has been squatting in the office area for many years, and he is as immovable as a mountain.

Now it's good, he actually recommended himself!

Good guy, how can such a good thing be easily let go!

If Lao Zhang overcomes his inner demons and corrects the problem of not going out for field work, his combat effectiveness is simply amazing!

The overall crime-solving rate of Group 2 must be raised to another level!

Qin Fen began to look forward to a bright future at this time!

Han Xu, Zhang Yaotao, Cheng Cheng, Li Le, don't look at there are only four people, plus forensic doctor Xiao Xiao and trace inspection Song Jiaer, these few people gathered together, it is completely a crime-solving team!

Of course, the most indispensable person is the backbone and the master of lying down, Captain Qin!

Lao Zhang quickly packed up the equipment he was going to take with him. In fact, there was nothing much. He closed his laptop, stuffed it into a backpack, and stood up, "Okay, Captain Qin, Han Xu, we can go!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really neat, Han Xu, let's go!" Qin Fen patted Lao Zhang's shoulder excitedly, turned back and said to Han Xu.

Lao Zhang walked to Han Xu and said with a smile, "Xu, I hope you can take care of me after you go out!"

Han Xu smiled awkwardly, "Brother Zhang, what are you talking about? With you here, I can put my heart at ease!"

"That won't work. We still have to rely on your big heart to solve the case!" Lao Zhang joked and pushed open the glass door of the criminal investigation office area first!


After the three of them left the office building of the Northern Suburbs Police Station, they got on Qin Fen's Grand Cherokee.

Captain Qin was the driver of course, and Han Xu sat in the co-pilot seat.

Before Lao Zhang sat down in the back, he took out his laptop from his bag and said, "Han Xu, what address did you ask me to check just now?"

Han Xu immediately reported the name of Chen Chunsheng, the director of the Happy Family Welfare Center.

It was the first time that Lao Zhang heard this name, and he asked curiously, "What case is this?"

Hearing this, Han Xu roughly described the case he had investigated in the past few days.

When Lao Zhang heard that as many as five skeletons were found behind the wall of the basement, he was also very angry!

It can be seen that the severity of the case has completely exceeded the scope that a normal person can accept!

But Lao Zhang is indeed calm enough, but his eyes are more determined, without too much emotional catharsis, which is much better than Qin Fen and Miao Xiaolan.

It's not that Lao Zhang is not a person who hates evil, but he can control his emotions well in a short time.

It seems that the previous accident still has a great impact on Lao Zhang.

"No. 44, Xinjian South Road, Daxiawan!"

Lao Zhang quickly found Chen Chunsheng's address from the police system.

After receiving it, Qin Fen entered the address into the navigation, turned back and gave Lao Zhang a thumbs up, then stepped on the accelerator, and the Grand Cherokee roared and headed straight for the destination!

Along the way, Han Xu shared more detailed information about the case with Lao Zhang!

One more person means more strength. Perhaps with Lao Zhang's logical thinking ability, he can open up a new idea.

After listening to Han Xu's detailed narration, Lao Zhang fell into silence and didn't say a word for a long time.

Qin Fen took the time to look back, "How is it? Are you confused? This case is really tricky. Yao Tao, who do you think the murderer is?"

Lao Zhang looked up at Qin Fen and Han Xu sitting in front, pursed his lips and said, "It's hard to say. The most important thing in handling a case is evidence. Without evidence, it's all fantasy! Even if the fantasy is right, it won't help without evidence!"

Of course, everyone in the car understood this truth, but the most tricky part of this case now is that there is no evidence!

Let alone evidence, there is not even a correct direction for fantasy.

Qin Fen's previous guesses, although some truth, are not enough to explain all the cases!

"So, what do you think we should do now?" Qin Fen seized the opportunity to pass the ball to Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang shook his head and was not prepared to continue, "I think Han Xu's idea is right. If we follow the vine of Chen Shaochong, we may find some unexpected surprises."

"That's what I said, but after all, Chen Shaochong is Chen Chunsheng's biological son. Even if the relationship is not good, blood is thicker than water. Chen Shaochong should not be so easy to kill his relatives for the sake of justice, right?" Qin Fen looked at the road and casually said what he was worried about.

Han Xu has also been worried about this problem. He has met Chen Shaochong before. Although the other party is not very old, he is very defensive. On the surface, his relationship with Chen Chunsheng is like fire and water, but in fact, his actions are very different!

For example, the prodigal son returns!

A rebellious kid who has been around for two and a half years suddenly turned over a new leaf. It doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it!

Such a sudden change must have a chance!

Or maybe something happened in the past that stimulated Chen Shaochong, which led to such a big contrast before and after!

It doesn't mean that everyone can stop before it's too late!

Especially those who have fallen into the abyss!

You have to know that what Chen Shaochong experienced was a real dark abyss!

Dong Shushu, Ma Mingtao, Li Tianyi, none of these people are ordinary hooligans!

Let’s not talk about Li Tianyi first. The main thing is the evil deeds of Dong Shushu and Ma Mingtao, which are not something that ordinary hooligans can do.

Chen Shaochong has been with such a person for more than two years. Even if his body and mind have not been corrupted, it must have left some shadows!

Han Xu could clearly feel something unusual when questioning Chen Shaochong before.

For example, Chen Shaochong seemed to be particularly repulsive to Dong Shushu, but was quite protective of Ma Mingtao, even imitating the meaning of sticking a knife in the ribs of the young and dangerous, and once lent Ma Mingtao tens of thousands of yuan for running away!

Given Ma Mingtao’s situation at the time, it is unlikely that Chen Shaochong took out the money from home under duress.

So, what is the relationship between Chen Shaochong, Dong Shushu, and Ma Mingtao?

And the particularly critical Li Tianyi!

You must know that the five skeletons were found in the basement next to Li Tian’s family!

So the question is, what does Li Tianyi know?

And where is this guy hiding now?

Han Xu tried to sort out the relationships between some people involved in the case, but it was like a mess.

"Han Xu, how long has this Ma Mingtao been on the run? Why does he look familiar to me?"

Lao Zhang flipped through a few pages of information handed over by Han Xu, his eyes fixed on a ferocious fat face, and suddenly said this.

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