A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 480 A special task force is about to be established

"Did you get Li Tianyi's account and password?" Xiong Dalin was not present at the time. The more he heard this and looked at Han Xu, the more pleased he became.

Han Xu nodded, "Li Tianyi is quite cooperative."

"What kind of cooperation? It's you!" Captain Qin Fenqin chuckled and told the truth.

After all, Li Tianyi has never cooperated since he was arrested at the Chengdong Police Station.

Even when Xiong Dalin and the Bear Brigade left the field in person, they didn't pry out a single word, which shows how tricky it is.

However, Han Xu broke through Li Tianyi's defenses with just a few simple words, and his method was very clever.

Xiong Dalin chuckled, "He is indeed my eldest nephew, he is so awesome!"

Qin Fen has seen shameless people before, but he has never seen such a shameless person, but there is nothing wrong with what he said, and he is still his eldest nephew, so he is really speechless.

Han Xu felt a little embarrassed when he was praised by the two leaders, and smiled awkwardly, "It's useless to ask. Li Tianyi only knows a lot, so it won't be of much help to the case!"

"It's not bad. At least it points us in a direction. Didn't Li Tianyi say that Dong Shushu and others are suspected of human trafficking? This kind of thing usually involves a lot of people. It shouldn't be difficult to follow the investigation." Xiong Dalin deserves it. It is an old criminal investigation, and a few words have opened up a new direction.

Of course Han Xu had thought about it too, but this would require a large number of police manpower!

The main reason is that the time span is relatively long, and the workload of visiting and arranging is very large, which cannot be investigated by one or two people.

Qin Fen seemed to see the embarrassment on Han Xu's face and said with a smile, "You have to eat one bite at a time and do everything one by one! Don't worry, I will mobilize the manpower of other groups tomorrow. Now that we have a direction, then Just say it! I still don’t believe that those scumbags Dong Shushu can do things perfectly!”

Han Xu nodded gratefully. Captain Qin Fenqin was not good at reasoning about cases, but the logistics department was excellent. It was the most solid backing and cornucopia. Whatever he asked for, he got it!

However, Xiong Dalin's side is a bit difficult to deal with. Li Tianyi's case is easy to explain, but Mr. Z, who was brought out, has to be investigated. The troublesome thing is that there is no computer master like Lao Zhang in the Chengdong Police Station. If you want to continue the investigation, you have to second experts from the City Department.

This meeting between a few people before supper was pretty much it.

At least the direction of the next investigation is clear, and he won't be wandering around like a headless fly.

In fact, not much time has passed since the discovery of those skeletons. It is already very rare to be able to achieve this step.

As for Nancheng, there has been no feedback of any valuable information. It seems that the Miao sisters have encountered some difficult problems.

Han Xu guessed that there must be some obstacle in finding the victim's identity!

If any information could be found in the missing persons database, Miao Xiaolan should have contacted her long ago, and it would not have taken such a long time.

Then the answer can only be that Curry couldn't find any information about the other four victims, just like Han Xu had guessed before!

These victims, except Wang Nannan, are most likely orphans, or marginalized people in society.

Even if they disappear, no one will notice!

It is unimaginable that the connection between this world and them is so weak, even to the point of being extremely cold!

Han Xu had to admit that he had not adjusted his mentality well until now!

The scenes I experienced in the morning seemed to be engraved in my mind, and I couldn’t get them out of my mind for a long time!

Especially when the victims were drawn one by one, the depressing emotions were simply beyond words.

What kind of person, or rather an animal, could do something so inferior to an animal?

Could it really be Dong Shushu?

There is also Ma Mingtao who is absconding and seems to be having fun under the lamp!

Apart from the two of them, is there anyone else directly involved in the skeleton case?

Han Xu subconsciously thought that Dong Shushu and Ma Mingtao seemed to be unable to do so many unscrupulous evil things!

Could there be a mastermind like Mr. Z behind them, or a big BOSS?

BOSS? boss? !

Han Xu naturally thought of Shen Lei from Yancheng Qiangsheng Group!

Nominally, Dong Shushu had been working under Shen Lei during his lifetime!

The relationship between Ma Mingtao and Shen Lei must not be too simple.

So, will Shen Lei be the mastermind behind this?

This guess is so logical, there is not even the slightest obstacle. Normal people will think of Shen Lei, but they are troubled by the lack of evidence.

At the final stage of the interrogation work, Han Xu specifically asked Li Tianyi if he had any impression of Shen Lei.

As a result, Li Tianyi's answer was very simple. He only knew that he was Dong Shushu's boss, and he had never met him even once.

In fact, Li Tianyi had not been hanging out with Ma Mingtao for a long time, and the guy absconded because of the crime.

It’s less than a year after all the calculations have been made!

Of course, Han Xu also got a list from Li Tianyi, including Ma Zai, his younger brother who he knew had been with Dong Shushu and Ma Mingtao.

But Han Xu had read their information at the Nancheng Police Station, and none of them were more suspected than Chen Shaochong and Li Tianyi.

However, to be on the safe side, Han Xu still passed the list to Miao Xiaolan, hoping that she could recheck these possible suspects.

While Xiong Dalin and Qin Fen were chatting, Han Xu had already reviewed the case again.

The result was still unsatisfactory, and it could be said that he reviewed it in vain!

After checking it over and over again, it was still the same. There seemed to be some clues on hand, but they were not important!

It even deviated from the case itself!

You must know that Han Xu started the investigation from Jiang Xuan's disappearance, and he still didn't figure out whether this person was important or not, and even whether he was alive or dead.

Next are Lu Lu, Wang Nannan, and the other four victims!

They and the dead Dong Shushu...

According to the investigation, the child in Lu Lu's belly is not Dong Shushu's, so whose is it?

Ma Mingtao? Or Shen Lei? !

Will the children in the stomachs of the other victims be the same person?

In fact, it is not difficult to solve these problems. In addition to some measures on Shen Lei's side, half of the truth can be found out through the DNA information left in the database by Dong Shushu and Ma Mingtao's previous records.

However, there has been no feedback from the Nancheng Police Station so far!

Han Xu did not call Miao Xiaolan in accordance with the principle of not disturbing too much.

It is estimated that Nancheng is almost in chaos!

You know, for such a big case, the Municipal Police Department will definitely send someone over.

The establishment of a special task force may be a matter of the next one or two days!

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