Or to be precise, something is missing!

I saw that a piece of the place where the payment should have been made was dug out!

A good painting turned into a defective one in the blink of an eye!

It can’t even be described as defective, it’s simply a waste of art!


Han Xu was a little confused. He really couldn't figure out why a certain chef in the kitchen made the painting look like this!

Are you afraid that you won't find out what's going on behind the scenes? !

That’s interesting!

Han Xu was certain and certain that the abstract oil painting in front of him was the one he had seen here before.

Only the place where the signature was signed was originally intact.

Now it has become what it is now!

Fortunately, Han Xu does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, but seeing such an obviously incomplete painting hanging on the wall still made him feel a little uncomfortable!

Painting is used to cultivate sentiment.

At this time, it seemed to have been given a new meaning.

Han Xu tilted his head and glanced at Lawyer Jiang who was still busy in the kitchen. He was a little confused about what medicine this guy was selling in his gourd!

Hey, are you afraid that you won’t think of the similarities between the two paintings?

Are you referring to a deer as a horse? Or is there no three hundred taels of silver here?

Han Xu was not sure what Lawyer Jiang was up to, so he simply sat back on the sofa in the living room and looked at his nose and heart. He stopped looking at the abstract oil painting at all.

As the saying goes, if the enemy cannot move, I will not move!

Lawyer Jiang picked out the signature on the painting, obviously trying to attract Han Xu's attention!

But Han Xu's thoughts at this moment were even more straightforward. He couldn't be fooled easily. You asked me to read it, but I refused to read it!

Although there is some element of anger in this move, the best policy is to remain unchanged in response to all changes. Otherwise, you will really have no choice but to be led by the nose by Attorney Jiang!

In several confrontations with Jiang Zigui, Han Xu did not take any advantage. The reason was that the opponent seemed to have laid out the game in advance every time, just like playing Go, inducing the black pieces into the trap step by step.

Although Jiang Zigui’s ultimate goal is still unclear, it is obviously not a good thing!

As soon as Han Xu sat down, Jiang Zigui poked his harmless head out of the kitchen and said, "Officer Han, there is Feizhai Happy Water in the refrigerator. Don't be polite, just take it yourself."

Hey, this kid Jiang Zigui is quite thoughtful. He remembered Han Xu's preferences in one go. No wonder he is the leading barrister in Yancheng. He has reached the point of mastery in grasping the preferences of his clients.

Han Xu nodded, responded, and walked a few steps to the refrigerator in the corner of the living room. The moment he opened the door, he suddenly remembered the three-door refrigerator in the back kitchen of Master Yan's restaurant when he was in Yaoyang.

Fortunately, I didn't look at the things inside, otherwise it wouldn't have left any shadow!

Seeing the refrigerator at this time was a bit jarring, and it suddenly brought back those memories. It seems that doing criminal investigation will indeed leave a lot of sequelae.

However, there were none of those things in the refrigerator in front of him. Han Xu opened the large refrigerator that Jiang Zi returned home, thinking that it might be because the refrigerator was too big to fit in the kitchen, so he had to put it in the living room.

It seemed that the occupational disease had occurred again. After Han Xu opened the refrigerated area and took out a can of Feizhai Happy Water, he unconsciously opened the freezer area under the refrigerator.

I saw a lot of meat neatly stacked inside, and it was all tenderloin red meat, without any fat at all.

"Haha, life is quite bourgeois. Isn't it greasy at all? Then will the food be delicious?!"

Han Xu shook his head, but the more he looked at the red meat, the more eye-catching it became.

At this moment, a huge head appeared next to Han Xu without warning, "Officer Han, how about I make a small fry? Add another dish?!"

Han Xu was startled by this big head, "Oh, you don't make any sound when you walk, you scared me to death!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and saw, good guy, this Jiang Zigui doesn't even wear slippers at home, he goes barefoot!

Jiang Zigui smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm used to not wearing shoes at home. I didn't scare you, did I, Officer Han?"

Han Xu calmed down, looked into Jiang Zigui's crystal clear eyes, smiled and shook his head, "No, I was still thinking, does Lawyer Jiang not really like eating fat meat?"

"No, I have a bad stomach. I don't like eating fat. It's too greasy and difficult to digest."

"Is there such a thing?" Han Xu said, stood up, and opened the Feizhai Happy Water with a pop.

"Eating too greasy may cause indigestion, but Officer Han is still so young, so it won't be a problem. But I can't. I can only fry steak and mutton chops." Jiang Zigui smiled, his eyes seemed to be shining. !

However, Han Xu was raising his head and taking a sip of happy water, and did not notice this detail!

"Officer Han, please sit down and wait a moment. The food will be hot soon!"

Jiang Zigui finished his sentence and returned to the kitchen!

Han Xu sighed and glanced at the large refrigerator next to him. He seemed to have thought of something just now, but after being disrupted by Attorney Jiang, he couldn't remember it at all, so he simply sat back on the sofa.

"Don't mention it yet, Lawyer Jiang, your sofa is quite comfortable. What brand is it?"

A voice came from the kitchen, "It's not a certain brand. I bought it from a flea market before, but it was really comfortable to sit on, so I haven't been willing to replace it!"

Han Xu could tell at a glance that the sofa was old, but the workmanship was not that good. "How can you get such a good thing at a flea market? Lawyer Jiang has won the first prize, right?"

"I think so. Many people say that I am very lucky!"

As Jiang Zigui spoke, he took out two plates of hot dishes from the kitchen and placed them on the dining table.

Han Xu stood up and walked over to take a look, "Oh, Lawyer Jiang is good at cooking!"

"Officer Han was joking, I just heated it up in the microwave, thanks to Xiao Wei's skills!" Jiang Zigui laughed, quite embarrassed.

"It's good to be able to use a microwave, but our orange can't even turn on a gas stove!"

"Really, I don't think Officer Cheng can cook, but as the saying goes, a good man is everywhere, never in the kitchen!" When Jiang Zigui talked about this, the expression on his face was really bright.

"Hey, Lawyer Jiang, it doesn't look like you don't like going to the kitchen!"

Han Xu couldn't help but joke.

"Oh, I can't help it, I was trained by my ex-wife!"

Jiang Zigui replied helplessly.

At this time, Han Xu just remembered that Jiang Zihui was still a divorced person!

But his ex-wife is not Miao Xiaolan!

As far as Han Xu knew, Jiang Zigui only got married after he broke up with Miao Xiaolan!

But the marriage still didn't last long!

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