Jiang Zigui is not only an eyewitness, but also a heavyweight in the story!

At least Han Xu thinks so.

Has what Wang Jichao, the doctor, heard from Li Hongwei been specially "modified"?

Of course, it is impossible to get any answer from Jiang Zigui to this question!

To put it bluntly, the Xueshan case has long been settled, and even if Jiang Zigui really has something fishy, ​​it cannot be verified!

Because everyone is dead!

There is no evidence!

Now whatever Jiang Zigui says is what it is!

No one can refute it, unless a miracle happens, or one of the parties comes back to life!

However, the reality is cruel. Not to mention coming back to life, there is no chance to leave any evidence!

Han Xu had to admit that if there was really something hidden in the Xueshan case, then this game was too big!

Let alone an amateur chess player like Han Xu, even the top nine-dan players would be powerless in the face of such a stalemate.

The entire case spanned a full eight years!

How could a scheme that had been set up for eight years be easily cracked!

Even if Jiang Zigui, the lawyer sitting in front of him, admitted something, he could still change his confession at any time. In other words, Han Xu actually had no way to deal with Jiang, and was completely suppressed by him.

It seems that it has no effect here to keep the same in the face of change!

After all, Jiang Zigui's level is there, which is really too scary.

However, Han Xu's temperament is that kind of stubborn. As long as he determines a thing, he will trace it to the end. No matter who you are, a madman or a genius, you have to get a result.

Jiang Zigui opened his eyes leisurely, looked at the young police officer in front of him calmly, and suggested, "Officer Han, I think we should not mention these things. Alas, when I think about it, my heart is blocked!"

Han Xu did not comment, but he didn't want to say it, and he couldn't force it!

This is a disguised silence. Sure enough, Jiang Da Lawyer will take advantage of the loophole.

"Then let's not talk about it. The dead are gone. We still have a long life ahead of us!"

Han Xu's words also have a hidden meaning. Ha, you don't want to say it, right? Then I will keep an eye on you. We still have a long life ahead of us!

Jiang Zigui obviously heard the hidden meaning of Han Xu and smiled awkwardly, "Yes, Officer Han is right. The dead are gone, day and night! People like me who are lucky enough to survive should look forward."

What a good sentence, attacking and attacking at the same time, kicking the ball back gorgeously without leaving any trace.

Han Xu is actually quite annoyed by this kind of half-sentence talk, MD, too much intrigue!

Orange is still good, no tricks!

"It's great that Lawyer Jiang can think this way, but you haven't answered the question I just asked?"

Han Xu didn't want to let Jiang Zigui go, and his words became more and more sharp.

Jiang Zigui frowned, and he came to my house to hold a Hongmen Banquet? !

"Sorry, Officer Han, which question are you referring to?"

Jiang Zigui was still calm and asked back.

Han Xu shook his head and said seriously, "Lawyer Jiang is really a noble man who forgets things easily. Of course, the question is how Zhao Wanting died."

Jiang Zigui pursed his lips, sighed slightly and replied, "Officer Han, didn't I tell Doctor Wang at the time that Wanting fell into the ravine after cutting the safety rope by herself?"

"Really? But Doctor Wang said that you were in the front row at the time. From your perspective, it is unlikely that you saw that scene, right?" Han Xu was blunt and picked out some sharp thorns.

Jiang Zigui immediately explained, "Officer Han is right. From my perspective, I really couldn't see it, but afterwards, I questioned Zhang Hengyi, and that guy didn't carry a knife at all, so it was impossible for him to cut the rope."

"Really? That means Zhang Hengyi is the person above Zhao Wanting. Apart from him, the only one who cut the rope could be Zhao Wanting?"

Following this line of thought, Han Xu began to dig deeper bit by bit.

"Yes," Jiang Zigui nodded slightly, admitting this.

"Then do you think Zhang Hengyi would have thrown the knife into the ravine after cutting the rope?"

Han Xu's views became more and more sharp, and there was nothing wrong with his reasoning, which was very reasonable!

Jiang Zigui frowned, and was obviously stunned for a moment, "It shouldn't be? Why did Zhang Hengyi throw the knife away?"

"I have to ask you this, Lawyer Jiang, you are the only survivor, think about it again, when you found Zhao Wanting's body in the ravine, did you find any tools like knives?"

Han Xu finally found some initiative, and directly set up a machine gun, and asked a series of questions, one sharper than the other!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zigui shook his head and said, "No, there were only some low bushes under the deep valley, and I didn't see anything else at the time."

"No? If it was Zhao Wanting who cut the rope herself, you should be able to find the knife she used, right?!"

Once Han Xu got the chance, he would not give Jiang Zigui any time to think. The follow-up questions were like a sharp knife, stabbing straight into the most fatal place.

"Hey, Officer Han, when you say that, I seem to remember that Leader Ye was searching for Wanting to see if she had any life-saving supplies. If so, the knife should have been taken away by Leader Ye Come on. "Jiang Zigui is not an economical lamp, and he solved the problem of the knife perfectly in just a few strokes.

"Oh, so that's it," Han Xu said noncommittally, his attack was suffocated!

Jiang Zigui took the opportunity and continued, "Officer Han, you don't suspect that Zhang Hengyi deliberately murdered Zhao Wanting, right?"

Han Xu replied calmly, "Didn't you vote at the beginning? You also cast the only negative vote."

Jiang Zigui nodded and said, "We had no choice at that time, otherwise we would have to die there together. Wanting is a little girl with limited physical strength and cannot climb up along the rope. But if she doesn't move, everyone else will move. No! To put it bluntly, we were like grasshoppers tied to a rope. If no one sacrificed, no one could escape!

But... alas, people's hearts are unpredictable. I didn't expect everyone to vote in favor!

They are not trying to escape danger, they are just committing murder! "

While listening to Jiang Zigui's account of what happened in the Snowy Mountains, Han Xu looked at the other party intently, hoping to get some more valuable information from it.

However, contrary to expectations, even when Jiang Zigui was telling those things, there was still no flaw in the expression on his face. Instead, in his words, he placed himself in a particularly high place. Perhaps the word "moral supreme point" is better.

But what if the person in line above Zhao Wanting in the order of going down the mountain was not Zhang Hengyi, but the lawyer Jiang in front of him? !

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