While Jiang Zigui and Attorney Jiang were enjoying the delicious food, Han Xu, who lived next door, was a little uneasy!

For some reason, he felt as if he had missed something, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. In short, he was not very comfortable and had no sleepiness at all.

Although he had hardly slept for a few hours from yesterday to now.

Fortunately, this body was young enough and strong, otherwise his eyelids would have been fighting long ago.

Han Xu couldn't sleep, so he simply sat on the sofa in the living room, turned off the lights, turned on the LCD TV, and passed the time in boredom, hoping to fall asleep early.

But things went against his wishes. The more he watched TV, the more energetic he became.

Maybe it was after that point, that is, the critical value of sleepiness. Once it exceeded, unless the body was particularly tired, it would be like insomnia and he couldn't fall asleep at all.

Han Xu turned the TV to a screen with snowflakes floating, closed his eyes slightly, and relaxed the whole person.

But his mind was particularly clear, and he still didn't feel sleepy at all.

At this moment, the phone at hand vibrated slightly.

Han Xu picked it up and glanced at it. A familiar name sent a message.

"Are you asleep?"

Three simple words, plus a question mark, without even any emoticons!

Han Xu smiled and replied, "No!"

Concise and to the point, without even an exclamation mark!

The communication between the two people was simple to a certain extent, but it exuded a sour smell.

"Then let's chat for a while!"

Song Jiaer replied quickly, as if she hadn't seen him for a few days, and it felt like a long time!

"Missed me?"

Perhaps only at this time could Han Xu recover a little cynicism!

After all, the busy cases these days were too depressing!

Even Han Xu couldn't find any good way to relieve it.

The whole person was like a tight string, and an invisible pressure lingered in his heart all the time.

It only took a few days from the angel case to the skeleton case.

But the nature of the case has changed drastically!

The Angel Case only involved the disappearance of Jiang Xuan, while the Skeleton Case involved six corpses and twelve lives!

If the case cannot be solved in a short time, once the case is leaked, the adverse effects caused are beyond Han Xu's imagination.

You know, Yancheng has never had such a bad serial murder case!

And the victims are all young girls!

To put it bluntly, once this case is leaked, it is possible that it will shock the entire Xia country, not to mention Yancheng.

After all, many police officers have been doing criminal investigation for a lifetime and have never heard of such a bad case, let alone those ordinary people.

So the Nancheng Police Station will be as if facing a great enemy and raise the confidentiality of the case to a very scary level.

Because no one can bear that responsibility!

As the saying goes, a murder case must be solved, not to mention such a big case!

Even Han Xu was on edge all day, and the pressure on Nancheng can be imagined.

Song Jiaer got some information from someone, and after finishing her work in Shanghai, she sent a message to Han Xu before going to bed.

I didn't expect Han Xu to be still awake at this time!

"Go away, you are so unruly every day! How are the cases on hand recently?"

Song Jiaer's workaholic attribute has not changed at all, and she always talks about cases.

"Don't worry about it. Didn't you say that the training will last until the New Year? Just study hard there and don't lose face for our Yancheng." Han Xu's straight male attribute was fully demonstrated in a few words. No wonder there has been no progress in the relationship line.

Song Jiaer was a little speechless over there, "I just want to ask what's wrong? Why are you keeping it secret from me?"

"That's not the case, it's just that the case is complicated and it can't be explained in a few words!"

"I have plenty of time, I'm just afraid that you are too sleepy!" Song Jiaer's attitude of breaking the casserole has not changed at all.

Han Xu had no choice but to pick out the key points, but he disliked typing too slowly, so he started a video call directly.

Song Jiaer on the other side did not hesitate at all, and her little head immediately appeared on the phone screen.

"Hey, the environment over there is pretty good? Do you live in such a big dormitory alone?"

Han Xu glanced at the big chandelier behind the little head, which did not look like a product of the dormitory at all.

"I'm at home, what dormitory?" Song Jiaer had a plain face, and she was the kind who could fight. At this time, she was pouting and turning the camera on her phone around.

Han Xu looked at Song Jiaer's boudoir. Oh, my goodness, it was full of professional tools. Except for a bed, it was no different from a laboratory.

"Oh, is this your bedroom? What is that thing on your hand, a hammer? Oh my goodness, there is also a human skeleton model. Looking at this thing, can you sleep?"

Han Xu was almost stunned by the scene in front of him.

I have seen workaholics, but I have never seen workaholics move their work to the bedroom!

Too scary, right?

How can I sleep after this? !

Song Jiaer had no idea of ​​Han Xu's inappropriate thoughts, and smiled, "What human skeleton model? That's real!"

"What the hell?" Han Xu almost went crazy when he heard this.

However, Song Jiaer laughed even more happily, "I'm just teasing you. If it's real, it will be terrible!"

Han Xu patted his chest. He was really scared, but after this, he was not so depressed anymore.

Song Jiaer showed the professionalism of the boudoir and said to Han Xu, "How is it? It's not bad here. I have everything!"

"No, it's a good bedroom. Why did you make it like this? It's so disgusting!"

Han Xu said an indisputable fact, but it was very straightforward, without so many twists and turns.

I usually deal with those criminal suspects a lot, and I am actually very tired of too much intrigue. On the contrary, I can talk to the carefree Song Jiaer very well!

Because I don't have to be serious, or to be more precise, I can open my heart and don't have so many scruples, so I speak quite straightforwardly!

But the outrageous thing is that Song Jiaer is also a person who doesn't like twists and turns, which is a special match for Han Xu.

"What do you know? You don't know that my family lives in the suburbs, far away from the training center. I don't want to go back and forth on weekends, so I brought these things back. I can do experiments and write reports at home. How good, do you think I'm smart?"

Song Jiaer rarely showed the attitude of a little girl.

"It's quite clever. Tsk, you figured it out. But that skeleton is too scary. You should throw it away quickly!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Is it okay to throw it away? I borrowed it from the training center with great difficulty. If I break it, I have to pay for it."

"Oh, that's not right. Aren't you a native of Yancheng? How come your family is in the suburbs of Magic City?" Han Xu always gets the key points.

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