Han Xu stood still.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Song Jiaer's words awakened the dreamer.

Yaxinyuan, this name is taken from Xiao Ya and Chen Jiaxin.

That is also Chen Yunlang's weak spot!

"Jiaer, you are so amazing!" Han Xu hung up the phone hurriedly without waiting for Song Jiaer to say anything.

Then he stopped a taxi on the roadside and reported the address of the flower shop.

"Lao Zhang, please help me check the electricity consumption of Chen Yunlang's flower shop!" Han Xu couldn't wait to call Lao Zhang's mobile phone again.

"Han Xu, can you do it again tomorrow! Don't let people live." Even Lao Zhang, who has a good temper, was choked with anger.

"Brother Zhang, I will pay for all the lunch boxes for next month! Guaranteed to be full!" Han Xu's tone was three parts anxious and seven parts painful.

"You said it, wait." Lao Zhang stopped when he saw the good, as if he was afraid that Han Xu would regret it.

Soon, another page of list was sent to Han Xu's mobile phone.

Han Xu carefully recalled the layout of Chen Yunlang's flower shop. It seemed that there was only one air conditioner. Logically, it should not have such a large power consumption.

That is to say, there is a high possibility that there is something fishy there!

Han Xu called Chengzi again, "Go to the flower shop! There is a problem there!"

Chengzi was just about to lie down when he received the call, and he was confused, "What flower shop? What's the problem?"

"The flower shop opened by Chen Yunlang! Hurry up, meet there in fifteen minutes." Han Xu was like a conscript.

The taxi driver turned back suddenly, "Handsome guy, give me half an hour, I can't get there!"


When the two met, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

The street of the flower shop was quiet, and there was not even a ghost.

"What did you find again?" Chengzi looked back and forth, like a thief.

"Unlock! Quickly." Han Xu stood at the door for a long time, and Chengzi came too slowly.

"Isn't this inappropriate?"

"We have a search warrant, what are we afraid of!"

Orange thought so too, it's just a lock.

"Snap!" It opened!

Han Xu was not surprised and rushed in first.

It was dark, looking back at his memory, turn on the light!

The whole flower shop was the same as when he came in the morning, almost unchanged.

This place has been searched! No valuable clues were found.

However, this search was not very careful, and it should have overlooked something very important.

Han Xu stood there and tried to put himself in Chen Yunlang's perspective.

If it were me, where would I hide the most important thing?


The most alternative, but the easiest to be overlooked!

Han Xu and Orange even drank tea on it, so naturally they would not think there was anything wrong with this place!

Thinking of this, Han Xu took two big steps to the back room.

"Come on, Orange, help move this thing away!"

The two of them struggled, and then they found that the tatami was fixed to the floor and did not move at all.

"How do we move this?" Orange leaned down and fumbled with his fingers at the connection between the tatami and the floor, and came to a conclusion, "Why is this thing still poured with cement?"

"There must be something underneath. I'll take responsibility if someone forcibly demolishes it."


According to the order, Orange found a shovel for loosening the soil from the flower shop and weighed it in his hand.

"No need to find someone, this thing is quite handy. Get out of the way."

Before he finished speaking, he violently attacked the tatami!

Anyway, he didn't have to pay for it himself. In less than ten minutes, the ground was already in a mess.

Han Xu still underestimated Orange's destructive power!

The crime scene looked like it was run over by a tank.

"NB!" Han Xu raised his thumb.

"It's sealed down here!" Orange carefully checked the ground under the tatami and said with his head raised.

Han Xu also saw that the exposed area had a two-meter square area with traces of cement pouring on the edge. It can be seen at a glance that the construction workers were not professionals and their techniques were very rough.

"Can it be opened?" Han Xu asked.

Chengzi shook his head like a rattle, "This is cement!"

"What should we do?" Han Xu asked again.

"Find someone! Without professional tools, you expect me to use my head to break it open!"

"Or, you try first?"

"Get lost!"


After all this trouble, it was already early in the morning, but Han Xu did not give up. He finally found a clue and gritted his teeth and called 119 directly!

Of course, he just asked the fire department to give appropriate help.

After wasting a lot of saliva, the fire department finally agreed to send someone over.

What surprised Han Xu was that the two young men arrived at the scene in less than ten minutes. It was said that they ran through five or six red lights along the way! Speed ​​is of the essence!

As a result, when they arrived at the place, they had to break a piece of cement floor?

This fire alarm was received, which was quite weird.

Han Xu showed his ID, handed over a cigarette, and smiled.

If there is no more discovery, it will be too shameful to work in the North Suburbs Police Station.

The two young men were very polite. They took the equipment and started to demolish in no time!

After digging one foot into the ground, there was cement!

There was just a piece of wire at the edge, which went straight down.

After digging another foot, there was still cement!

Because the electric pickaxe used by the firefighters was too loud, even though this place was "deserted", it still attracted a lot of onlookers near the early morning, and many mobile phone cameras were even shooting at the flower shop.

An underground tomb was found in a flower shop on Gulou Street, and the news spread like wildfire!

It made Han Xu and Chengzi laugh and cry!

After half an hour of tossing and turning, two groups of police officers from the street police station came. Needless to say, someone called 110 and disturbed the people in the middle of the night!

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more out of control, Han Xu simply let it go and asked the street police to help maintain order. The scene was cordoned off!

Chengzi was grumbling, pulling Han Xu's clothes, "If we hadn't discovered it, Captain Qin would come back tomorrow and stew us, wouldn't he?"

"Who knew it would be so noisy? Good luck. If it wasn't discovered, I'll go back to my street. If you can't do it, just go to the police station to watch the gate." Han Xu swallowed his saliva and decided to take a gamble.

"Fuck, it's not that serious, right?" Chengzi's face changed, green and white.

"I'm just kidding you, it's not that serious, but you can't escape by writing a self-criticism, and there's a bonus next month!" Han Xu said happily.

"Fuck, write a self-criticism? That's even worse!" Orange seemed to see the end of the world.

"It's the bottom, there's something underneath!" This sudden voice reached the ears of the two people, like the sound of nature.

The two rushed in at the same time and saw that they had dug more than three feet into the small space. They saw a black thing underneath, which seemed to be made of metal.

"What is this?" Orange asked vaguely.

A young firefighter raised his somewhat immature face, full of disbelief, "It looks like a freezer, and it's still powered!"

Han Xu let out a long breath, damn, finally saw this thing again!

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