Unlikely? !

Han Xu couldn't believe it!

Even though this idea is probably close to the truth, it is a bit too far-fetched.

Even beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Han Xu couldn't help shaking his head, trying to get rid of this bizarre thought.

After all, it’s too incredible!

"Han Xu, what did you think of?"

Lao Zhang on the side caught Han Xu's subtle movements and couldn't help but ask.

Otherwise, Lao Zhang's observation skills are quite abnormal. Even such a small detail could not escape his eyes.

When Li Le heard this, he looked at Han Xu doubtfully.

"Han Xu, what do you mean by Ma Mingtao's acting?"

It’s still the same problem as before, but the target has been changed from multiple people to someone.

Han Xu shook his head slightly, "It's not clear yet, but it will be increasingly difficult to pry something out of Ma Mingtao's mouth."

Several people present had to admit that what Han Xu said was an indisputable fact.

At this time, Ma Mingtao in the interrogation room seemed to be covered with a layer of iron armor. Not only was his defense extremely strong, he was almost invulnerable to water and fire.

"You said before that you were only 50% sure. I didn't quite believe it. It seems that you still estimated conservatively. This Ma Mingtao does have two brushes. Just like Yao Tao said, there seems to be no flaws at all!" Qin Captain Fenqin summarized two sentences following Han Xu's topic.

But for the interrogation, it doesn't help, it's the same as saying nothing!

Lao Zhang returned his attention to Ma Mingtao in the interrogation room, "This guy is the strangest one I have ever seen. Han Xu, you said before that he has a perceptual personality, but why do I think Ma Mingtao is very rational?!"

Li Le nodded and agreed, "Yes, Ma Mingtao seems quite rational! He speaks impeccably. He doesn't look like a sentimental and loyal guy at all, right?

As for his character as a filial son, the video of the old lady has been played repeatedly for almost an hour, but this guy didn’t react at all!

In other words, the things Ma Mingtao showed seemed to be staged, right? ! "

Li Le's last sentence hit the point.

Even Captain Qin Fenqin couldn't help but look at him with admiration, "Li Le is right, Han Xu, I think this guy is really acting, but his acting skills are so good that he deceived us all! Wow, really. TM’s awesome!”

After listening to the opinions of Captain Li Le and Captain Qin Fen, Han Xu couldn't help but look at Lao Zhang again, especially wanting to know what he thought.

After all, apart from Han Xu, Lao Zhang is the interrogator closest to the criminal suspect Ma Mingtao, and may be more meticulous in his observations than others!

As soon as Lao Zhang looked away from Ma Mingtao, he happened to catch Han Xu's eyes looking over. He hesitated for a moment and then said slowly, "Both Captain Qin and Li Le's analysis makes sense. Ma Mingtao's psychological quality is quite terrifying. On the surface, There are no flaws at all, but the whole process is so smooth! ”

When Li Le heard the word Lao Zhang described, he asked doubtfully, "What does it mean?"

As an old criminal investigator, Captain Qin Fen naturally understood the meaning of Lao Zhang's words, and immediately explained, "Yao Tao means that throughout the interrogation process, Ma Mingtao's performance was almost flawless, but it was too smooth, or It’s too perfect, but it exposes a big problem!”

"What's the problem?" Li Le was almost confused again, but he quickly came to his senses, and his face instantly became extremely clear. "You mean, Ma Mingtao's performance was too perfect, and it seemed a bit fake." Already?"

"You finally figured it out!" Captain Qin Fen chuckled and patted Li Le's thin shoulder. Although he said this, he still showed appreciation.

After all, not everyone can be as perfect as Han Xu in the growth period of newcomers!

Usually people like Li Le can be listed as key training targets in the department.

But it's a pity that Ji Shengle and He Shengxu don't seem to be on the same level at all.

Several people present analyzed and analyzed it. In fact, it was just closer to Han Xu's original guess.

As Lao Zhang analyzed, this Ma Mingtao's performance was indeed too perfect.

Even during the entire interrogation process, even Han Xu didn't find any obvious loopholes!

One or two of them were easily neutralized by the opponent, and they were eliminated and attacked, creating a more favorable situation.

I have to say that Ma Mingtao's rank is still very good!

At least one against four is not a problem!

It's a pity that Han Xu is not a vegetarian. The problems that Lao Zhang can see cannot be hidden from his discernment.

At that moment, Han Xu even thought of an even more outrageous idea.

Ma Mingtao not only started acting as soon as he entered the police station door, but most likely, looking at the overall situation, he has been acting his entire life!

In other words, Ma Mingtao's entire life is a drama!

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

But this idea was so outrageous that even Han Xu himself couldn't believe it!

It’s so unbelievable after all!

It's okay to act for a few scenes, but how can someone spend their whole life acting? !

But if Ma Mingtao is not acting, how can we explain his character? !

A filial son, a gangster leader, a reliable boyfriend, a responsible caregiver, or a drug addict who can quit, or a ruthless demon...

Ma Mingtao has too many identities and mysteries!

Han Xu couldn't even imagine how this guy could switch smoothly between these identities.

Because after all, these characters are completely different, and many of them are quite different!

If you want to jump back and forth between these characters without some acting skills to support it, you will go crazy, right? !

And is this guy a demon hiding behind the scenes? !

This question is the most important.

But there is no answer at present!

"Han Xu, what do you think?"

After praising Li Le, Captain Qin Fen couldn't help but look at the most popular newcomer in the Beijiao Police Station.

The answer discussed by several people seems to be close to the "truth", but it seems to be far away!

Because whether Ma Mingtao is acting or not, it doesn't mean much to the case.

At most, it can be used to question the authenticity of Ma Mingtao's testimony, but there is still no evidence to refute it.

So Han Xu is not prepared to speak out the outrageous idea before.

After all, it is too shocking!

If that is the case, several people combined, tied together, may not be Ma Mingtao's opponent.

Good guy, he has been acting all his life, so what level is this guy?

Master? !

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