Han Xu looked around at the few people, but did not show the slightest anxiety. Instead, he said calmly,

"South City has sent enough people to find Chu Tianhe. I don't think we need to intervene too much.

Since Chu Tianhe was able to disappear under the nose of the South City police, it is estimated that it is as difficult to find him in a short time as to find a needle in a haystack!"

Old Zhang nodded and said, "Han Xu is right. Since Chu Tianhe has jumped out of the circle, he must have left some tricks. Even if we intervene, it will be useless and waste police force in vain!"

After listening to the two people's opinions, Qin Fen frowned and thought. After a moment, he slowly said, "What you said makes sense, but we can't just stand there and watch."

Han Xu suddenly thought of something, "How about we go climb Yuntai Mountain together?"

Orange was a little confused when he heard this, "What, climb Yuntai Mountain, now?"

Li Le understood it immediately, "What climbing a mountain? Don't you see how dark it is outside? Han Xu means that he wants to visit Chu Tianhe's hometown!"

Orange was retorted and was a little unconvinced, "I just said it casually, how could I not know what Han Xu wanted to do!"

"Well, I can't argue with you, okay?" Li Le was defeated directly, a good man doesn't fight with a rough man!

The main thing is that now is not the time to bicker.

Qin Fen glared at Chengzi and Li Le, then turned to look at Han Xu, "Are you going now? Do you suspect that Chu Tianhe has gone back to his hometown?"

Han Xu shook his head, "That's not the case. The probability of Chu Tianhe going back to his hometown is not high."

"Why is that?!"

Before Han Xu could explain anything, Lao Zhang took over the conversation, "Chu Yuntai's wife, Chu Tianhe's mother, is still in her hometown. Maybe she should know something."

After hearing what Lao Zhang said, Qin Fen suddenly realized, "That makes sense. After all, Chu Yuntai has been lying in the hospital for nearly a year. Chu Tianhe and his mother must have been accompanying him. Maybe something happened during that time."

"For example, a corpse?" Li Le's ideas were always vague, but he never lacked imagination!

Captain Qin Fen gave him a head slap without hesitation, "Only you can do it!"

Li Le felt pain and dared not interrupt again.

However, there is nothing wrong with this idea of ​​reviving a corpse. Han Xu continued, "The person is not dead yet, so it cannot be called a revival of corpse, but it is very likely that some miracles have happened, such as Chu Yuntai waking up!"

"The vegetative person woke up? Damn, this is like a TV series. I have never heard of a case where a vegetative person can wake up!" Li Le was so angry that he couldn't help but say another sentence.

"What a fuss! There are so many strange things in this world! What's so strange about it!" Orange chose to stand firmly on Han Xu's side and ruthlessly responded to Li Le.

Old Zhang directly filtered out the useless remarks of Li Le and Chengzi, and followed Han Xu's thoughts, "If Chu Yuntai had woken up, then he might have confessed something, such as Han Xu's guess just now, that the person who hit Chu Yuntai was Dong Shushu!"

Li Le resumed a little bit of normal brainstorming mode, "Hiss~ So, Chu Yuntai told Chu Tianhe about the person who hit him? Then Dong Shushu might have been killed by Chu Tianhe, right? I wonder why that kid happened to move there!"

When Captain Qin Fen heard this, he also figured out a general idea, but everything was based on speculation. Without substantial evidence, it was still untenable. He then said, "It's good to make bold guesses, but it's boring to keep guessing. Let's follow the clues and go out to find evidence."

Hearing the leader speak, Han Xu and others nodded in response.

Next, several people packed up, led by Qin Fen, and the five of them went straight to Yuntai Mountain.

When they set off, it was already past six in the afternoon, and the sky had already darkened.

Qin Fen drove his Grand Cherokee, Han Xu sat in the passenger seat, Lao Zhang sat in the back seat, and Chengzi sat in Li Le's Raptor, and the two cars left the city one after the other.

Yuntaishan Scenic Area is located in the northwest of Yancheng, more than 30 kilometers away from the city, with a total area of ​​220 square kilometers. It is an ecological tourism scenic area featuring Jiangnan mountain and waterscape, taking into account the geological and landform landscape of canyons, and it also has certain historical and cultural connotations, and is a good place that combines scientific and aesthetic values.

To put it simply, the scenery is unique here!

Although Yuntaishan is located in Jiangnan, its geographical features are quite peculiar, and there are many scenic spots, such as Hongtiao Gorge, Tanshui Gorge, Quanfang Gorge, Zicai Lake, Baijiayan, etc.

The entire scenic area is named Yuntai because of its steep mountains and clouds and fog between peaks and valleys all year round.

As a local, Qin Fen has come here to relax many times, so he is familiar with the road. While driving, he did not forget to popularize some myths about Yuntaishan to Han Xu.

But most of them are just rumors, just to add some tourist selling points.

Lao Zhang almost fell asleep in the back seat.

Li Le and Chengzi in the other car were still bickering all the way, following closely behind the Grand Cherokee.

Their destination was a small village called Putaoshe.

In recent years, thanks to the village-to-village project, all the villages around the suburbs of Yancheng have been connected, except for Putaoshe, which was located in the mountains and had a hard time getting a cement road.

As a result, the village, which originally had few households, became even more sparsely populated.

Most people have left the village, some are working, some are migrating, and the small village in Yuntaishan Scenic Area is almost deserted.

Han Xu sat in the co-pilot seat, looking at the hazy outline of the mountains hidden in the twilight outside the window, and asked curiously, "Brother Zhang, how many families are left in that village?"

"You mean Grape Village?" Old Zhang almost fell asleep. When he heard Han Xu's question, he thought about it, "There are about ten households left. Logically speaking, it is also within the scope of Yuntaishan Scenic Area. The villagers do some tourism-related industries, such as farmhouses, and they can make money. But I don't know why, the villagers of Grape Village don't seem to want to stay there. Whether they have the conditions or not, most of them have moved out."

"Those without conditions have also moved out?" Han Xu was even more curious when he heard this.

"Of course, they scrape together and sell their pots and irons. Anyway, they will never live there. I've never seen such a thing in my life!" Old Zhang shook his head, not knowing what those villagers were thinking.

"It's really strange," Captain Qin Fen Qin said while staring at the road conditions, "Yancheng has been vigorously developing the tourism industry. The grape village has such good conditions, but the villagers don't know how to make good use of it. Instead, they all ran away.

Alas, the world is full of wonders!

Is there a ghost in the village?!"

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