Lao Zhang nodded and continued, "The young man was preparing to go to work in the fields that day. However, on the way, he suddenly fell to the ground. Then he foamed at the mouth and convulsed all over. By the time the barefoot doctor from the village rushed over, , had already died, less than ten minutes before and after.

Coincidentally, there was also an old man who died mysteriously on the same day.

In the afternoon of that day, he even visited a neighbor's house. However, as soon as he returned to his own home, the old man began to sweat profusely and slurred his speech. He died not long after. "

"It sounds like symptoms of poisoning!"

When Han Xu heard this, he couldn't help but think of that direction.

"You are right, it is indeed similar, but the frightening death toll is still too many. Who would do this to the people in the village?"

The information that Lao Zhang knew was limited, and he had only heard a general outline. There were still many inside stories that he did not know.

Qin Fen was different. He happened to be working at that time. Although he had no direct contact with the case, he was within the system after all. What he knew was at least much more real than what Lao Zhang heard from hearsay.

"There was a lot of commotion at that time. The villagers did not agree with the results of the expert team, let alone convinced. In addition, the villagers' education level at that time was generally not high, and their concepts were relatively traditional. To put it bluntly, they were superstitious. .

Therefore, some people speculated that the village might have been cursed by something unclean, which caused such a disaster. Gradually, the rumors of ghosts became more and more intense, and many villagers moved away from the village one after another. "

When Han Xu heard this, he nodded silently. Don't talk about such weird and outrageous things. If there is any trouble, people at that time may rush towards the direction of monsters and monsters!

"and after?"

Lao Zhang shook his head when he heard this, "I'm not sure what happened next."

After saying that, he looked at Captain Qin in the driver's seat.

Obviously, the immediate boss knew better.

When Qin Fen saw this, he was not hiding his temper in the first place, so he continued cheerfully, "What happened later was even more outrageous.

The phenomenon of villagers dying one after another lasted for six full years. At the end of the last year, another large-scale fire broke out in this relatively sparsely populated village. I remember that there seemed to be more than 20 houses in this sudden fire. burned to ashes in the fire.

Through preliminary investigation at that time, it was determined that the source of the fire was near a wire, so it was concluded that the fire may have been caused by aging circuits. "

"Is the circuit aging?"

When Han Xu heard this, he frowned again. Most of the houses in the local rural areas of Yancheng were made of wooden structures. If rescue failed, not to mention burning down more than 20 houses in a row, it might even trigger a mountain fire, and the consequences would be even worse. It's unimaginable.

But the idea of ​​circuit aging is a bit strange.

Sure enough, Captain Qin Fenqin continued, "But what's even more outrageous is that just over two months have passed since the last fire, and there was another fire in the small village!

This time the situation was even more serious. Almost fifty houses were burned, including the village committee's office building and private houses.

Soon, two abnormal fires spread nearby, and combined with the previous mysterious deaths of villagers, this quiet and ancient village was labeled a "ghost village".

In fact, after the second fire broke out, the police had already noticed something was wrong and boldly guessed that the fire was not caused by a short circuit in the wires. If it was not a natural disaster, it would be a man-made disaster.

With this bold hypothesis, the police re-investigated the village.

If you think about it, there were not many permanent residents in the village at that time. It was quite easy to find someone who was different. As a result, a doctor named Chu Manfu came into the police's sight! "

"Doctor? He is the barefoot doctor in the village?"

Han Xu instantly grasped an extremely critical point.

Qin Fen nodded while looking at the lighted road ahead, "Well, that's right, he's the barefoot doctor in the village. Many people in the village have seen him."

"Could it be this guy who did it?"

Lao Zhang immediately realized how suspicious this barefoot doctor named Chu Manfu was.

Qin Fen continued, "According to police investigation, before the second fire broke out, someone in the village saw Chu Manfu near the source of the fire!"

"Yes, he didn't run away. Is this the devil who killed so many people?"

Qin Fen shook his head when he heard this, "After Chu Manfu was brought back to the police station, it didn't take long for his psychological defense to collapse and he admitted that he was responsible for the two arson cases.

What's even more surprising is that this Chu Manfu is not only related to two mysterious arson cases, but also the mysterious deaths of villagers before. "

"Fuck, seventy-six lives in six years, this guy is so cruel, and he's not a human being!" Lao Zhang, who had always been calm, felt a little numb when he heard this, and couldn't help but uttered a curse word, "He is Why do you want to kill so many people?”

Captain Qin Fen seemed to have guessed that Lao Zhang had this question. He sighed and shook his head, "The reason is actually very simple. This Chu Manfu is not only the only barefoot doctor in the village, but he also opened a funeral supplies store in the village. But Because there are too few people in the village and only a few people die every year, Chu Manfu’s funeral supplies store has never had much business. It’s very bleak! "

When Qin Fen said this, everyone understood!

Chu Manfu was just trying to make a little profit from the funeral expenses, but he actually set his sights on the villagers who were always there.

In the years when the case happened, Chu Manfu had repeatedly put an unnamed highly toxic substance into the villagers' drinking water and medicine, so the villagers who died strangely at that time were actually almost all poisoned.

"According to this, those villagers were poisoned to death by Chu Manfu, but why didn't the expert team find out?!" After hearing this story, Lao Zhang was filled with indignation, but still couldn't figure out some of the details.

Qin Fen sighed again and replied slowly, "The reason why the expert team did not find anything unusual was that, on the one hand, most of the deceased's family members did not agree to dissect the bodies at that time, so as not to disturb the deceased's reincarnation.

On the other hand, during the period of the expert team's investigation, Chu Manyu withdrew his magical powers and did not poison during that period.

Also, the village was originally a hollow village with a small population. No one would have thought that the murderer was actually a local villager who was rarely seen.

The barefoot doctor and the funeral home owner took advantage of this and successfully poisoned several times, killing a total of seven villagers!"

"Seven? Didn't you say seventy-six?"

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