"However, after all, Zhou Huai'an is the eldest grandson of the Zhou family. He doesn't even get a pick-up and drop-off treatment. It's really unjustifiable."

Li Le shook his head and analyzed.

Cheng Zi asked curiously, "That is to say, Zhou Huaian is still the young master of the Zhou family, and he still has to walk dozens of miles of mountain roads every time he goes home. Is that okay? Why do you feel worse than a servant?"

"Maybe it's because of this that Zhou Huaian escaped and survived!"

Li Le sighed, unable to walk again.

"All ten members of a family were killed overnight, leaving only Zhou Huaian as a survivor. At that time, the task force was more interested in vendetta, but there is a problem that I have never been able to figure out."

Cheng Zi frowned and hesitated to speak.

Li Le couldn't stand it anymore, "Hey, Chengzi, when did you learn Han Xu's trick of selling off people? If you have something to say, hurry up and hold on tight!"

Han Xu looked back at Cheng Zi with the same curiosity.

Chengzi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and asked a common question, "If it was a vendetta, why has Zhou Huaian been living in peace and harmony for so many years?

At the beginning, even things like Jingguan were built, and there was no difference between hatred and grievances, and there was no difference between life and death, but why didn't the murderer get rid of the roots? "

In fact, this problem has always been obvious, and it is also a difficult and complicated disease that troubles many criminal investigators.

Li Le had never thought about this problem before, and was startled when he heard this, "Yes, if there is sworn hatred, how could it not be eradicated?! Could it be that it's not a vendetta at all?"

Before Han Xu could say anything, Chengzi frowned again, "But all the signs at the scene show that the chance of a vendetta is indeed the highest, and how on earth did the murderer kill so many people without leaving any traces?" There are no traces, it’s not scientific! Don’t you think so, Han Xu?”

The final tip of the spear returned to Han.

Han Xu shook his head helplessly, "Who knows, this murderer, or this group of murderers is indeed extraordinary. Although the criminal investigation methods were not very mature at the time, it was still too difficult to commit the crime without leaving any trace! Unless there is someone among the murderers A true master can hide the truth from the sky! ”

"A true master? Did such a guy exist twenty-eight years ago?"

When Li Le heard this, he couldn't help but have some doubts. After all, it is almost an impossible task to commit a crime without leaving a trace.

Even now, some traces can indeed be erased through some means.

But you must know that the Zhou family villa occupies a large area. Killing more than ten people in that environment overnight without leaving any traces is simply more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Li Le has always been a loyal supporter of Rocca's law. "Whenever two objects come into contact, transfer will inevitably occur! Since the murderer killed so many people, how could he not leave any traces? This is too weird. ! Let alone twenty-eight years ago, even with today's technological means, it is impossible to do this.

Could it be that a robot killed someone? "

"Damn it, Li Le, you really dare to think about it. That was twenty-eight years ago? Not to mention robots, there weren't even drones!" Chengzi retorted unceremoniously.

Li Le rubbed the back of his head, slightly embarrassed, "Then tell me, how did the murderer do it?"

Cheng Zi didn't answer the question, and said something unprecedented, "Do you think the murderer is Zhou Huai'an? After the murder, he pretended to be crazy and acted stupid again, and Jin Chan escaped?!"

This idea coincided with Han Xu's previous speculation, but later Han Xu gave up the idea.

After all, considering Zhou Huaian's age, he was just a high school student. How could he kill so many people in the Zhou family silently?

And what is his motive for doing this?

Is it just to kill people to vent their anger?

According to the investigation, no motive for Zhou Huaian's murder was found.

Twenty-eight years later, Han Xu also compared Zhou Huaian's NDA map and determined that Zhou Huaian was the flesh and blood of the Zhou family, and there were no ethical variables.

"Hey, Chengzi, when did you become so smart? Don't tell me, I also think there is something wrong with Zhou Huai'an! He is the only survivor, and after so many years, no one has looked for him. Qiu, tsk tsk..." Li Lejing Chengzi reminded him, and he immediately thought that this guess seemed quite logical.

However, Han Xu interrupted, "Tell me, what is Zhou Huai'an's motive? Why did he kill a whole family? They are all his close relatives!"

Cheng Zi and Li Le both frowned when they heard this, especially Cheng Zi, who felt his head was about to burn, "Yes, what is Zhou Huai'an's motive? They are all his beloved relatives and friends!"

"You need to pay more?!" Li Le answered casually and continued, "I mean, does it have something to do with money?"

"A kid of seventeen or eighteen years old is still in high school. What do you think he wants to do with so much money from his family? It's unreasonable! Can he kill his relatives if he is greedy for money? Damn it, is he still a human being? And what happens afterward? You’re crazy. You’ve been in a sanatorium for a whole life. What’s the point? There’s almost no one left, so why do you need so much money?”

Maybe because of breathing the fresh air in the mountains, Chengzi's thinking became particularly clear, and he could say a lot of rebuttals in one breath, and they all followed basic logic.

"Fuck, this is not right, that is not right, this case is really difficult to handle, usually murder cases are inseparable from the three words love, hatred, and money, but this family murder case seems to have nothing to do with these three words! Could it be a random crime?"

Li Le's brain was about to explode, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Han Xu shook his head. In fact, these thoughts had already passed through his mind countless times.

The most difficult part of the 7.21 Yuntaishan family murder case 28 years ago was that the murderer did not leave any traces or clues for investigation, and secondly, there was no trace of the motive for the crime.

Because the Zhou family had been wiped out, the only remaining Zhou Huaian had been crazy for so many years!

So no one knew what happened in the Zhou family villa that year.

Usually, the murder of a family was mostly caused by revenge!

But after many investigations, the police did not find anyone who had a grudge against the Zhou family!

The Zhou family has always been low-key and conservative, and they have never been heard of having grudges with others, so the police have combed this line many times, but still have not obtained any valuable clues.

Han Xu couldn't help but think of the thick stack of information again. Although it was just some lifeless pages, it was full of the blood and sweat of countless police officers!

However, the result was so unsatisfactory!

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