A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 663 Flowers in the Mist Are Not Flowers (Part 2)

"It makes sense. After all, this is a new clue! What's more, it is related to the father and son of the Guo family." Although Li Le's brain was a little down, he still reacted quickly.

At least there is a new turn for the massacre of the family 28 years ago!

"Yes, why do I feel that Mr. Guo, Guo Genliang, is the murderer?" Chengzi has never seen Guo Genliang in person, but after seeing his photos, he doesn't have a good impression for some reason.

"You haven't even seen him, so you can't just rely on your feelings, right?" Li Le held a different opinion. After all, he had seen Guo Genliang with his own eyes, and he was more inclined to think that he was not the murderer.

Han Xu didn't say much when he saw this, but sorted everything out in his mind again.

In fact, it's still like seeing flowers in the fog, and the flower doesn't seem to be that flower!

Everything is hidden in the thick fog, and it seems more and more confusing.

However, the current priority is to solve the skeleton case as soon as possible.

This case didn't take long, but with the emergence of Chu Yuntai's clue, it seems to be getting closer and closer to the truth.

In addition to finding Chu Tianhe, there is also the need to open the Nine-Child Mandarin Duck Link Core left by Chu Yuntai as soon as possible.

Perhaps there is something about the truth stored in that iron lump.

But what exactly is it?

Han Xu has imagined many answers, but rejected them one by one.

It is really unclear what Chu Yuntai left behind when he was dying.

Maybe it can help Chu Tianhe? !

What kind of help is this?

And why did Chu Tianhe suddenly disappear without a trace at this critical moment?

You know, even if the South City Police Station was negligent, there are still several pairs of trained eagle eyes watching. How did Chu Tianhe evaporate under the eyes of the police?

It seems that this young man in his early twenties is not a good person!

Thinking about the many murders in Putaoshe Village, Han Xu didn't even dare to think about it anymore.

Chu Tianhe's previous actions have always been quite weird.

He exposed himself twice in a row, attracted enough attention, and then disappeared for no reason, like playing a game of hide-and-seek.

But what is his purpose?

Chu Tianhe's two self-exposures are unlikely to be due to omissions, and there must be a script.

Could it be that his purpose is the same as Han Xu, just to lead out the person behind the scenes?

And then to avenge his father? !

This possibility is not ruled out!

But at present, trying to find this guy is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and we can only hope that a miracle will happen.

Since Chu Tianhe cannot be found for the time being, we have to focus all our attention on the nine-child mandarin duck chain core left by Chu Yuntai.

Maybe if we open this thing, everything will be revealed.

Unfortunately, Orange spent almost an entire night and still couldn't open the second layer!

Nine-child mandarin duck chain core, how can there be eight layers? If we rely on Orange, the master of lock picking, it is estimated that the opportunity is cold.

Now we can't say anything, we can only ask Wu Laogou, the generation of thieves in Yancheng!

And the Datong lock in Chengzi's arms!

Such a heavyweight lock has been covered with dust in the Zhou family's mountain villa for decades, and it has become rusty. It is very strange!

If Chengzi hadn't known the goods, it would have rusted into a copper lump.

An antique that is more complicated and sophisticated than the nine-son mandarin duck interlocking core has fallen to this point.

Don't think that this Datong lock is worthless in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of experts, it is a priceless treasure that cannot be measured by money.

Look at this moment, Chengzi is holding it in his arms like a treasure, and he doesn't want to let go no matter what, which can explain everything.

North Cheng South Wu!

Han Xu unconsciously thought of the title that Chengzi said. If Wu Laogou is the heir of the Wu family, then the Datong lock that is so close at hand, will it have something to do with this guy?

This possibility cannot be ruled out again!

The thief king of Yancheng!

Han Xu had had two contacts with this guy before. One time, he visited him because of the lame footprints left by the abandoned steel plant in the east of the city, but he didn't expect that Wu Laogou would show such fear for the original owner's father Han Yu; the second time was because he happened to meet him in Xingzhong New Village while tracking down Li Tianyi, and they chatted casually for a few words.

To be honest, after two contacts, Han Xu has never figured out the background of the generation of thieves.

He seems ordinary and honest, but there is a hint of cunning in his eyes. To describe him in one word, he is unfathomable!

He deserves the title of thief king!

He is really good at using steel brushes.

Han Xu didn't even want to have too much contact with him, otherwise he didn't know what the consequences would be.

Now think about it, Wu Laogou may have played a key role in the Xueshan case!

The scene of Li Shaobai's abuse could only be told by the eyewitness Wu Laogou to Wang Jichao, the great doctor!

So the question is, how did this guy get involved with Wang Jichao?

However, Han Xu had asked Doctor Wang Jichao, but he was very tight-lipped and didn't say anything about this issue, as if he was deliberately protecting something.

In addition to the Xueshan case, Wu Laogou also stole a fake painting from the Yaoyang Museum and was sentenced to several years.

The whole process was so clumsy that it didn't look like it was done by a thief king.

It seemed that there was some reason that prompted this old guy to go to jail.

You know, the original owner's father Han Yu didn't spend too much time to catch Wu Laogou!

All this was a bit too smooth!

Even if Han Yu was very capable, Wu Laogou was not just a name for nothing!

Han Xu thought that there seemed to be something fishy in this!

How could a thief king be so blind that he couldn't tell the difference between real and fake paintings?

A fake is a fake after all!

Wu Laogou has been immersed in that business for half his life. To put it bluntly, he is even more expert than some experts.

How could those thief eyes make mistakes?

This is totally against common sense!

Before, Han Xu was still a little confused about why Wu Laogou did that, but now with a connection, it seems that Wu Laogou may have deliberately entered Yaoyang Prison.

So the question is, what is his purpose?

Could it be Mr. Guo Genliang, whose Chinese character for wood is missing a stroke? !

Guo Genliang's murder methods in the four Yaoyang cases are too artistic, and it doesn't look like a crime scene that a fake engineer can set up!

And in the second case, the victim's back was engraved with the Chinese character for wood, whose Chinese character for wood is missing a stroke!

Is all this just a coincidence? ! !

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