"Sorry, Master Wu, but I'm curious. With your level, how could you have made a mistake?"

Han Xu hit the nail on the head. He would not let Wu Laogou off easily.

Wu Laogou was stunned for a moment, but his reaction was extremely fast. He smiled awkwardly, "Alas, I'm old and my eyesight is really useless. It was dark that night, so it was inevitable that I made a mistake!

To be honest with Officer Han, after that incident, I stayed in Yaoyang for a few years. After I got out, I retired from that circle.

To be honest, if it weren't for your father's persuasion... Alas!"

Wu Laogou sighed again and again as if the past was unbearable to look back on and he didn't want to mention it again.

"What kind of painting is that?"

Han Xu, however, was rigorous in his attitude of seeking knowledge and didn't leave any room for the thief king.

Wu Laogou seemed to have expected Han Xu to ask such a question. He glanced at the landscape painting on the wall of the living room awkwardly. "Yes, this painting is copied by me. I hang it there just to remind myself at any time not to repeat the same mistake."

Hearing this, Han Xu frowned immediately. He never expected that the painting hanging on the wall was a fake of a fake.

Good guy, he examines himself three times a day!

"So that's how it is," Han Xu had to admire the boldness of Wu Laogou, the king of thieves.

It's really interesting to have such a fake with a story hanging in the living room.

Thinking of this, Han Xu looked at the landscape painting in front of him carefully again.

The landscape paintings of the Xia Kingdom are mainly Gu Kaizhi and Zhan Ziqian. These two laid a solid foundation in the early stage. It was not until Li Sixun that they really reached the peak of glory.

And the landscape painting in front of him was copied from Li Sixun's brushwork!

Although Han Xu didn't know much about landscape painting, he was still very clear that Li Sixun's paintings continued Zhan Ziqian's green landscape style, and added a kind of exquisite and rigorous style. His brushwork was meticulous and rich in color, which really brought the landscape to an extreme!

The landscape painting he painted is not only a true portrayal of the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, but also a model of green landscape in the entire history of landscape painting in the Xia Dynasty.

For example, if you zoom in and take a closer look at this landscape painting, you can feel a complex and delicate scene.

Whether it is mountains, rocks, trees, buildings, and river boats, these scenes present a very dense and neat side from a bird's-eye view, which is quite amazing!

"Master Wu, your painting style has already captured the essence of Li Sixun!"

Han Xu is not aimless, but the level of the landscape painting in front of him is so high that it is indeed indistinguishable from the real thing!

"Officer Han has a good eye. This is indeed a copy of Li Sixun's painting!"

The thief king Wu Laogou stood up with a bright face. He was still very confident in his copying skills.

Han Xu frowned slightly and said nothing more.

It's really that he doesn't have much ink in his belly. It's a miracle that he can tell that it's Li Sixun's style.

It seems that Han Xu still has a long way to go in painting.

"Li Sixun's paintings are known for their ingenuity, richness, refinement and elegance. Unfortunately, I am still far behind!"

Wu Laogou looked modest, but he did have the capital to be modest.

At least the level of copying is very high. When Han Xu first saw this painting, he thought it was an original.

However, Han Xu's eyes fell on the painting of the mountains and rivers!

The reason is that Han Xu has never heard of Li Sixun's such a peculiar landscape painting.

The scenery in this painting is very pleasant, with mountains and water, rich and exquisite, and leisurely artistic conception.

However, the scenery in the painting is quite strange. Under the spring of green mountains and green waters, the mountains are steep, the clouds are lingering, the plank road is close to the valley, and the mountain path is winding, but there is no one in the painting.

It's just that a strange stone in the lower right corner is quite eye-catching, and it is quite abrupt there!

It even destroys the artistic conception of the whole painting!

Han Xu was amazed and asked, "This big stone is quite strange, and it is a bit different from the overall composition."

"Really?" Wu Laogou, the king of thieves, looked over in surprise and laughed, "It is indeed a bit abrupt, but I remember that the fake was painted like this."

Han Xu nodded slightly when he heard this, and glanced at the strange big stone again, without saying anything more.

Next, Han Xu exchanged a few words with Wu Laogou, and then took Li Le and Chengzi to say goodbye and leave.

The thief king Wu Laogou escorted them to the gate of the courtyard, and then reluctantly waved goodbye to Han Xu and the others.

No matter the appearance or the inside, it was impeccable.

Li Le and Chengzi were naturally overjoyed when they knew that Han Xu successfully opened the Nine-Child Mandarin Duck Link Core, especially Chengzi, who directly snatched the strange lock and studied it in the back seat as soon as he got in the car.

He was not interested in what was inside the lock at all.

Li Le was different, of course, he was more concerned about the case.

"Han Xu, what is inside?"

Han Xu waved to the thief king Wu Laogou, and only after getting in the car did he make a gesture to keep silent, "Let's talk about it after we get out!"

Li Le had no choice but to get on the driving seat in a sullen manner, and did not forget to honk the horn to thank the thief king.

After the three said goodbye to Wu Laogou, the car drove out of Xingzhong New Village, and Li Le had time to ask the previous question again.

Han Xu looked through the rearview mirror at the village entrance that was getting farther and farther away, then he let out a long breath and took out the small bamboo tube from his pocket.

"Yes, this is it."

Li Le turned his head and glanced at it while paying attention to the road conditions, and exclaimed in surprise, "What is this thing?"

Orange, who was sitting in the back seat, stopped fiddling with the Nine-Child Mandarin Duck Link Core after hearing this, and poked his head out from behind, "Fuck, is this the only thing in it?"

Han Xu nodded and solemnly unscrewed the small bamboo roll, and it was exactly as he thought before.

There was a small note rolled inside!

It was just a small note that couldn't be more ordinary.

It just had a string of Arabic numerals written on it!


Li Le was driving and didn't dare to look closely, but he glanced at it and looked at Han Xu in confusion, "Why is it a row of numbers? Why did Chu Yuntai leave such a string of numbers?"

Orange has excellent eyesight, and he recited it casually, and it was also confusing.

"Yeah, what are these numbers for? Is it the password for your bank card?"

Li Le laughed when he heard this, "Chenzi, is your bank card password so long?"

Chenzi curled her lips and kept silent, so as not to make more mistakes.

Han Xu glanced at the numbers on the small piece of paper, muttered a few words in his mouth, and frowned slightly.

For a moment, he seemed to understand something!

"I know what this is!"

Li Le turned his head and looked at the startled Han Xu,

"Fuck, you know it now?!"

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