This possibility is not impossible, in fact it is quite high!

You must know that it is not easy to do all this with Chu Tianhe's strength alone!

Especially with Shen Lei's cautious style, how could he reveal such a big flaw? !

At least logically, it makes no sense at all.

Chu Tianhe has been following Shen Lei for nearly three years, but has never found any suitable opportunity.

It just happened that at this juncture, he was suddenly able to make an appointment with Mr. Shen of Qiangsheng Group.

No matter how you put it, it’s a bit strange, right? !

Han Xu had previously believed that even if Chu Tianhe had the surveillance hard drive in his hands, with Shen Lei's wealth and status, it would not be difficult to settle the matter!

Why come out in the middle of the night and take such a big risk?

Unless there is a reason that must come out!

So this reason is unlikely to fall on the weak Chu Tianhe.

Naturally, it may be the article written by the person who is really hiding behind the scenes.

That’s why Lao Zhang asked this question!

Han Xu nodded slightly, "What Brother Zhang said makes sense. We have reason to suspect that there is a shady figure behind Shen Lei! Maybe this guy is the initiator of the skeleton case!"

"My dear, it's so complicated!" Chengzi looked shocked. He didn't expect that at this point in the investigation of the case, there would be so much talk. It just shattered all three views.

Li Le was just about to start the car. Hearing the conversation between Han Xu and Lao Zhang, he immediately became energetic. "I said the case can't be that simple. I totally agree with you. There must be a big shot behind Shen Lei!"

Captain Qin Fenqin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, glanced at Li Le, who was speaking loudly without even breathing. Haha, good guy, he finished the leader's words before he could do it. Is that okay? !

A man with a broken head rewarded him without hesitation, "Drive your car well, you are the only one who talks a lot!"

Li Le was in pain and couldn't remember how many times he had received a big reward. He smiled and quickly started the car.

"Captain Qin, where should we go next?"

"Where else can we go? What time is it now? Let's find a breakfast stall to fill our stomachs first, and then go back to the office. You guys can go to the dormitory to deal with it. I think this case needs to continue to be investigated!"

Captain Qin Fen Qin organized his thoughts and issued the order.

Li Le received the instruction, kicked the accelerator and roared away with several people.

Unfortunately, I didn't find any decent breakfast stalls along the way, so I finally returned to the northern suburbs near the police station. The scallion pancakes at the old place were still the most fragrant.

A group of five people occupied two small tables and ordered several kilograms of scallion pancakes, plus two bowls of bean juice and three bowls of wontons.

Naturally, Li Le, Lao Zhang and Qin Fen still couldn't get used to the sour and rancid taste of bean juice.

Li Le, in particular, looked at Han Xu and Chengzi feasting with disgust, completely incomprehensible!

"I said you two, can you stay away from me? Isn't this smell too strong? Don't get in my car for a while and just walk back to the office. Damn it, don't mess with it. It's all in my car. How can I talk to a young lady like this!"

Li Le took a bite of the three fresh wontons, but still smelled the sour and refreshing taste wafting over to the side of his nose, and he couldn't help but complain.

Han Xu didn't even raise his head, just eating scallion pancakes and drinking bean juice, without any intention of talking to Li Le.

Chengzi raised his head and glanced at Li Le, "What do you know? The more you drink this stuff, the more fragrant it becomes. It's always exciting! How about you get used to it? Try a whole bowl?!"

Now not only did Li Le look disgusted, but even Lao Zhang had something to say, "It's not me, this thing doesn't look like something people drink, and the smell is too strong? It’s like it’s gone rancid.”

"Yao Tao, you don't understand. The bean juice actually tastes so bad, but I can't stand it. I'm old and my body can't handle it!" Captain Qin Fen used to accompany him when he was in Kyoto. My wife drinks this stuff, and now she has some psychological shadow.

Han Xu finished most of the bowl in one go, and finally had time to say, "This is just a matter of habit. I didn't like it too much before, but when I came to Yancheng, I could still see people selling this stuff. I couldn't help but be friendly. After a few drinks, times and couldn't stop at all.

It's a pity that there is no one selling charcoal rings here, otherwise it would be authentic to have a bite. "

Li Le could hardly stand listening anymore, "Don't worry, what kind of dark food are you eating? If not, I will help you improve your food some other time!"

Not to mention that Li Le's cooking skills are quite good, not much worse than a star chef.

It's just that this kid doesn't like to cook, so he has really wasted all his family skills!

"Why do we need you? Xiao Wei's cooking is quite delicious." Chengzi said subconsciously while drinking the bean juice.

However, after saying this, I suddenly remembered that the boy was gone, and I couldn't help curling my lips and letting out a long sigh.

Li Le knew that Chengzi was in an extremely bad mood because of Xiao Wei's disappearance, so he didn't say anything more and instead brought the topic back to the case.

Of course, this breakfast stall is located in a community, which is relatively remote, and the boss is far away, so there is no need to worry about being overheard.

"Han Xu, how did Chu Tianhe get in touch with the mastermind behind the scenes?"

This question has actually been held in Li Le's stomach for a long time. He had been driving just now and didn't bother to ask it. Now that he was full, he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Before Han Xu could react, Chengzi whispered in agreement, "Yes, according to your previous analysis, Chu Tianhe must have some connection with the mastermind, otherwise how could he use this relationship to trick Shen Lei out?"

Hearing this topic, Lao Zhang and Captain Qin Fen looked over at the same time.

In fact, this question is actually quite tricky.

It may even become a very important clue!

Before, I was worried about not being able to find the mastermind. Li Le's idea is indeed a little interesting.

When Han Xu was interrogating Chu Tianhe, he actually thought about this question.

But when he saw Chu Tianhe's look, let alone answering such a straightforward question, he would keep silent about anything related to Shen Lei.

So Han Xu simply didn't ask directly, because in his mind, the suspicion of one person was infinitely magnified.

Needless to say, of course it was Jiang Zigui, the lawyer Jiang.

Jiang Zigui was the matchmaker between Chu Tianhe and Shen Lei before, so it is very likely that Jiang Zigui is also the spokesperson for another behind-the-scenes mastermind!

This kind of dual identity is quite in line with the style of lawyer Jiang!

"I guess it has something to do with Jiang Zigui."

Han Xu did not hide it and directly said a name that everyone was familiar with.

"Jiang Zigui? Is that the lawyer?!"

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