In fact, Han Xu doesn't particularly like playing games. He only plays a few games occasionally to prevent the basic skills he has acquired from degrading for too long.

However, I never thought that this dynamic vision is really abnormal!

It even caused a sensation in the circle of kings.

When it comes to the ID of Jiuri, now everyone knows it and everyone knows it!

Relying on his own strength, he just took the shortest time and the fewest rounds to reach the 100-star rank.

The most important thing is that this ID has never had any good friends. It was all played by one person in solo queue!

This level of difficulty is simply unparalleled, and can even be called an unbelievable miracle!

Fortunately, Li Le doesn't like playing games very much and doesn't recognize Han Xu's ID at all!

I just think that Han Xu is quite strong, but I don't have a definite idea. After all, I finally got along with Xingyao, so how can I know the scenery on the top of the mountain?

After Han Xu played a game, he stopped and did not continue to prevent Li Le from being surprised again.

Just at this time, a doctor came to check the ward.

Logically speaking, the doctor would not come to check the ward during this time.

Of course, for a big boss like Wang Donglin, some special situations will inevitably arise.

But it’s just right, otherwise I don’t know how long it will take.

Han Xu and Li Le stood up quickly, preparing to fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to meet Wang Donglin.

When the two men in black outside the door saw this, they probably had nothing to do with them, so they made a report.

Of course, he was treated with courtesy!

When Wang Donglin heard that Han Xu was coming, he almost came out barefoot to greet him.

It's quite a bit like Cao Mengde welcoming Xu You barefoot!

Han Xu was naturally flattered, and Li Le on the side also took some credit.

"I'm very happy that you can come here. Why are you bringing so many things? It's too foreign!"

Wang Donglin's spirit did not look very good, he was a little depressed, as if he had aged many years in an instant.

The temples that were originally gray were now completely white, and the skin on his face had no luster. Only the pair of sunglasses were still the same as before, black and lifeless.

However, Wang Donglin's enthusiasm remained as before, as if nothing had happened.

"I heard that you were hospitalized. We are free right now, so we came to see you!"

Han Xu put down the things in his hands with a smile on his face. It was no surprise that although Wang Donglin in front of him could not see, he knew that he had come and brought a gift.

After all, there is no reason to come empty-handed when visiting a patient.

Wang Donglin is really blind in his eyes and not blind in his heart, and he has thoroughly understood these personal affairs.

There is no other reason. Han Xu and the two came here this time obviously not for work. Otherwise, even if there is a reinforced security company outside the door, there is no way to stop the law enforcement officers.

So how can a visit in private name be empty-handed?

Li Le didn't know what was going on and asked curiously, "Mr. Wang, how did you know that we also carried something?"

The corners of Wang Donglin's mouth raised slightly under his sunglasses, "I'm just guessing, don't be surprised."

"What did Mr. Wang say?" Han Xu had always called Wang Donglin Master Wang before. However, when he saw the other person's strength in the hospital, he couldn't help but change his tone. Although it was a bit different, he seemed more respectful after all.

"You should call me Master Wang. It sounds nice to you. Oh, Officer Han, why haven't you seen Officer Miao?" Wang Donglin didn't forget to ask Miao Xiaolan.

Han Xu smiled and said, "Officer Miao still has a case to handle, so she didn't come over. She asked me to say hello to you and ask you to pay more attention to your health."

"Oh, thank you Officer Miao for me. I am too old to be of any use." In fact, Wang Donglin is only in his early fifties at most. He is not that old. It's just that bad things happen one after another. Even one person can't stand it.

Judging from Wang Donglin's current state, he has recovered very well.

Two days ago, even though Wang Donglin had been mentally prepared, he suddenly learned from the Nancheng Police Station that his biological daughter Wang Nannan had been murdered. He still couldn't handle it and fell ill all of a sudden.

At this time, in the ward, in addition to Han Xu and Li Le who came to visit, there was also Wang Donglin's attending doctor.

After hearing what Wang Donglin said, the doctor shook his head slightly and said, "Mr. Wang, you must not think like this. To be honest, there is nothing serious about your health. You should pay more attention to rest and you will be discharged from the hospital soon."

"Thank you, Dr. Li!" Wang Donglin nodded slightly toward the position where Dr. Li spoke, and expressed his gratitude again.

Dr. Li smiled and said, "Okay, you can chat, but try to control the time, not too long, Mr. Wang still needs to rest."

Han Xu nodded quickly when he heard this and sent the doctor away politely.

When he returned, Wang Donglin had already sat up from the hospital bed, but his voice was quite excited, "Officer Han, how is the investigation of Nan Nan's case going?"

Han Xu couldn't bear to see Wang Donglin like this, "Mr. Wang, please don't worry, we will definitely bring the murderer to justice."

"Haha, actually, I don't like what you said, but I still thank you." Wang Donglin still had some resentment after all, but he quickly controlled his emotions and continued, "Nannan has been missing for so long, I guessed that she had met with an accident, but you must catch the murderer, otherwise I..."

He stopped abruptly, Wang Donglin couldn't help choking up and breathing a little hard.

Li Le hurried over, patting Wang Donglin's back gently, and comforted him, "Master Wang, believe us, we will definitely give you an explanation."

The man in black who followed in subconsciously stepped forward to stop Li Le after seeing this move.

However, Wang Donglin waved his hand casually, and the man in black immediately understood and did not do anything else.

All this was seen by the meticulous Han Xu.

Good guy, the quality of these people is indeed far beyond that of ordinary security personnel!

And Wang Donglin can even do it as if he were an arm, not like a bodyguard hired temporarily!

More like an elite backbone who has been with Wang Donglin for a long time!

So here comes the question!

What did Wang Donglin do before? !

Or, how did Wang Donglin start his career in Southeast Asia.

These people don't look good!

Han Xu even thought of a rather scary term in his mind!

Mercenaries? !

Southeast Asia? !

It seems that this possibility is not ruled out!

Han Xu thought of this and looked up and down at the black-clothed man who was respectful in front of Wang Donglin.

Instead, he was more certain of what he thought in his heart!

It seems that he had underestimated the heartbroken Master Wang Donglin before!

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