A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 736 The mysterious man captured by surveillance camera

Lao Zhang was not idle at the Beijiao Police Station and sent all the Internet records during that time period to Han Xu.

Han Xu had already browsed it in the car.

Because there are not many people surfing the Internet, the identity information is visible at a glance!

But what surprised Han Xu was that there was a rather eye-catching name on the Internet records of Qingyuan Internet Cafe.

Li Liansheng!

The same name as the missing suspect in the No. 3 Lighthouse case!

Lao Zhang also discovered this problem, so he compared the identity information about Li Liansheng in the No. 3 Lighthouse case. With two verifications, it can be determined that the person who boarded the machine at Qingyuan Internet Cafe had swiped Li Liansheng's ID card!

So as soon as Han Xu entered the door, he quickly searched for anyone suspicious with similar physical characteristics to Li Liansheng, but unfortunately found nothing!

It seemed that it was still too late to let that guy slip away.

The only way now is to check the monitoring.

While Chengzi was roughly checking the surveillance, Han Xu showed the Internet cafe owner some identity information about Li Liansheng.

The boss understood immediately, searched on the Internet system for a moment, and then said, "Officer, seat 44!"

Han Xu nodded when he heard this, first glanced at Chengzi, and then led Li Le straight to the machine where "Li Liansheng" was surfing the Internet.

Chengzi understood and began to search for relevant surveillance videos, focusing on No. 44!

While in the car, Han Xu had already shared this information about Li Liansheng with Li Le and others.

Li Le was completely confused. He never expected that the suspect No. 3 in the Lighthouse case who had been looking for more than two months would actually be related to the skeleton case!

To be more precise, it involves the mysterious Mr. Z!

These cases seem to have suddenly become more complicated!

The Snow Mountain Case, the Lighthouse Case, the Yaoyang Case, the Angel Case, and the Skeleton Case all seem to have some kind of connection secretly.

A series of cases are like being kneaded into a huge ball of thread, and they remain chaotic even if they cannot be solved!

Even Han Xu felt a little numb after seeing the name Li Liansheng!

Could it be that Li Liansheng, who disappeared in the No. 3 Lighthouse case, is the mysterious Mr. Z?

This inference is obviously not very logical!

After all, the rank of the mysterious Mr. Z is there, how could it be Li Liansheng?

You must know that Li Liansheng's background is too simple. He was originally just a very simple villager.

If I hadn't bought a daughter-in-law outside just to celebrate my son's birthday, I wouldn't have ended up like that!

What's more, the identity of the deceased in the No. 3 Lighthouse case has not yet been confirmed!

Whether she was the woman Li Liansheng bought back in the first place is still a matter of debate.

However, Li Liansheng did have a major suspicion. Unfortunately, the task force failed to find this guy for nearly two months, so the case could only be shelved temporarily.

However, he never expected that the most critical criminal suspect in the No. 3 Lighthouse case suddenly jumped out without warning and re-entered the police's sight.

Han Xu doesn't think this is just a coincidence.

Eighty percent of it is the dragon gate formation deliberately set up by the mysterious Mr. Z!

Han Xu thought quickly as he walked to seat 44. At this time, there was no one in front of the computer!

However, this corner is extremely remote, but the line of sight is very good, and you can easily see the entire Internet cafe.

"Hey, this guy is really a master!"

Li Le looked at the surrounding environment and easily came to a conclusion.

Han Xu nodded slightly and had to admit that the guy who just sat here and battled wits with Lao Zhang was indeed no ordinary person.

Just looking at this position selection, it is quite clever and has certain anti-investigation methods.

"Stop being stunned and see if the other party has left anything behind!"

After Han Xu finished his sentence, he turned back to the bar.

Li Le pouted, and then took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket. After putting them on, he began to conduct an on-site inspection of No. 44!

Although there were not many people surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe, when those who were interested saw this scene, it was better to do more than to do less, and they got off the plane one after another and left.

After a lot of work on the Orange side, there was a harvest soon!

After all, the camera seats were jammed, and it was too easy to find that guy from the surveillance video.

Just when Han Xu returned to the bar, Chengzi quickly gave up his seat and pointed at the figure in the video, "Here, it should be this guy."

Han Xu looked closely and saw that the man on the surveillance video was wearing a black down jacket, a mask, and a hat. He was completely covered. At most, he could only estimate his height based on the reference objects on the side.

"This guy has a very strong sense of counter-investigation. He deliberately avoided all the surveillance cameras at the Internet cafe. Also, camera number 44 is a complete surveillance blind spot. I infer that this guy has stepped on it in advance."

Chengzi talked freely without too many taboos, because the owner of the Internet cafe had already hid aside to avoid suspicion.

As expected, he is a member of society and has a very good reputation!

"Look, this guy is wearing gloves. I guess Li Le won't get anything from him!"

Cheng Zi pointed at the corner captured by the surveillance camera and continued helplessly, "And this guy got off the plane fifteen minutes ago. When I just came in, I saw the surrounding surveillance environment. It was very pessimistic. There was nothing nearby. There aren't many surveillance cameras.

If you say this guy has never stepped on it, I won’t believe it even if I beat him to death! "

Han Xu nodded when he heard this, turned around and shouted to the boss, "Boss, please come here."

The flower-armed boss was still worried about today's turnover, but when he heard Han Xu calling him, he still trotted over.

"Officer, what are your orders?"

"When you register online, don't you check your facial features?"

The question Han Xu asked has actually always been a loophole in the management of Internet cafes.

However, many Internet cafes now have face recognition systems. Unfortunately, the conditions here are so poor. Not to mention face recognition, even the machines are almost obsolete!

The flower-armed boss smiled awkwardly when he heard this, "Yes, why not! I have always asked the network administrator to strictly control it!"

After that, he yelled at the young network manager before, "Xiao Chen, did you take what I said as fart? MD, I think you don't want the salary anymore?"

Han Xu snorted coldly, "Stop pretending, if it's not there, it's not. Why are you shouting so loudly?!"

When the flower-armed boss heard this, he obediently shut his big mouth and said nothing more.

Arguing with the police officer is asking for death, isn't it? !

"It seems that this guy took advantage of this loophole, so he chose to surf the Internet here, and the time was very accurate. It seems that he calculated the time for us to rush here..."

Chengzi approached Han Xu and expressed his opinion.

As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. The growth of oranges is visible to the naked eye!

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