"Hey, who won just now?"

Chengzi's attention was not on the chess game at all, so he couldn't help asking.

"It's a draw," Jiang Zigui grinned, happy like a child.

"It's better to make peace, so as not to hurt the harmony!"

Chengzi opened another bottle of beer, poured a full cup, and handed it to Jiang Zigui, "Old Jiang, let's clink glasses, shall we?"

Jiang Zigui never gave up drinking, and took it with one hand, "Let's clink glasses, what's the reason?"

Chengzi was slightly stunned, and just raised the glass, it stopped in mid-air, "Reason? What's the reason for drinking? You intellectuals are just too hypocritical, wait, let me think about it! Well, I think it's just for fun, right? Old Jiang, let's drink for fun!"

"Happy?!" Jiang Zigui laughed, "Chengzi is really a straightforward person, okay, just for fun, let's drink!"

Li Le pouted on the side, "Tsk tsk, it's really a scholar meeting a soldier!"

Han Xu couldn't help but smile, and had to admit that Chengzi and Jiang Zigui had a good temper.

Next, Chengzi seemed to have used all his strength, and kept finding various reasons to toast with Jiang Zigui!

It was not until another box of Budweiser was finished that Attorney Jiang was a little drunk.

His face was red and his neck was thick. He had almost drunk enough.

Looking at Chengzi again, he was still like nothing happened!

"I say, Lao Jiang, no, no, I'm a little younger than you, so I'll call you Brother Jiang. Brother Jiang, well, I have to thank you for helping me find Xiao Wei last time! I won't say anything more, it's all in the wine, let's go with one more brother!"

Chengzi said as he filled two more glasses of red wine!

He didn't care what year the wine was, as long as it could make people drunk!

Jiang Zigui's eyes were a little blurry from drinking, but when you meet a good friend, you can drink a lot. He was in high spirits, so he didn't care how much he drank. He raised his glasses and drank them all.

After two more glasses of red wine, he couldn't stand it anymore. His head tilted and he almost fell under the table.

Han Xu saw this and quickly supported Attorney Jiang, "Hey, Old Jiang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can still drink, this little bit of wine is nothing, I can still drink..."

As Jiang Zigui was talking, his eyelids drooped and he fell asleep.

Li Le came over and gently patted Jiang Zigui's cheek a few times, "Brother Jiang, wake up!"

No reaction at all!

Li Le looked up and looked at Han Xu, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Chengzi.

Chengzi had actually drunk almost all of his wine, and he didn't expect Jiang Zigui to have such a strong alcohol tolerance, and they only fought to a draw!

"You two are so good, I'll keep an eye on this guy for you."

Han Xu couldn't help but admire Chengzi, "Good job!"

After that, he and Li Le began to conduct a carpet search in Jiang Zigui's house.

Li Le had only made a rough survey before, after all, under the eyes of Attorney Jiang, how could he dare to be too blatant.

It's different now. Jiang Zigui was drunk by Chengzi. Even if he turned the house upside down, no one would care.

Of course, Han Xu and Li Le are both experts. After the inspection, they can restore everything to its original position to ensure that the next day, Attorney Jiang will not be able to see anything.

Chengzi is responsible for keeping an eye on Jiang Zigui to prevent accidents.

In fact, the three of them have long been tacitly aware of it!

Come to Jiang Zigui's house for dinner, the purpose is to go deep into the tiger's den!

Otherwise, why go to so much trouble!

However, after searching the entire living room, Han Xu and Li Le did not find any unexpected discoveries!

Except for the books on that wall, there is nothing particularly noteworthy.

Han Xu originally wanted to see if Jiang Zigui had left any flaws, but the result was obvious. This guy's caution has reached a very scary level.

Let alone flaws, there is not even a trace of clues.

The entire living room is unusually clean. Except for some traces of Jiang Zigui's life, there is nothing to gain.

"Didn't Jiang Zigui say that he and Song Haiqing have a good relationship?"

After searching for a while, Li Le clapped his hands and looked at Han Xu in confusion.

Han Xu certainly understood what Li Le meant, and nodded slightly, "Yes, that's right, but there are no items related to Song Haiqing here."

"That's strange. Even if Jiang Zigui had cut off contact with Song Haiqing before moving here, if they were so close, shouldn't they have left things like photos? Could it be that the photo on Jiang Zigui's office desk was just for show?"

Li Le didn't drink much, so he kept a clear mind and said it directly.

Han Xu glanced at Jiang Zigui, the lawyer who was moved to the sofa by several people, and made a gesture to silence him, "Keep your voice down!"

"It's okay, this guy sleeps like a dead pig." Orange said carelessly.

Han Xu couldn't help but shake his head and didn't say much.

Li Le continued to dig deeper into the topic, but obviously lowered his voice. "And doesn't Jiang Zigui have any physical needs? He is single, must he be almost disillusioned with the world? There is no trace of women in the room."

"Fuck, Li Le, do you think everyone has a decadent private life like you?"

Chen Zi couldn't help but say something.

Han Xu didn't say anything, but had to admit that what Li Le said made some sense.

How can a successful person like Jiang Zigui lack women around him!

But as Li Le said, the house is too clean!

Could it be that Jiang Zigui has a mysophobia?

But through previous contact, it is easy to rule out this factor!

Maybe it is emotional mysophobia? !

This possibility cannot be ruled out!

Han Xu frowned slightly when he thought of this.

Emotional mysophobia generally refers to excessive demands for the other party's so-called absolute purity, whether physical or mental.

For example, the other party cannot be ambiguous with the opposite sex, cannot tolerate a third party, and is obsessed with the other party's emotional experience, etc. In simple terms, it is completely unacceptable for the other party's past unclean behavior.

People with emotional mysophobia have a highly pure view of love and pursue long-term and stable relationships. Once an abnormal state of "emotional uncleanness" occurs, they will be left with a psychological shadow due to disappointment.

What's more, they will do something particularly outrageous.

Of course, there is another way to describe emotional cleanliness, which is that everything can be messed up, but only emotions are highly controlled, fearing that they will be found by emotional matters, and avoid emotions like avoiding a pair of dirty hands reaching for the corners of their clothes!

Jiang Zigui, the lawyer in front of him, seems to be more inclined to the latter.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain. How can a successful person like him lack women around him?

And since Jiang Zigui moved to the opposite door, Han Xu and others have indeed rarely seen strangers coming in and out.

Especially women!

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