Otherwise, how to explain Guo Genliang's artistic way of handling the scene that is different from ordinary people?

Han Xu has reason to believe that the mentor behind Guo Genliang is probably the thief king Wu Laogou!

Following this line of thought, it seems that there is no need to find any imitation object for the No. 3 Lighthouse case.

Because the case is very likely to be exactly the same as the Yaoyang case!

Not imitation, but the original!

Han Xu also speculated that Wu Laogou had some connection with the mysterious Mr. Z, perhaps Wu Laogou is Mr. Z himself!

This speculation is not aimless!

Especially the Yuntaishan massacre 28 years ago, now there is a death signature of the word "Cai" reappeared on the wall near the Jingguan!

After so many years, what is the reason?

Han Xu had asked Yaoyang to investigate Guo Genliang's activities.

Although there has been no reply so far, Han Xu still believes that the fresh death signature is unlikely to be from Guo Genliang's hand!

But who else knows this death signature besides Guo Genliang?

He could only be the mentor behind the first two Yaoyang cases.

So Wu Laogou's line has become particularly clear again.

But unfortunately, Guo Genliang has become like that and can no longer provide any valuable clues.

Everything has become a huge mystery again!

What's more, these speculations are just based on speculations, maybe it's just Han Xu's paranoia.

After all, Wu Laogou only served a period of time in Yaoyang Prison, and it is possible that he has no intersection with Guo Genliang!

But the speculation that there is someone behind Guo Genliang is almost right!

Even if this person is not Wu Laogou, he must be related to the No. 3 Lighthouse case!

Maybe it's the initiator!

This possibility is still quite large!

Add to that the connection between Li Liansheng and the mysterious Mr. Z.

Han Xu can almost be sure that the original Yaoyang case and the No. 3 Lighthouse case are directly or indirectly related to the mysterious Mr. Z!

There is nothing wrong with these speculations in logic.

But Han Xu was a little surprised, as if everything was deliberately done by the mysterious Mr. Z.

Otherwise, with the passage of time, even if Han Xu was more capable, he would not be able to dig out so many connections!

Everything seemed like a big net that had been woven long ago!

And the key nodes presented in front of Han Xu seemed to be deliberately arranged by someone!

For example, the death signature!

It was just a matter of leaving that mark on the back of the victim in the No. 3 Lighthouse case.

Han Xu suddenly turned over and sat up in bed when he thought of this!

Then he couldn't wait to call up a close-up photo of the back of the victim in the No. 3 Lighthouse case from his mobile phone.

Obviously, the back of the victim in the No. 3 Lighthouse case was much more tragic than the previous two cases.

Not only was the flesh and blood blurred, but the knife marks were deeper!

It seemed that the murderer had some deep hatred with the victim.

However, Han Xu observed carefully for a moment, but still could not see any special pattern in those knife marks, let alone any death signature.

"Strange, why not?"

Han Xu rubbed his eyes in the dim bedside lamp, and scanned the scene photos on his phone again, but still couldn't figure it out.

Without the obvious horizontal, vertical and vertical strokes, it can't be proved that the murderer of the No. 3 Lighthouse case is also the actual operator of the Yaoyang case.

Han Xu couldn't help but think of another witness in the No. 3 Lighthouse case.

The villager named Li Dayou claimed that there was only one murderer, and he was about 1.7 meters tall.

Obviously, the murderer's physical characteristics are far different from the generation of thief king Wu Laogou!

But it is highly consistent with Li Liansheng!

Could it be that the truth is that Li Liansheng committed the No. 3 Lighthouse case under the guidance of someone?

But the sense of ritual at the crime scene is too strong!

Can Li Liansheng really do all that alone? !

When Han Xu thought of this, he couldn't help but have a headache!

And Jiang Zigui, the lawyer, what role did this guy play?

The abstract oil painting hanging on the wall of the living room disappeared!

Han Xu did not dig deeper into the whereabouts of the painting because he did not want to alert the enemy too much, because he had no idea what Jiang Zigui was up to.

However, he could investigate around this point.

Since Jiang Zigui said that he gave it to a friend, there must be an answer to the whereabouts of the painting.

In fact, Han Xu is more concerned about the origin of the painting!

Could it really be the work of the mysterious Mr. Z?

So, the most important thing at present is to find out the painter friend of Jiang Zigui, the lawyer!

Maybe everything can be solved!

Of course, this is the best case!

If everything goes well, it won't be long before Han Xu can meet the mysterious Mr. Z.

There are still many doubts in the case, but they lack evidence and are limited to speculation.

Especially about the generation of thieves, Wu Laogou!

This person seems to be outside the case, but every case has his shadow more or less.

For example, in the Xueshan case, how did Wang Jichao, the doctor, know that Li Shaobai was insulted by Zhang Hengyi and Liu Bo?

There was only one witness at the crime scene, the thief king Wu Laogou.

Han Xu had reason to believe that Wu Laogou played a decisive role in this!

It can be said that this disguised way facilitated Wang Jichao, the great doctor, to kill Zhang Hengyi and Liu Bo in advance!

Otherwise, if Wang Jichao wanted to find such a good opportunity and target, it would take a long time.

Not to mention the Yaoyang Four Cases, the person behind Guo Genliang is most likely Wu Laogou.

It's a pity that there is no evidence. Even if the Yaoyang police can provide the fact that Wu Laogou and Guo Genliang are familiar with each other, it can't prove that Wu Laogou is the initiator of everything.

What's more, Han Xu still can't figure out what Wu Laogou's purpose is for doing so much effort?

Obviously there is a lack of a motive for the behavior!

And the Yuntaishan family massacre 28 years ago is even more of a mystery.

The death signature after more than 20 years is like a thorn, piercing Han Xu's heart, making him feel indescribably uncomfortable!

Who left it behind?

Guo Genliang? Wu Laogou? Or the mysterious Mr. Z?

Or maybe it was Jiang Zigui, the great lawyer Jiang?

How could it be possible? Twenty-eight years ago, Jiang Zigui was still playing in the mud wearing open-crotch pants!

Han Xu pinched his eyebrows hard, knowing that he was thinking too much, which was not a good thing!

It seemed that he had sorted out a general idea, but it was completely untenable in many aspects, such as the motivation of behavior.

Everything in the world follows the cause and effect of right and wrong. If you can't find the cause, how can there be a result?

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time!"

The red wine was not strong, but it had a strong aftereffect. Although Han Xu didn't drink much, he was a little tipsy at this time. He simply turned off the bedside lamp and had a good sleep first.

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