Han Xu's face was ashen, as if he saw that familiar scene again, he swallowed hard.

It seems that this criminal suspect is not only a transvestite, but also has extremely strong tastes. His psychological endurance is absolutely different from ordinary people.

"Huh? Let me tell you, Xu, why do you think this is a murder case? I read the information fed back by the technical detective, and it is entirely possible that it is an ordinary suicide case." Li Le asked everyone present Doubtful questions.

Han Xu grinned, just in time to make a fool of himself, and repeated the rhetoric with added fervor and emotion. He paired it with on-site photos taken from the technical team to supplement the illustrations, and the persuasiveness was raised to a whole new level.

Everyone here was shocked!

One after another, doubtful points seemed to be condiments to a delicacy in Han Xu's mouth, and each addition would add some taste bud stimulation.

"According to what you said, if it was his murder, how did the murderer get the victim up? The steel frame at the bottom of the Ferris wheel is at least ten meters high. I can't even climb it, let alone bring a drunkard with me. "Lao Zhang can always grasp the key points.

Everyone listened and nodded frequently. The difficulty was incredible, wasn't it?

Cheng Zi followed closely and raised objections, "The victim was 165cm tall and weighed 118kg. Could it be that he was strangled and then hung?"

"You got half the answer right." Han Xu knew they would raise this doubt.

"Which half?" Everyone was puzzled.

“The deceased was hung, but not strangled.

The autopsy report clearly stated that the deceased had no restraint or resistance injuries, which ruled out the possibility of direct strangulation. And the hanging ditch has obvious life responses, which can also rule out hanging corpses after death.

So, let us boldly speculate that the truth is most likely that after the criminal suspect made Zhang Hengyi drunk, he wrapped a rope around his neck and suspended him in mid-air, causing his death. Therefore, the cause of the victim's death was similar to hanging himself. "

"Damn it, this job is really good." Chengzi couldn't help but spit out the fragrance.

After listening, Li Le took out a few photos of the scene taken by monkeys from the information, "There must be a stress point in the suspension, so there should be traces of rope friction on the steel pipe, but there is no trace in the photos."

Han Xu was about to explain this problem. He took the photos from Li Le, picked out one, and pointed to the X-shaped steel pipe where the rope is fixed. "Look here, this knot is tied very professionally. It seems to have been tied a few times on purpose." To expand the area, you can tie a fixed knot with another rope on top. "

Everyone didn't understand and looked puzzled.

Han Xu thought for a moment, and in order to explain more clearly, he pulled the whiteboard and drew a horizontal fold on it, "This represents the final state of the rope at the scene, which is an inverted L shape.

The dead man hangs below.

The upper end is an X-shaped steel pipe, which is also where the rope is fixed.

Assume that the criminal suspect first fixes this inverted L rope.

Then tie another rope to a fixed point on top of the fixed knot, and then hang two pieces of rope from it. "

Li Le suddenly wondered, "Did you use a pulley?"

"Smart, to be precise, I may have used this thing." Han Xu found a link to a certain treasure on his mobile phone, passed it to several people to circulate one by one, and then continued, "This is a heavy object lifter. Using the moving pulley principle, ordinary people can lift weights up to 100 kilograms with very little effort.”

Li Le fully understood, "The suspect used this thing to hang the victim on the ground first, then climbed up, made a loop with the other end of the inverted "L" rope prepared before, and put it around the victim's neck again. Go up and cut off the rope that actually hanged the victim."

"Yes, after cutting the rope, the victim's body will swing down, and finally the scene we see will form." Han Xu drew a smooth half arc on the whiteboard to connect the upper and lower points of the "L", "At the same time, it also reasonably explained Why did two ditches appear on the victim's neck? Judging from the life reaction, the victim was most likely to have died during the process of cutting the rope. The suspect's technique was very clever, and this is also consistent with the injuries caused by hanging himself. ”

"It's over, my old baby is all about technology and hard work!" Chengzi was still a little confused, doubting life, and his IQ was not enough.

Lao Zhang grasped an important point, "If this weight lift is so effective, wouldn't it be impossible to determine whether the suspect is a male or a female?"

Han Xu nodded heavily, "Yes, the suspect may also be a woman, but it is inconsistent with the transvestism I speculated before. Therefore, I prefer men. If she is a woman, she must have a superb climbing ability. technology."

"Awesome! Explaining things in simple terms, he is indeed our great detective!" Lao Zhang took the lead in applauding.

Han Xu made a gesture of "don't do anything", suppressed everyone's sparse applause, and returned to the topic, "Chengzi, how is your monitoring and inspection going?"

Cheng Zili managed the information at hand and checked a lot of surveillance, and seemed to have summed up his own set of things, "Let me talk about the internal surveillance of the amusement park first. The daily passenger flow is too large, and it takes time to check whether there are suspicious persons visiting the site beforehand.

Then there are the periphery of the playground. Except for the installation of surveillance cameras at a few key entrances and exits, there are too many missing blind spots.

The nearest entrances and exits where the taxi was found were not equipped with surveillance cameras.

However, the taxi driven by the deceased was easy to trace. I asked Lao Zhang to help me make a moving diagram, which has been sent to the internal group for everyone to take a look at.

The taxi driven by the victim Zhang Hengyi appeared on the surveillance camera at the north intersection of Huilongguan Community at 16:28 yesterday afternoon.

Then at 20:05 in the evening, it disappeared into a surveillance probe about 200 meters north of the south gate of Shituo Park. In other words, the taxi never appeared again after entering the surveillance blind spot. "

Han Xu asked, "From 16:28 to 20:05, where did the victim go? How many orders did he take? Who are the customers?"

Chengzi seemed to have guessed that Han Xu would ask this question, and replied confidently, "The surveillance cameras on the street can't detect this. Hehe, I took the taxi's driving recorder by the way."

"Yo, that's really enlightening." Li Le added in a low voice.

Chengzi ignored it and continued, "Zhang Hengyi took five orders in total, and the customers were all ordinary people, and nothing suspicious was found.

The time fixed on the driving recorder is 20:10. Since it was just a front-facing recorder, the things captured were limited, and it was completely blank after I stopped in the car. "

After hearing this, Han Xu frowned slightly. It seemed that the victim's trip to Yaoyang City was a pretense.

"Have you checked Zhang Hengyi's call records?"

Lao Zhang raised his head and said, "I checked. The victim has a complicated social background. The call records need to be checked one by one, which is not easy."

Seeing that this line was not easy to walk, Han Xu looked at Li Le again, "Are there any suspicions among the amusement park staff?"

In fact, the playground is also a top priority. Firstly, it is most likely to be the scene of the first crime. Secondly, the staff there are familiar with the environment and terrain, so the probability of committing a crime is relatively higher.

Li Le curled his lips and shook his head, saying helplessly, "No suspicious person has been found yet. There are hundreds of employees in the amusement park. If we don't narrow down the scope, it will be too difficult to investigate."

The case turned out to be much more difficult than imagined.

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