A few minutes ago, Qin Fen whispered a few words to Han Xu, and then followed the two criminal investigation captains from the east and south cities and found his seat.

Unfortunately, he actually sat between Xiong Dalin and Miao Xiaofeng.

"Tannd, who arranged this seat without good eyesight?" Qin Fen's old face was a little embarrassed. He wanted to stay away from the two evil stars of Yancheng, but he was sandwiched?

A man can endure it, but a man cannot!

"Just stay here honestly. This place is so good, with a wide view. We are here to accompany you, so that you, a commander without troops, will not be too lonely." Although Miao Xiaofeng looks very gentle, as long as she faces Qin Fen, her sharp mouth can really bite off a piece of meat.

On the other side, Captain Xiong Dalin of the Chengdong Police Station, who had just sat down, also teased, "Xiaofeng, don't talk nonsense, Lao Qin has made progress. This time he is not alone, he has brought a newcomer."

"Really?" Miao Xiaofeng heard this and remembered the handsome young man who had been following Qin Fen just now, "You know what, I have a deep impression of that young man, what is his name Xu?"

Qin Fen said, "His name is Han Xu, the man who will become the Pirate King in the future!"

"You are so old, and you still watch anime? Don't you think it's a bit second-year?" Miao Xiaofeng caught Qin Fen's sore spot again.

"How dare you say that about Qin Fen? Don't you like Kakashi too?" Xiong Dalin tried to smooth things over.

"Get lost, what do I like? Why do I need you, a bear? Go find your bald Qiang!"

"Stop, stop, stop arguing! What are you doing so anxiously? Can't you two keep your voices down?

You don't mind being embarrassed, but I'm afraid of being laughed at!"

Qin Fen got excited, put on a righteous look, and suddenly became taller and more noble.

After hearing this, Miao Xiaofeng lowered her voice indignantly and gritted her teeth, "It was you who started it all. What's the matter? You're playing the good cop?"

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong, isn't it? Stop arguing, the commendation meeting is about to start, we are all leaders, can we pretend to be good, don't show off all the time!" Qin Fen said a lot of good things speechlessly.

"You are the one who shows off?" Someone retorted unwillingly.

Xiong Dalin smiled and said nothing, putting the overall situation first, so as not to make a fool of himself in public.

He knew the temperament of Qin Fen and Miao Xiaofeng very well. At the last commendation meeting, the two of them had a disagreement and fought!

The scene was very hot. If the city police leader hadn't lost his temper, who knows what would have happened.

The cause was just a few words of bickering, and he got angry.

"Okay, stop bickering. If you fight again, where will your face be?" The peacemaker was replaced by Xiong Da.

Qin Fen and Miao Xiaofeng glared at each other, snorted heavily at the same time, and turned their faces away.

At this time, the welcoming music happened to sound.

The commendation meeting began grandly.

After a series of procedures, it was time for the award ceremony, and it was also the key moment for the four major police stations to show off their achievements.

As the host called the first name, the three important figures of the Yancheng Police Station began to fight!

And this short quarter of an hour was the most frustrating time of the year for Qin Fen.

Every year he was at the bottom, every year he was alone, and every year he watched the three major police stations except the northern suburbs show off in various ways!

Especially Miao Xiaofeng, who always made a comeback, and every time he made a comeback, his sword drew blood!

But what can he do? His business is not as strong as others, so he has to bear it even if he is wronged.

Last time, he was really angry, and as a result, he fought a battle and was deducted half a year's bonus. Who can he go to for justice?

But who is Qin Fen? If he doesn't fight for bread, he must fight for his dignity!

A living person can't be suffocated to death by anger!

As a result, the next year, he is still a commander without troops!

He is numb! He doesn't want to participate in this commendation meeting anymore!

What is there to commend? It has nothing to do with me!

But this year is different. Qin Fen stood up!

With the trump card, he returned to the top!

"Look at your character, what good things are you thinking? Even if you are not a commander without troops, how many awards can you win?" Miao Xiaofeng glanced at Qin Fen, who was calm and composed, and couldn't bear it for half a minute.

"We are Zhang Guolao riding a donkey, let's wait and see!" Qin Fen used to be a commander without troops, and he would not lose the upper hand in words. This time he is so confident, why should he be afraid of Miao Renfeng?

"Don't argue with us, when has the East City Police Station not been the most commended? The pot calling the kettle black, tut tut." Xiong Dalin will not give in to these two live treasures and choose to join the battle at the top.

"With your ability, it's because the Great Sage Mo Yu is not here today, otherwise I will definitely choke you to death!" Miao Xiaofeng heard Xiong Dalin's ridicule, knowing that her own crime-solving rate was low, it was okay to bully Qin Fen, but when she met the tough Xiong Da, she was really not a person, so she had to bring out the Great Sage Mo Yu Tianfang who sat firmly in the second seat.

"Hehe, even if Tianfang came, what would happen? Look at the stage, there are four people in the East City Police Station, and only three in Xizhi, and yours is even worse, with only two third-class merits, tut tut." Xiong Dalin couldn't help but hug his thick arms, it was too TM face!

Miao Xiaofeng was speechless. She only had half as many third-class individual merits as others, so there was really nothing to brag about.

However, she turned her eyes to the innocent Captain Qin Fen of the Northern Suburbs Police Station.

"What's wrong with two? Unlike some people, they got zero again!"

Qin Fen sneered, "It's just a few third-class merits, what's there to be proud of? It's too easy to get a third-class merit now. You can find a cat or dog from another family and get half of it."

"You can't eat grapes, so you're jealous, right?" Miao Xiaofeng immediately started the online mode.

Qin Fen curled his lips and didn't argue with her.

Xiong Dalin was very happy and said to himself,

"Did you see the young man on the far left? He is a new police officer who just joined the job a while ago. His name is Jie Xinghua.

I tell you, he is a good seedling.

It's only been a few months, and he actually solved a burglary case!

A spirited young man, a bright future!"

Xiong Dalin was generous in praising his newly conquered favorite.

Qin Fen smiled, "What's a burglary? Haven't you heard about the huge dismemberment case three months ago?"

Xiong Dalin had of course heard of the sensational dismemberment case, but it was a pity that the crime scene was not in the east of the city, otherwise Qin Fen would not have stolen the limelight.

"You want to praise your new police officer Han Xu," Miao Xiaofeng seemed to have found Qin Fen's biggest reliance.

"I have heard of Han Xu, this guy, he is really lucky.

He actually found the same dog in two places where the body was dumped!"

Xiong Dalin heard his subordinates talk about the whole process of solving the dismemberment case, and he sighed that someone was really lucky!

Miao Xiaofeng had seen Han Xu in the special case team before, and witnessed the magical process of solving the case with her own eyes.

"Luck is also a part of strength. So many experts and consultants didn't notice the problem, but it was discovered by a new police officer who just joined the job. It can't be said that it was completely luck!"

The words were flawless, objective and fair. Qin Fen nodded frequently after listening to them, and when he looked at Miao Xiaofeng again, he actually liked her very much.

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