A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 830: Sooner or later you will pay for what you have done.

"Don't you think it's too coincidental?"

Han Xu nodded, not ruling out this possibility.

Old Zhang did not comment, "Captain Qin's uncle is called Qin Guangzhi. He left a suicide note before he died. It doesn't look like he was murdered."

"Have you checked the handwriting?" Han Xu asked doubtfully.

"That's unclear. The case has been submitted to the Municipal Office. Because it involves Captain Qin, we can't intervene at all.

I finally asked some old friends in the system to find out this information."

Old Zhang shook his head for the third time, and he was really helpless.

"Borrowing money in the name of Captain Qin, and then suddenly committing suicide?"

Han Xu couldn't help but ponder the cause and effect, and felt that things were not that simple.

I thought it was Qiangsheng Group before. To be more precise, Mei Yuting found a reason to report anonymously in order to prevent Qin Fen from interfering too much in the investigation of the skeleton case.

But now it seems that it's not the case.

It actually involves human life.

But it makes sense. Just because Qin Guangzhi was cheating outside, even if he used the name of Captain Qin, he would not attract such great attention from the inspection team.

After all, once human life is involved, the nature is completely different.

Qin Guangzhi!

This guy doesn't seem to have many Guangzhis. Such a good name is really wasted.

"Han Xu, do you think Mei Yuting secretly sent someone to kill Qin Guangzhi? And then used this to frame our Captain Qin?" Based on the information currently available to Zhang, he can only lean in this direction.

Han Xu shook his head and did not comment, because in his impression, or in the impression of the original owner, Mei Yuting can indeed do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, but there is still a bottom line. How could she cause a death just to frame an insignificant criminal investigation captain?

This is not like Mei Yuting's style.

To put it simply, people at Mei Yuting's level are always cautious in doing things, and they are as far away from things like murder as possible.

In other words, Mei Yuting would not easily get blood on her hands unless it was absolutely necessary.

This is a matter of principle.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to deal with the aftermath.

It's not that she doesn't have the courage, but she tries not to touch it if she can!

Han Xu suddenly thought of a more accurate description, that is, people like Mei Yuting can't even tolerate a little stain in her life.

Maybe it's because the more you lack something, the more you care about it.

After all, Mei Yuting was just a nanny in the Han family before.

So she values ​​these things more.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Mei Yuting can climb to the current height smoothly.

Guys like Shen Lei who never scruples about doing things will never achieve anything big.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Once the butt is dirty, it is not so easy to wipe it off.

Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you will still leave traces, and it is impossible to live in peace for a lifetime.

Shen Lei's death is the best proof!

If it weren't for the cause buried in the early years, how could Chu Tianhe's headshot result come from it?

As the saying goes, you will pay for what you have done sooner or later!

So Han Xu subconsciously did not think that Qin Guangzhi's case had a direct relationship with Mei Yuting.

It was just a coincidence that Mei Yuting's suspicion was increased.

"Mei Yuting didn't need to do this to frame Captain Qin. After all, there was no deep hatred. But I think it is necessary to investigate Qin Guangzhi's case in depth.

People like this are generally very cherishing of their lives. Suicide is a bit too much!"

Han Xu then expressed his own views.

Lao Zhang nodded after hearing this, "Well, you are right. A deadbeat like Qin Guangzhi is really unlikely to commit suicide. These days, those who owe money are all big guys. I have never seen many people who choose to commit suicide because they can't pay back the money."

"Oh, by the way, how much did Qin Guangzhi owe?" Han Xu suddenly became more curious about this question.

Lao Zhang held up four fingers expressionlessly.

"Four million? Damn, it's a lot!"

Before he finished speaking, Han Xu saw Lao Zhang calmly shook his head.

"Could it be 40 million?"

This time he guessed right, Lao Zhang sighed heavily, "This guy's shell company has a huge deficit, and all the projects he took on have been unfinished."

"No wonder you say he is a deadbeat, but what about gambling debts?"

Han Xu really didn't dare to think about how much money Qin Guangzhi owed.

"I was just about to tell you about this. Qin Guangzhi seemed to go gambling to make up for the company's deficit, and the result was not much different from our wandering painter.

Including principal and interest, he owed more than 10 million.

That's why he had the courage to borrow the name of Captain Qin and raise funds from those underworld bosses!

To sum up, this guy owed at least 40 million.

Maybe this is too little!"

"This guy is really bold!" Even Han Xu was a little shocked. It's not that he hasn't seen so much money before, but he has never seen so much money out of nothing.

It seems that Qin Fen's name as Captain Qin is very useful.

"Have you found out who Qin Guangzhi borrowed money from?"

Old Zhang replied without thinking, "There are quite a few people, but the biggest one is a guy named Fan Yong."

"Fan Yong? The Fan Yong who is known as Bei Yong Nan Lei together with Shen Lei?!"

Han Xu didn't expect that this matter would actually involve another former gangster.

"Have you heard of him?" Lao Zhang glanced at Han Xu curiously. After all, that guy was an old school gangster.

Not to mention that Han Xu was not from Yancheng, most of the local young people had never heard of such a number one figure.

"Well, I just heard about it in the past two days. It is said that he is doing well." Han Xu nodded and replied.

"No, now that Shen Lei is dead, Fan Yong is the most powerful person on Yancheng Road. But this guy is no less generous than Shen Lei. He doesn't even have to do many things himself, and he doesn't even have to wipe his butt. How should I put it? , In our Yancheng, don’t offend Fan Yong, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. "

When Han Xu heard what Lao Zhang said, he immediately asked curiously, "Is it possible that this Fan Yong is good at playing dirty tricks?"

"Well, more or less. It is said that this person's personality has nothing to do with his name. Tsk, tsk, such a good name was wasted."

Lao Zhang heard many things from the seniors in the department. In fact, he had never had any dealings with Fan Yong, but those stories about Fan Yong still left a very deep impression on him.

Han Xu, on the other hand, filed away his teeth and saw that Shen Lei was sent away, and another more ruthless one appeared.

As the saying goes, it's easy to hide from an open gun, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow!

In fact, Han Xu, like Cheng Zi, hates this guy who plays dirty tricks the most.

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