Speaking of the No. 3 Lighthouse case, it is not that there is no clue at all.

But there is a key figure missing.

That is Li Liansheng.

Of course, the identity and background of the victim have not been investigated so far, which is also the main reason for the case to be shelved.

Who is the victim of the No. 3 Lighthouse case?

Is it really the new bride that Li Liansheng bought for his son to bring good luck?

Because not many people in the same village have seen this woman. Li Liansheng's family, except for him, his son and wife are gone.

In other words, at present, no one except Li Liansheng can verify this issue.

Unless Han Xu and others find the beggars involved in the case.

Beggars are generally a rural name, usually referring to people who abduct women and children and specialize in defrauding people of money.

They can take advantage of people's unpreparedness and use the method of spraying, applying, and suffocating psychedelic drugs to knock the victim unconscious, making him lose self-control and resistance, and then rob money and abduct people.

It is also the lowest level of the contempt chain in the cell, even worse than scum like rapists.

For example, Chen Chunsheng, the director of the Happy Family Welfare Home, is a typical example, except that he does things in a more advanced way.

It seems that he never lacks resources!

He is the scum of scum in this low-class business.

But the usual beggars move to another place after each shot, and never stay in one place for a long time.

So you can imagine how difficult it is to find the beggar.

What is the most difficult to find?

It is probably these scum hidden in the floating population.

With a turn, they can easily be drowned in the crowd and disappear.

However, the crackdown on beggars by police stations in various places has always been quite severe.

But how to say it, there is no profit without early action!

No trade, no harm!

The reason is still caused by some feudal dregs.

Otherwise, there would not be so many helpless and pitiful families.

In fact, Han Xu once suspected that Dong Shushu was doing this kind of business before, and it should be quite big.

Otherwise, there would not be such an amazing discovery as the skeleton case.

However, Han Xu really didn't know how many girls Dong Shushu and his gang had harmed over the years.

People like them are actually quite rare.

The targets are basically all underage girls!

Obviously, the victims of the Lighthouse No. 3 case do not fall into this category, but it cannot be denied that the victims of the Lighthouse No. 3 case have nothing to do with Dong Shushu and his gang.

After all, there are not many people doing this kind of business in the whole Yancheng.

Most likely, they are just moonlighting.

It's too rare to see permanent ones.

For example, Dong Shushu and his gang of scumbags.

But what surprised Han Xu even more was that the time span of the skeleton case was at least ten years.

So it's really hard to figure out how these bastards survived for so long.

Maybe they don't commit crimes that frequently?

Although this possibility is not ruled out, Han Xu still thinks it's not right the more he thinks about it.

It seems that behind the skeleton case, there is more than just a simple human smuggling and ransom.

In addition, the mysterious Mr. Z suddenly intervened in the matter of Li Liansheng.

Han Xu suspected that the No. 3 Lighthouse case was very likely to be related to the skeleton case, more or less.

As for what the truth is, it is still like looking at flowers in the fog, hazy and completely unclear.

The reason is that the people involved in the case are dead or missing, and many questions cannot be further verified.

That's why it is stuck in the current deadlock.

How to say it, if it weren't for the mysterious Mr. Z who suddenly popped up at the critical moment, Han Xu would not have been able to find out the truth to this extent.

Not to mention getting closer to the truth, even the general idea is completely unresolved.

To be honest, this mysterious Mr. Z not only does not seem to be the mastermind behind the scenes, but has provided the police with a lot of clues.

At least it seems like this now.

For example, without this mysterious Mr. Z, Han Xu would not be able to follow the clues and turn over the whole skeleton case in the haunted house of Chu Tianhe's villa.

This is one of the key clues. The key clue lies in the abstract oil painting whose author is still unknown.

The second is the suspected signature photo in the anonymous materials that reported Chen Chunsheng and Chen Yuan.

To be honest, without those anonymous materials, not to mention Han Xu, even Lin Tianjun, the captain of the Lin detachment, would have no way to deal with Chen Chunsheng.

This old-timer is not an ordinary person.

Those who walk by the river all year round and appear at night, which one is easy to deal with?

It is impossible to reveal such a big flaw.

You have to know that any one or two of the things Chen Chunsheng did are enough to lose his head.

How can such a person not be extremely cautious?

There is a saying that people who dare to do such things are not ordinary people at all.

Even so, the mysterious Mr. Z still caught the handle.

Han Xu has reason to suspect that the Xia sisters must be related to the mysterious Mr. Z.

The focus of the next step may be on these two people.

And the good boy Chen Shaochong who seems to be out of the matter.

Han Xu always felt that with this child's IQ, he must know something, but if he wanted to dig something out of him, he would have to plan carefully.

How to say it, this biological son of Dean Chen Chunsheng is also not a big shot in the province.

Han Xu even suspected that Chen Shaochong's shift of his attention to Li Tianyi was not aimless, but more like a deliberate move.

However, Han Xu was still a little unsure about what Chen Shaochong's purpose was.

After all, there was a possibility of betraying his father Chen Chunsheng.

Without Chen Shaochong's shift of attention, how could Li Tianyi be investigated, plus the strange surveillance probe on the wall of Li Tian's family.

Perfectly, Han Xu's attention was drawn to the villa of Chu Tianhe's family next door.

Plus the abstract oil painting on the wall of the living room!

The whole process seemed to be deliberately arranged by someone.

Leading Han Xu to that position little by little.

Tsk tsk, thinking about it this way, the brainpower of this guy behind the scenes is really a bit off the mark.

It seems that everything is under the control of the other party.

Including Han Xu, he is also just a chess piece in the hands of others.

What happens next is even more interesting.

Ma Mingtao's surrender seems to have opened another chapter.

At least it let Han Xu know what kind of tragic fate Lu Lu, who escaped from the Happy Family Welfare Home, had experienced.

When mentioning Lu Lu, Han Xu couldn't help but think of Wang Nannan who disappeared with her.

Why did one of them die in the abandoned well behind Dong Shushu's house, and the other's skeleton appeared in the wall of the secret basement?

To be honest, Han Xu has been struggling with this issue from beginning to end.

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