Of course, it is much better to have it than not to have it!

Once this guy enters the field of vision, we only need to compare the DNA data.

The other party can't clear himself even if he jumps into the Yellow River!

That is solid evidence.

And in the case of Lighthouse No. 3, the dripping bloodstains extracted by Song Jiaer at the crime scene are also very strong evidence.

It's a pity that no object for comparison has been found until now.

Otherwise, the case of Lighthouse No. 3 would not have been dragged on until now.

The same is true for the biological fathers of the unborn babies in the skeleton case.

If they had shown up, they wouldn't have spent so much time investigating.

However, Han Xu still gained something from this re-organization.

For example, the matter of Lu Lu and Wang Nannan.

Han Xu has reason to believe that the Xia sisters may have played a very important role in it.

As for whether it is black or white, it is a little unclear.

In fact, Han Xu has had contact with the Xia sisters.

At least they are familiar with each other.

Especially this Xia Xueying!

Han Xu never thought that she would be caught between Zheng Qiang and Zheng Shiqiang. It is no exaggeration to say that she is good at dancing with long sleeves.

But what is the truth of the matter?

In fact, further investigation is needed.

After all, the one-sided words of the wandering painter Zheng Qiang are not credible!

Who knows what this guy is up to?

Han Xu will be more careful no matter who he sees, especially this criminal suspect!

How to say it, none of these guys are good.

Those who dare to commit crimes deliberately are almost not easy to deal with!

Don’t look at them as if they don’t have any schemes. In fact, who doesn’t have eight hundred minds!

Otherwise, they dare not do anything illegal!

In fact, it’s not much different to say that they are desperate criminals.

But as Han Xu said to Lao Zhang before, it is at least a new clue.

It won’t hurt to investigate.

The skeleton case is roughly like this.

In addition to assisting the Nancheng Police Station in solving the skeleton case, there is also the sudden murder of Zheng Shiqiang. After all, this case is very likely to be related to the skeleton case, and Han Xu must investigate it to the end.

Not to mention Captain Xiong Dalin, who calls several times a day.

He just needs to dig Han Xu over there.

It would be unreasonable not to help them solve a few cases.

Finally, it is Captain Qin Fen. Although Director Ge Chensheng of the Beijiao Police Station strictly ordered that Han Xu and others not touch this case.

But it is not emotional.

You can't just watch your boss suffer an unjustifiable crime.

The key is that the police officers from top to bottom of the Beijiao Police Station have seen it.

Han Xu can't just stand by and watch.

Of course, he can only investigate secretly.

So as not to cause unnecessary trouble!

And speed is of the essence!

The longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for Captain Qin Fen.

So Han Xu had to put some pressure on Li Le to find Ma Houzi's group as soon as possible, maybe there would be a turnaround.

The main reason was that Han Xu didn't really believe in the efficiency of the city's inspection team!

In the end, it was Captain Qin Fen who suffered the loss.

It is very likely that this will be recorded on his resume, and it will be even more difficult to transfer and promote in the future.

Along the way, Han Xu thought about many things in his mind.

After all, Captain Qin Fen was not around, and everything had to be coordinated.

It can't be like before, just taking care of one thing.

At this time, Han Xu felt more and more how speechless it was to lack Qin Fen, a boss who was in charge of the rear.

It's no different from cutting off the left and right arms!

Han Xu even wanted to solve the problem of Qin Fen as soon as possible. After all, you must first stabilize the country before you can resist foreign aggression!

If you don't handle your worries well, you will inevitably be stretched when investigating the case, which is very uncomfortable.

Han Xu was thinking about these random questions all the way, and suddenly he remembered something, took out his mobile phone, and called Lao Zhang.

Unfortunately, he called twice, but the tone was busy.

It seems that Lao Zhang has encountered a lot of trouble.

Han Xu was worried secretly, but Lao Zhang called back again.

"Hello, Brother Zhang, how is the situation over there?"

Lao Zhang sighed heavily on the other end of the phone, "Oh, don't mention it, your brother Zhang has returned to the pre-liberation era overnight!"

Han Xu was speechless when he heard this, and it seemed that the worst situation had still occurred.

"Your sister-in-law is usually so smart, how could she become so confused all of a sudden! Oh, I'm so angry!"

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, let's think of a solution together." Han Xu could only comfort him with a few words.

He could hear that Lao Zhang was angry at this time.

He probably just had a quarrel with his wife, and he could still hear the sobbing sound from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Zhang, where are you now? I'll be there right away!"

At this time, Han Xu had nothing else to say, he could only meet the person first and ask about the situation.

Old Zhang reluctantly gave an address on the other end and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Han Xu immediately stopped a taxi on the side of the road and went straight to Old Zhang.

When he found the place, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Old Zhang was smoking alone on the curb outside the community gate.

Due to the poor light, when Han Xu passed by, he could only see a flickering cigarette butt, which seemed to be telling the helplessness of life.

"Brother Zhang, what's going on?"

Han Xu looked around, and there was no one around, only Lao Zhang squatting here.

At this time, Lao Zhang looked helpless, as if he had aged a few years in an instant. After seeing Han Xu, the bitterness on his face became more intense.

"Oh, don't mention it, we really got it right! Your sister-in-law was deceived by that bastard!"

Lao Zhang pinched the cigarette butt. He suddenly encountered such a big thing. Even if he was mentally strong, he was a little anxious!

"Is it a telecommunications fraud?!"

Han Xu stared at Lao Zhang without blinking, and when he saw the other party nodded slightly, he continued to ask, "Can you find out the flow of funds?"

Lao Zhang looked even more bitter when he heard this, "I have checked it. These grandsons used overseas accounts and credit cards. Once the money was transferred, it was taken away by people overseas in less than two minutes!

These grandsons are very professional, and there is no way to check it even if you want to!"

Lao Zhang is doing this. Even if he said there is no way, there must be no way.

Good guy, the fraud has even deceived the police's family members, is there any justice!

But as Lao Zhang said, it is really difficult to check from the flow of funds!

This group of people just took advantage of this loophole, otherwise how dare they be so blatant.

One end is not working, Han Xu had to ask again, "How was my sister-in-law deceived?"

(Warm reminder: Beware of telecommunications fraud)

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