In fact, Han Xu had never thought about this before!

After all, no boss is like Pang Donglai, who stays alone at home to watch the door, and looks pitiful.

However, this person is actually the boss of that group of guys!

Perhaps to be precise, Pang Donglai is most likely Ma Houzi himself!

Obviously, those guys who were beaten down by Han Xu are completely different from Pang Donglai and Maxi!

Since Maxi's suspicion has been ruled out, the actual leader of this group of people can only be Pang Donglai.

This guy is hiding deep enough!

Even Han Xu was fooled.

I have to admit that he is really a scammer!

There is no need to act, and the people who fooled him were stunned.

If Han Xu hadn't suddenly wanted to try the tracking gadget given by Lao Zhang, Pang Donglai would have succeeded.

So, this guy should be unlucky.

Of course, the most important thing is that Han Xu left Pang Donglai alone there, and he was really worried!

What if something goes wrong?

It just so happens that I have this little gadget made by Lao Zhang on hand.

To be honest, Lao Zhang has really played with this thing.

The tracker is very sophisticated. While handcuffing Pang Donglai, Han Xu stuffed the micro tracker into his pocket without anyone noticing.

This thing has an advantage. Once it is firmly attached, it looks like a piece of paper.

In addition, it has no weight at all, so there is no need to worry that Pang Donglai will notice it!

Now, as long as we follow Pang Donglai's eye-catching red dot, we don't have to worry about not being able to catch this guy again.

"Tsk tsk, it's quite interesting! You guys are really good at this! One is cheating, the other is being beaten, just like Zhou Yu fighting Huang Gai."

After hearing this, Cheng Zi shook his head. The longer he spent with Han Xu, the more he felt that he had grown his brains.

These people are playing more and more colorfully!

Pang Donglai is needless to say. He dared to lie with his eyes open and deceive people. He is really something.

He is worthy of being the leader of the fraudsters!

Chengzi even thought that the group of people just arrested were all errand boys.

The person behind the scam can only be Pang Donglai who almost fooled Han Xu.

Maybe now he can be called a horse monkey.

"No wonder these guys have been able to stay in Yancheng for so long! This Pang Donglai is quite powerful!"

Han Xu glanced at Chengzi beside him and nodded slightly, "That guy is really powerful. I almost got fooled. A good boss stayed there to guard the door. And you don't know, this Pang Donglai is not very old, at most he is in his early twenties.

So I didn't think in that direction at all at the beginning.

But when this guy attacked me, his attack was not much different from the group of people we just arrested, as if they all came from the same place.

But his accent is that of a local in Yancheng!

This is a bit strange."

"Well, what you said makes sense," Chengzi did not forget to lower his voice when he spoke, after all, he was still in the car and didn't want the driver to hear anything.

"You just said that those people seemed to come from Southeast Asia. Could it be northern Myanmar?"

Chengzi couldn't help but mention that famous place.

"It's hard to say! I found a lot of traces of escaping in their temporary residence. These people are very brave and don't know how to hide at all. It's quite like the style of people over there." Han Xu shook his head and said.

Northern Myanmar usually refers to Kachin State in the north of MD and Shan State in the northeast. The Yunnan section of the Myanmar border is 1,997 kilometers. Except for the Myanmar side opposite to Dehong Prefecture, which is controlled by the Myanmar government, the rest of the Myanmar side is controlled by Myanmar's local ethnic armed forces.

So the situation there is quite complicated!

According to statistics, the number of fraudsters arrested there ranks first among Southeast Asian countries, and the northern Myanmar region even has the status of a "base camp" in cross-border criminal dens.

It can be called the cradle of fraudsters.

In fact, there are some historical reasons why a large number of electronic fraud parks have appeared in northern Myanmar.

In order to obtain huge military expenses, the local civilian armed forces over there can only choose smuggling, drug trading, gambling, human trafficking and other crimes as a source of income.

This has also led to a rare situation in northern Myanmar, where crime is supported in the form of a quasi-state.

For ordinary people, it is like hell!

But these people have always been fishing outside the country and rarely enter the inland of Xia!

To be honest, with the strength of Xia's crackdown on crime, they will die if they come in.

However, these people are indeed out-and-out desperate criminals who take risks for the sake of profit and can do anything.

But what makes Han Xu puzzled is that these people suddenly appeared here. Could it be that they can't get along there?

In recent times, under the pressure of "international pressure", northern Myanmar has really been severely rectified.

So it is not ruled out that these people sneak into Xia and resume their old business!

Of course, this risk is not a joke.

With the current security situation in Xia, these guys are just looking for death, there is no difference!

But how did Ma Houzi and his gang get involved with Ma Mingtao?

Could it be that before Ma Houzi went out, he had always been Ma Mingtao's henchmen?

This time, you came back to help the big brother regain his glory?

This possibility cannot be ruled out!

"Master, please turn right at the intersection ahead!"

Han Xu thought about these things while not forgetting to give directions to the driver.

The driver had no idea what the two men were doing, but subconsciously felt that they were mysterious. Based on the principle of less trouble, he chose to turn a blind eye. Even if he heard something, it went in one ear and out the other, and it didn't stay in his mind at all!


Seeing that the driver in front of him had good eyesight, Chengzi smiled and shook his head, and his eyes stayed on the screen of Han Xu's worn-out smartphone.

A small red star the size of a sesame seed was moving slowly on the edge of the screen.

It seemed that he didn't use any means of transportation, but was just running wildly!

"This kid's lock-picking skills are not very good. It's been so long, why hasn't he run far?"

Chengzi's brain circuit is very clear, and the direction of thinking is completely different from others.

"You think everyone is like you, and can open the handcuffs in two or three moves! Every profession has its own expertise, and it's good that this guy can escape."

"That's true!" Chengzi laughed and scratched his shaved head, "But the direction this guy ran, it seems like he was going to Shen Lei's house, right?"

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