"Did I hear correctly? Why is it Han Xu again?!"

"Yes, host, did you make a mistake?"

"I just awarded him the second-class merit, why are you reciting it again?"

"You mean, did you get the wrong list?"

Under the award podium, it can no longer be described as a boiling soup pot!

The host's face also became uncertain. He quickly looked through the list in his hand several times to make sure it was correct. He turned to look at the city department leaders behind him in confusion.

If you make a mistake, there is really no way to end it.

The top leader of the Municipal Department, Jiang Tianxing and Director Jiang, saw the chaotic scene in the audience, frowning on the surface, but feeling happy inwardly.

This kind of scene is rare. This young man named Han Xu is really not simple.

At first, he didn't care much about the requests for credit reported by the Northern Suburbs Police Station, but then he saw that Han Xu solved four murder cases in a row in ten days!

He, the top leader of the Yancheng City Department, was also shocked. His luck and ability were too exaggerated.

Ability is secondary, the main thing is luck!

When you were as old as him, you were still organizing files behind your master, right?

The times are developing too fast!

So fast that if you're not careful, the back wave will hit your face? !

"Everyone, please be quiet. Host, please continue!" Director Jiang knocked on the table and signaled that the awards should continue.

The host understood immediately and the top leaders spoke, so there must be no problem with this list.

As Director Jiang's majestic voice fell, the scene immediately fell into silence.

All the police officers knew one thing. This young new police officer named Han Xu had really won another second-class merit award!

Even if there were doubts, no one would dare to express them on such an occasion.

If this is a hard fact, what does it mean?

Double shot? !

Can anyone really win second-class merit twice in a row at the annual commendation conference?

What did he do? !

After the police officers present were briefly shocked, this question echoed in their minds almost simultaneously.

As the person involved, Han Xu was confused!

He looked at the certificate of honor and the second-class merit medal he had just received in his hand, and was instantly at a loss.

Who was copying homework carelessly and wrote his or her name one more time?

But looking at the calm look of the head of the City Department, it doesn't look like there was a mistake at all.

Is it possible to win three yuan in a row in less than three months?

Is this almost a second-class skill in walking? !

Next to him, Xie Xinghua looked at Han Xu from admiration to worship, his eyes were full of little stars!

"I just said you are my idol. You are too strong and domineering! You won two second-class merit awards at a commendation meeting!"

The police officers who had just angrily criticized Han Xu and Xie Xinghua were even more confused. Unexpectedly, they said lightly, "Isn't it just a second-class meritorious service? There will be many opportunities in the future."

The big words didn't even pass by overnight, and they came true? Take two at once?

The captains of the criminal investigation teams of major police stations in the front row finally believed what Qin Fen said was true when they saw the funny scene at the venue.

Han Xu really solved four murder cases in ten days, otherwise it would have been impossible to win two second-class merits in a row!

The Yancheng Police Department’s second-class merit awards have never been awarded so consecutively!

"I said, Lao Qin, you hid it well enough, and brought two kings to show off, right?" Captain Xiong Dalin couldn't help but look like he had been robbed in the last ten seconds.

Miao Xiaofeng was also filled with hatred. Normally, there were only one or two second-class merit awards at the annual commendation meeting. She never expected that not only would there be one more this time, but it would also be taken away by the same newcomer.

What made her even more speechless was that this newcomer was affiliated with the Beijiao Police Station and was Qin Fen's subordinate!

Who can I talk to to reason with you?

"In addition to the second-class merit for the corpse dismemberment case two months ago, is it possible that Han Xu got three second-class merit?!" Captain Xiong seemed to have found the key point.

The wrinkles on Qin Fen's face were as happy as the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, "I'm good at mathematics. One plus two equals three."

"Hetui, it's not like you got second-class merit, why do you have to do it so hard?" Miao Xiaofeng said she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Those are my subordinates!" Qin Fen smiled instead of being angry. Don't feel too happy about this feeling. "If you have the ability, you can train someone who can get second-class skills. Let alone three, you can get one!" "

Although Miao Xiaofeng wanted to retaliate, Qin Fen was telling the truth, and there was really nothing he could do against him.

Not to mention three second-class merit, there is not even one newcomer who has obtained third-class merit.

"That's someone else's ability. What does it have to do with you? Without Han Xu, you wouldn't be at the bottom every year." Xiong Dalin secretly calculated that one second-class meritorious service is worth five third-class meritorious service. Well, this year's The limelight was completely stolen.

Moreover, four murder cases were solved in a row, which greatly increased the crime detection rate of the northern suburbs police station.

Is it possible that this year’s results will be distorted?

While he was thinking wildly, Han Xu, who was the center of attention, stepped onto the podium again.

"If I had known that I was going to come up again, why let me go down? It's so awkward in front of so many colleagues!" Han Xu muttered to himself, and someone who was usually so thick-skinned actually felt a little embarrassed.

Standing again in front of Director Jiang, the head of the Yancheng City Department, Han Xu didn't even know what expression to put on.

"Young man, you did a great job! You really gave Yancheng a good face. The future belongs to you and to all the police officers present." Director Jiang's cordial and kind voice was full of tension, and he was worthy of being a big shot who has been in a high position for a long time.

After Han Xu expressed his heartfelt thanks, he once again performed the standard raising of hands salute in front of all the police officers present.

Another thunderous applause echoed over the auditorium and could not subside for a long time.

The entire award ceremony did not last long. Next, the leader spoke again, praising each police station for their hard work and extraordinary achievements over the past year, which earned them even more praise from all walks of life in Yancheng...

However, what is rare is that in his speech, Director Jiang emphatically praised Han Xu, who had just won the second-class merit twice.

Han Xu was really flattered to be personally named and praised by the big leader!

What was even more unexpected was that Director Jiang directly solved the mystery of why Han Xu was able to obtain second-class merit twice for all the police officers present.

"Are you all wondering why, for the first time in history, the City Department awarded two second-class merit awards to the same rookie police officer?"

Seeing the curious expressions of the police officers in the audience, Director Jiang did not show off and said bluntly,

"Because Han Xu deserves two heavy second-class merit awards!

Han Xu, stand up! "

Han Xu received the order from his leader, brushed the ground and stood up straight!

Director Jiang smiled at Han Xu and said, "The young new police officer in front of you has just joined our team, less than three months ago!

But he did something that many veteran criminal investigators who had been working for many years failed to do!

Four cases in ten days! In just ten days, Han Xu solved four difficult murder cases!

Comrades, this is an example for us to learn from! "

Han Xu never imagined that he would become famous instantly!

The entire Yancheng police force exploded!

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