A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 863: Evildoers will be punished by their own evildoers

"You're pretty good at reading people. It seems like you'll have a lot of skills following Ma Mingtao!"

Han Xu said casually.

Pang Donglai smiled and replied shamelessly, "Master, let me in. It depends on the individual!"

Han Xu was speechless again. The guy in front of him was quite thick-skinned, not much different from Ma Mingtao.

I have to admit that Ma Mingtao is indeed quite capable. At least he has trained some talents under his command!

For example, Chen Shaochong, Li Tianyi, and now Ma Houhou, all of them are guys who can stand alone.

Although Li Tian did it a little at a time, he at least had the spirit to study hard.

As for the information provided by the mysterious Mr. Z, most people would never even think of tinkering with it.

What should I say? If you don't have a bright mind, you'd better not go astray.

Maybe we haven’t hit the road yet, but we’ll hit the road right away!

Not even a chance to react!

Apart from Li Tianyi, let alone Chen Shaochong.

Although he is young, he is one of the few talents Han Xu has ever seen!

And I’m still studying psychology. Gee, I’m not sure, this guy will be the most difficult to deal with.

Just looking at what he did, it was not something ordinary people could do.

What's more, Han Xu also suspected that this boy had even betrayed his own father. Although it was a bit of a righteous act to kill relatives, but what can I say, if it were someone else, he probably wouldn't have the courage of Chen Shaochong!

If someone under Ma Mingtao could achieve great things, Han Xu's first thought would be the highly educated Chen Shaochong.

Now that I think about it, everything this guy has shown during the several contacts is impeccable, even worse than Ma Mingtao!

Even Han Xu thought there was nothing wrong with this kid.

But coupled with the relationship between the Xia sisters, Han Xu felt more and more that this young man caught between so-called relatives was not as simple as he imagined.

So Han Xu still planned to find Chen Shaochong after he decided on this matter!

Maybe we can get some breakthroughs from him!

Even if this possibility is very slim!

But Han Xu has such a stubborn temper that he will never let go of any clues he gets!

If we want to find out what the Xia sisters have done behind the scenes, perhaps we can only focus on Chen Shaochong.

After all, this young man was extremely intelligent and there was no way he could be manipulated by the Xia sisters as a pawn.

As the saying goes, how can a man live in heaven and earth and live in depression for a long time?

Maybe Chen Shaochong had already made a plan in his mind.

There is also Director Chen Chunsheng of Xingfu Xiaojia Welfare Home. At first glance, it seems that he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he has been arrested, he must have some back-ups.

For example, I don’t know where the stolen money is hidden!

According to Miao Xiaolan, the Nancheng Police Department has never investigated this clearly.

The ledgers are all there, but the money is missing!

No matter how hard the Nancheng Police Department tried, they couldn't pry anything out of Chen Chunsheng.

In Miao Xiaolan's words, this old boy planned to bury him with the money.

However, Han Xu didn't think so, thinking that there might be something fishy about this matter.

It's a good time to take advantage of it and explore Chen Shaochong's tone.

Of course, these are the next steps.

Right now, the trouble with Pang Donglai must be dealt with first.

This Pang Donglai was only a few years older than Chen Shaochong and Li Tianyi. Perhaps he had been following Ma Mingtao for a long time, so he had learned a lot of bad tricks.

Despite the flattering smile on his face, when Han Xu asked about the more important points, he started pretending to be dumbfounded!

He can be called a treacherous person, and cannot be described as an ordinary oil stick.

Almost catching up with Ma Mingtao!

Okay, I met a difficult guy again!

Others are going to kill him, but he is still in the mood to talk nonsense with Han Xu here.

Sure enough, he is not an ordinary person!

No wonder they dared to form a team in Yancheng and commit fraud blatantly!

He talks a lot about falsehoods, and almost nine and a half of his ten sentences are deceptive.

But there are still half-hearted words mixed in, which is really hard to distinguish between true and false!

Han Xu interrogated him for a long time. In fact, in the end, none of them seemed to be important.

Even if he knew that the kid in front of him was being careless, there was no particularly good way to do it.

After all, we can't really throw this guy back to the door of Shen Lei's mansion.

The two of them chatted for a long time in the dark, but the result was not satisfactory.

Just at this time, Chengzi came back alone!

Han Xu glanced at it. Needless to say, he must have lost track of him.

Sure enough, Chengzi had already started to complain before he even got closer, "Damn it, that kid ran too fast! He disappeared in a flash. The key is that there are too many side roads in the alleys here!

I searched for a long time and couldn't find that guy!

He is probably hiding!

Alas, MD, the cooked duck is gone! "

In fact, what Chengzi said was the main reason why Han Xu didn't chase him out immediately.

The terrain of this shanty town is too complicated!

The other party is obviously much more familiar with him than he is here, and the lighting is not good, so it is easy to get rid of him.

Han Xu knew that he could get lost in broad daylight, let alone in this situation.

So he simply stayed and interrogated Pang Donglai.

Sure enough, the ending is as expected!

Even the oranges were lost!

If it were me, it wouldn't be any better!

"Let him run away, that guy is pretty good, and the environment here is too complicated."

Han Xu didn't care, as long as nothing happened to Chengzi!

After all, it's easy to dodge an open spear, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow. Who knows if the other party is just one person.

Even if Chengzi is good at fighting, he can't guard against a hidden attack.

Chengzi seemed a little unwilling, and kept cursing. Finally, his eyes fell on Pang Donglai, and he was even more angry.

"You are Pang Donglai, right? You can run fast! Do you know why that guy is chasing you?"

Pang Donglai looked up at this guy who was even more ferocious than Han Xu. His face turned green. He didn't dare to say anything, but he couldn't help cursing, "Fuck, are the police so fierce now? This guy doesn't look like a policeman at all, why is he like a thug!"

Chengzi saw that the boy had a bad look in his eyes, and slapped him on the back of his head.

Pang Donglai was hit hard and was immediately furious.

"Fuck, you can't catch anyone, so you take it out on me! Believe it or not, I will report you for abuse of violence immediately!"

When Chengzi heard this, he got angry and raised his palm as big as a palm fan, "I see there is a mosquito on your head! Don't move! I will help you hit it again!"

Not to mention Pang Donglai, Han Xu was a little amused when he heard this.

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