"You are good at everything, but sometimes you are too nagging, just like my mother!"

Li Le opened his mouth and added another sentence, which hit the nail on the head.

Han Xu was speechless. Perhaps his cautious temperament was indeed a bit nagging.

"Why don't you nag a little bit? You've been left alone for too long. If I don't care about you, you'll have to go to bed in less than three days!"

When Li Le heard this, he curled his lips and said, "Look, my mother always talks about me like this. The last time I came home, she scolded me and confiscated my car keys. Just tell me, we often It’s so inconvenient to work on cases outside without a car! Fortunately, I have a new girlfriend. I’ve only known her for a few days, and she’s so supportive of my work.”

Han Xu was directly defeated, "Can a girlfriend be the same as a mother?! You, you better listen to your mother more!"

"Hey, by the way, why have I never heard you talk about your mother's side of things?"

After rushing here, Li Le asked out of curiosity.

Han Xu shook his head and said nothing!

After all, the original owner had lost his mother since he was a child, so this touched upon the pot that he least wanted to mention.

When Li Le saw that Han Xu's face was not very good, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, just pretend I didn't ask!"

"Actually, it's nothing, just drive your car well!"

Han Xu didn't say anything in the end. It wasn't that he didn't regard Li Le as a brother, but he just wanted to respect the original owner's wishes.

Speaking of which, both of Han Xu's parents died before he traveled through time. The most taboo thing is for someone to ask about this.

However, Han Xu quickly adjusted his mood, perhaps wanting to divert his attention, and currently stayed at the address just recorded on the navigation.

"Li Le, don't you think this address looks familiar?!"

Li Le took the time to glance at it again and nodded slightly, "Well, it looks familiar. Isn't this the Huilongguan Community! Have you forgotten? Zhang Hengyi in the Snow Mountain Case once rented there."

With Han Xu's memory, how could he possibly forget it.

What's more, the Snow Mountain case is the first series of extremely large cases he has taken on.

Back then, he and Song Jiaer inspected Zhang Hengyi's residence.

It’s this place called Huilongguan Community.

Not only that, but an outdoor club organizer named Zhang Yida also happened to live there.

Speaking of which, if it weren’t for the party photo provided by Zhang Yida!

It was impossible for Han Xu to connect all the people involved in the Snow Mountain case.

Zhang Hengyi, Jiang Zigui, Li Hongwei, Xiao Ya, Ye Yeqiong, and that damn Liu Bo...

The faces of these people flashed through Han Xu's mind one by one like a revolving lantern.

To be honest, looking back now, it feels like a dream!

"In addition to Zhang Hengyi, there is another man named Zhang Yida who also lives here!"

"Zhang Yida? Who is he? Why don't I have any impression of this person?!"

Li Le frowned while driving. It seemed that there was no such person in his memory!

"Remember that photo of the outdoor club, right?" Han Xu couldn't help but remind him.

"Well, I remember. Now that I think about it, I feel a little numb! If it weren't for that photo, I would have guessed that these people are all members of an outdoor club!" Li Le returned here and suddenly remembered What, "Oh, I remembered, the party photo was provided by Zhang Yida, right?! Tsk, good guy, if we didn't have that photo, we don't know when we would find it.

Alas, thanks to this man named Zhang Yida!

But if he hadn't organized such a noisy outdoor club, there wouldn't have been anything like the Snow Mountain Case! "

"You can't say that. Who could have thought of those accidents in advance!"

Han Xu was noncommittal and shook his head slightly.

"That's true. After all, the snow mountain case was originally an accident! No one expected that an avalanche would happen at that time, but I think it's all the fault of these two guys, Liu Bo and Zhang Hengyi. Why did they climb the snow mountain without any awe? None. In the whole Snow Mountain case, these two guys are the most damned!"

Li Le told the truth when he opened his mouth, there was nothing wrong with him!

Han Xu shook his head again, "Although the two of them were wrong, no one could have predicted that an accident would happen! It's just a pity, Zhao Wanting is such a good girl..."

"You are sacrificing yourself for others! In the moment of life and death, you can still do such a fearless act! This girl is not only a good girl, she is simply a role model for our generation! If it were me, I would not be able to cut the rope myself even if I die! "When Li Le said this, he sighed again. Zhao Wanting's death was really not worth it!

"Look at who Zhao Wanting saved even at the expense of herself?! I won't talk about Li Hongwei and Xiao Ya, they are quite normal, but Liu Bo, Zhang Hengyi, and that Ye who took over other people's children are... , are not good things!

Let me tell you, God is so unfair. Why did Zhao Wanting die? !

What a deal! "

Han Xu didn't say anything when he heard this. After all, complaining wouldn't do anything!

What’s more, it’s been happening for so long!

Speaking of which, even Dr. Wang Jichao and Wang only attacked these people when they knew that their time was running out!

If Dr. Wang was not terminally ill, would he still choose to avenge Zhao Wanting, who had been dead for eight years? !

Human nature has always been complex!

Han Xu didn't want to put a question mark on this question!

But no one can tell, because everything is happening according to the established facts!

No one can save and start over!

Perhaps even Dr. Wang Jichao himself can't answer this question!

"Well, speaking of which, I admire Wang Jichao's method. What a trick of borrowing a knife to kill people. Not only is every knife fatal! And it's done perfectly! It's just bad luck to meet you, otherwise, I really don't know what this case will become!"

When Li Le thought of the result of the case, he still admired the road idiot next to him even more.

Without waiting for Han Xu to respond, Li Le continued, "Oh, by the way, Jiang Zigui, the lawyer, is also quite fierce, but what does this guy want?

Could it be that he is just for love, just like Wang Jichao?

I am not saying that, even though my eyesight is not very good, I have never made mistakes in judging people, especially in terms of feelings!

Jiang Zigui is not the same as Wang Jichao. He is not a sentimental person at all, and he is very practical!

If he also likes Zhao Wanting, I don't believe anything he says!"

Hearing this, Han Xu turned his head and looked at Li Le. He had to admit that this boy still has something. At least his sense of smell in this area is quite sensitive!

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