"What are you thinking about?"

Han Xu looked back at Li Le who was a little too excited. He didn't know what was going on, so why did he hit himself so hard?

"Fuck, Zhang Yida, the mysterious Mr. Z!"

Li Le couldn't help but raise his voice by eight degrees, and he felt a little floating.

How could Han Xu pour cold water on him, "I just said that this possibility is not ruled out, and I didn't say that Zhang Yida is the mysterious Mr. Z! Look at how excited you are! Wipe your drool quickly, what kind of talk is that."

"What do you mean?" Li Le's face twitched when he heard this, "Han Xu, can you stop being like this? Isn't Zhang Yida's last name Zhang? He is also related to the Xueshan case. If he is not the mysterious Mr. Z? Who else could it be?!"

Li Le was very sure of his judgment, but when he saw Han Xu's expression, he was a little unsure.

Sure enough, Han Xu said, "Just because Zhang Yida's last name is Zhang, and the first letter is a capital Z, you think of the mysterious Mr. Z? Sure, this associative ability is unique."

Li Le grinned and laughed awkwardly, "Isn't that the truth? I have been wondering what this Z represents, but after thinking about it, I can't think of anything else except the first letter of the last name."

Han Xu laughed, "I don't rule out this possibility, but if you go deeper, don't you think it's too straightforward?"

"Maybe he is just like this. Anyway, I think that even if Zhang Yida is not the mysterious Mr. Z, he is also related to these cases."

Li Le said it casually, but he did hit the point.

To be honest, the sudden appearance of Zhang Yida really disrupted Han Xu's rhythm!

I never expected that an insignificant link in the snow mountain before suddenly jumped out and re-entered the field of vision!

Good guy, it's terrifying to think about it!

You should know that Zhang Yida's previous identity in the Snow Mountain case was very important.

The moderator of the outdoor forum!

If this guy hadn't created the so-called outdoor forum, how could the people in the Snow Mountain case get together?

Ye Ziqiong, Xiao Ya, Jiang Zigui, Li Hongwei, Zhang Hengyi, Liu Bo...

These people are from all walks of life, and some of them are students!

To be honest, the people in the Snow Mountain case are not related at all.

And what connects these people is this outdoor forum.

Of course, Han Xu did not doubt this wheelchair-bound outdoor forum moderator.

First, the other party is inconvenient to move and is unlikely to participate in the original Snow Mountain case.

Second, it can only be said that this guy is too well hidden.

Han Xu couldn't help but recall the first time he met Zhang Yida, and he didn't realize that this guy was actually a particularly important node.

How could a long-term inconvenient otaku who stayed at home and needed his lover to take care of him in his daily life be connected to a murder case?

But how to explain this scene now?

And why did this guy target the leader Fan Yongfan? !

If Han Xu hadn't been sharp-eyed and happened to see the hidden lighter, he would never have suspected Zhang Yida.

It's obvious that there is something fishy in the lighter!

Han Xu deduced that it is very likely a small listening device!

The purpose of Zhang Yida's temporary placement of such a small gadget is obvious, just to listen to the conversation between Han Xu and the leader Fan Yongfan.

Then the question comes again!

This guy seems to have been prepared. Did he expect Han Xu to come to find the leader Fan Yongfan?

Tsk tsk, if you think about it this way, this Zhang Yida is a bit too scary.

Han Xu is more inclined to Zhang Yida. Maybe it was by chance. He saw Han Xu coming from a distance, so he placed such a listening device on a whim.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it clearly.

But in short, Zhang Yida probably wouldn't have thought that it was this careless action that accidentally exposed himself!

But then again, what was Zhang Yida's purpose in monitoring Fan Yongfan?

It seems that this guy has really taken great pains to get in touch with Fan Yong.

After all, who is Fan Yong? How could he easily play chess with someone for so long without any precautions?

Han Xu recalled some information from the previous investigation of the Xueshan case. Zhang Yida moved to this Huilongguan community two years ago.

So that means that this guy has been eyeing Fan Yongfan since then.

Because the entire Huilongguan community is actually under Fan Yong's name.

Han Xu also got this news from Uncle Li today.

It is estimated that there are not many people who know this in Yancheng.

Good guy, Zhang Yida not only knows, but also came directly to the door!

It seems that this guy who is inconvenient to move in a wheelchair has a big plan!

He dares to make trouble, and he has to be a ruthless character!

Plus the secrets about the Xueshan case!

Han Xu had no choice but to be extremely alert.

However, Han Xu did not mention this matter in his previous conversation with Fan Yong.

First of all, even if he asked, Fan Yong would not tell the truth.

For an old-fashioned person like this, nine out of ten words he said were false, and the remaining one was equally ambiguous.

Han Xu didn't dare to bet on this veteran.

What's more, everyone was watching under their noses. If Han Xu didn't open or pick up any pot, it would be a bit of a slap in the face.

Maybe Gang Leader Fan Yongfan would become angry and do something extreme.

In order to nip these uncertain factors in the cradle, Han Xu didn't mention them at all, and at the same time stopped Li Le who was about to make a move.

"We were indeed careless before, but we didn't expect Zhang Yida to show up! It seems that there must be some hidden secret behind the Snow Mountain case!"

Han Xu never bites his tongue, after all, he was careless before!

Li Le couldn't help but sigh secretly. Most guys with Han Xu's ability have natural confidence in themselves and never think that they have done anything wrong.

But Han Xu is completely different. If he is wrong, he is wrong. He never speaks harshly. Even if he is wrong, he can just change it in time!

How should I put it? It’s like a gangster has culture and is almost invulnerable.

"Oh, as expected of you. If it were me, I would kill you to deny that I was wrong!"

Li Le said angrily.

"Didn't you listen to Mr. Fan just now? There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky! Don't underestimate anyone who may become a criminal suspect!

Nowadays, if you don’t have any skills, how can you have the nerve to hang out! "

Han Xu smiled and told the truth!

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