Several people present listened patiently to Song Changqing's explanation of the situation.

Song Changqing first recounted the preliminary investigation results from the forensic doctor, which were generally consistent with what Xiao Xiao said.

There were also two constriction marks on the neck of the deceased, but the forensic doctor on the east side of the city did not regard this discovery as an important clue.

Different from the cross-dressing man hanging under the Ferris wheel, the deceased here had obvious restraint injuries and resistance injuries. It was very likely that he had a physical conflict with the murderer, so it was easier to confirm that the death was a homicide rather than an apparent homicide. Suicide on.

The time of death was roughly two days ago, and the exact time will need to be determined by autopsy.

Compared with Shituo Park, the monitoring equipment in the old steel plant is even worse, which directly kills the possibility of solving the case through monitoring methods.

"That means the murderer is very cunning and has certain counter-investigation capabilities? What about the trace inspection? Did you find anything?" Xiong Dalin crossed his thick arms and asked.

Song Changqing smiled bitterly, "The criminal was very cautious and handled the scene very cleanly. It was obvious that he had cleaned the factory after killing the victim. No valuable footprints were found at the scene, and no other useful traces were found on the victim. material."

Hearing Song Changqing's helpless answer, Han Xu remembered the clues Li Le had said in the morning.

"Will there be DNA samples in the high heels that are different from the victim's?" Han Xu tried to express his thoughts.

Song Changqing glanced at the young man following Qin Fen and was a little curious. If he were not an expert, he would rarely think of testing the inner pads of high-heeled shoes immediately.

"I've checked, and the possibility you mentioned is possible, but the hope is slim because the shoes look new."

Song Changqing's answer was also very sophisticated. Sure enough, there is a reason why the Chengdong Police Station has a high crime detection rate.

"New shoes?" Han Xu seemed to have caught a breakthrough and secretly wrote it down.

Song Changqing nodded, "Not only are the shoes newly bought, but the red dress is also new, and I think this style is very similar to a Chinese wedding dress."

Everyone looked at the deceased lying flat on the ground.

Sure enough, the red dress he was wearing looked like a Chinese bridal dress.

"Song Muzi, you are really amazing! Xinghua, please immediately bring a few people to follow the clues about the red dress and high heels and see how many people have bought the same style of Chinese wedding dress recently!"

Xie Xinghua, who looked childish, immediately agreed and hurried away with several police officers from Chengdong Police Station.

Qin Fen shook his head after hearing this and muttered to himself, "Why is Chengdong so lucky that the criminal suspect left so many clues?"

Han Xu saw the expression on Qin Fen's face. He didn't know what his immediate boss was thinking, and said with relief, "Luck itself is also a part of strength."

Qin Fen curled his lips. Where had he heard this sentence before? Why does it sound different now?

Not long after Xiong Dalin arrived at the scene, he made a big discovery, and his face turned cloudy. If the murderer could be found as soon as possible, the sun would probably shine soon.

Song Changqing on the side was aroused by Han Xu's words. He felt that the young man was not simple, so he took the initiative to ask, "Officer Han, have you found anything valuable about the hanging corpse case in the northern suburbs?" clue?"

When Han Xu heard the question, he first looked at Qin Fen, and then said after getting approval,

“After the incident, it happened to rain lightly, and the few cigarette butts left by the suspect were contaminated, but nothing else was found.

Well, by the way, we checked for a few days and found that there was a problem with the orientation of the deceased in the northern suburbs. "

"Gay?" Xiong Dalin heard Han Xu say this and found the case interesting. "The case is a bit interesting! Xiao Han, what do you think of these two murder cases?"

Regarding the proactive question from the captain of the Chengdong Police Station, Han Xu pondered for a while and then slowly said, "In my personal opinion, the possibility of a vendetta is much higher."

Qin Fen already admired Han Xu's ability to solve crimes. He opened the door with admiration. He was so impressed that he encouraged him, "Han Xu, please explain. We are all on our own. Solving the case is important."

Han Xu dismissed his doubts and continued, "The victim in the northern suburbs probably knows the murderer. Judging from the lack of obvious restraint and resistance injuries on his body, they may have made an appointment at the Shituo Park Ferris Wheel. Meet nearby.

The murderer deliberately got the victim drunk and then hanged him while he was drunk!

At first, I was not sure that the victim in the northern suburbs knew the murderer. The situation at that time did not rule out the possibility that the murderer randomly selected targets.

But combined with the current case, you can see that the victim had obvious resistance injuries, which shows that the victim was prepared for the murderer. "

"You have confused me," Qin Fen was really confused.

Xiong Dalin thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Xiao Han's analysis is very reasonable. Thinking in this direction, the murderer is likely to know the two victims. Even if they are not acquaintances, they are certainly not strangers."

Han Xu took over the conversation, "I speculate that the first victim, Zhang Hengyi, was invited to the Shituo Garden by the murderer, and then was made drunk by the murderer without his knowledge until he was killed.

The second victim may have heard the news of Zhang Hengyi's death, so he took precautions against the murderer, fought with the murderer during the killing, and suffered resistance wounds on his body. "

Han Xu's analysis clearly explained the possible course of the matter.

After hearing this, everyone present nodded frequently.

Especially Xiong Dalin, the more he looked at Han Xu, the more he liked him.

As an old criminal investigator, he knew the importance of talent.

Xie Xinghua had some talent before, but compared with Han Xu, he was nothing.

Although this analysis is not difficult, the logic is clear, and what is even more rare is that it is fast!

It is difficult to quickly analyze the truth of the matter through known detection conditions.

"Old Qin, why do I feel that you are the one with the best luck?" Thinking that Han Xu was no longer under his command, Xiong Dalin turned his attention to Qin Fen.

Qin Fen said happily, "What's the matter, are you jealous?"

"You lie down and solve the case, and you are still showing off?" Xiong Dalin was speechless, "What's your use?"

Seeing that the two criminal investigation team leaders were about to quarrel again, Han Xu and Song Changqing hurried to smooth things over, "Two leaders, so many subordinates are watching, you should stop fighting, solving the case is important, solving the case is important."

"I'm giving Changqing a face today and I won't bother with you."

"I'm doing this for Han Xu's sake, otherwise, hum hum..."

Seeing that the two team leaders were about to quarrel, Song Changqing remembered another less important discovery at the scene and prepared to divert their attention.

"Two captains, there is actually another discovery outside the workshop!"

"Huh?" The two looked at Song Changqing at the same time.

Song Changqing wiped the sweat from his forehead and pointed to the southeast corner, "A few footprints were found outside the wall over there! It's just that it's been a while, it's not new, and it may not be related to the case."

After Han Xu heard it, the DNA moved.

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