A new police officer joins the team and solves a major dismemberment case

Chapter 90 Footprint identification, identify witnesses?

"Xiao Han, young people should not be too arrogant," Xiong Dalin was the first to react, subconsciously thinking that Han Xu was bragging, "If you don't imitate the good guys, you must not imitate your captain."

The second half of the sentence points the finger at someone again.

Qin Fen smiled and fell silent. He trusted Han Xu's ability enough to ignore Xiong Dalin's ridicule.

Just wait, I'm sure you'll get too frightened soon!

Song Changqing on the side frowned slightly. He was a technical person and was extremely professional.

Although footprint identification is already a relatively mature subject in China, its popularity is not very high.

Except for some professional trace inspection experts, there are only a limited number of people who can master this advanced skill.

Song Changqing's main focus was not on footprint identification, and he only had a rough understanding of it, not a master at all.

So when I heard Han Xu say this, I was a little confused.

Just by looking at the footprints left half a month ago, you can immediately find the person who left the footprints.

How can this be? It's a complete fantasy.

At least in Song Changqing's police career, he had never seen anything like this.

Even the famous expert professor of footprint identification whom he had met in the ministry did not have this ability!

To be honest, the good image Han Xu had just established in Song Changqing's eyes collapsed instantly.

Just like Xiong Dalin said, young people should not be too arrogant! It's nonsense, but it's a bit too much.

Han Xu met Xiong Dalin and Song Changqing's somewhat disdainful looks and realized that maybe he was used to being in the limelight.

If it were in the northern suburbs police station, Li Le, Song Jiaer, Chengzi, and Lao Zhang might choose to believe him unconditionally if they heard what he said.

There is no need to say more about the reasons.

But these two elites in the Yancheng police circle can be called experts. If they say something like this without any clue, they can find the person who left the footprints, it will inevitably be misunderstood.

But now that the words have been spoken, is it possible to take them back?

Han Xu had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "It's just my guess, it may not be accurate."

Seeing that the two of them didn't believe what Han Xu said, Qin Fen started to add fuel to the flames, hoping that Han Xu could kill them because of the prestige of the east police station in the city.

"What's the matter? You don't believe it! Han Xu will explain it to them and go to class."

Xiong Dalin turned around and glared at Qin Fen, and felt that Han Xu could solve four murder cases in ten days, so he must have real ability and not have an attack.

He even encouraged, "Xiao Han, just say whatever you want. Even if you say something wrong, it doesn't matter. We are all our own people."

The implication is that if Han Xu is given enough steps, he is one of his own, and no one will laugh at him if he makes a mistake.

How could Han Xu not hear it? He smiled awkwardly and said, "Then I will make a fool of myself. If I am wrong, the leaders should not laugh at me as a newcomer."

"How can you? Speak freely. If you say something wrong, no one will blame you." Song Changqing also wanted to hear this 'newcomer''s opinions and responded.

Han Xu Zhanyan said, "As I said just now, the footprints were most likely left after the heavy rain half a month ago.

Therefore, there is a high probability that it will not be left behind by the murderer.

But it cannot be ruled out that the person who left these footprints was not an eyewitness. "

"Wait a minute, you've made me dizzy. Since the footprints were not left when the crime occurred two days ago, how could the person who left the footprints become a witness? It doesn't make sense." Qin Fen interrupted at the right time, acting as Playing a funny role.

"Captain Qin, you are right. On the surface, this logic does not make sense, but the sighting I am talking about does not refer to the time of the crime two days ago." Han Xu said.

Xiong Dalin is indeed a master of criminal investigation, and he thought of a possibility, "You mean, the witness who left these footprints saw another scene half a month ago?"

Han Xu didn't expect Xiong Dalin to react so quickly, and nodded, "There is a possibility, but it's not big. What we need now is to find this possible witness as soon as possible, and then he will naturally tell us the answer."

"Then how to find it? Did you just say that you guessed who left the footprints? Why don't you elaborate." Xiong Dalin seemed to see Han Xu's potential ability and tried to guide him.

Han Xu squatted down, pointed at the two deeper footprints under the iron frame, and talked eloquently, "Look at these two footprints. Through the relevant formulas of footprint identification, it may be easy to calculate the height and height of the person who left the footprints." weight."

As he spoke, Han Xu used his hand as a ruler and traced the length and width up and down the footprints.

"The person who left these footprints is about 1.70cm tall and weighs about 65kg."

These people are all experts in criminal investigation and naturally know the relevant formulas of footprint identification. They are not surprised that Han Xu can guess the height and weight of the person who left the footprints.

Especially Song Changqing, even if he didn't specialize in this direction, he could easily deduce these through formulas.

"Everyone can calculate these, Han Xu, let's pick out the key points." Qin Fen understood that what Han Xu said was too ordinary, but he could not suppress the two big bosses from the east city police station.

"Captain, don't worry," Han Xu was interrupted. He thought for a moment before continuing, "Height and weight can narrow the scope of the investigation, and we can calculate the age range of the survivors based on the size of the footprints."

Song Changqing knew very well that if his age could be inferred from his footprints, his age would be far beyond that of ordinary people.

Han Xu continued, "When people grow and develop, the pressure surface of footprints will increase with age. After adulthood, as people age, the various functions of the body will gradually decline from their peak, which will cause the muscles and nerves in various parts to relax and harden, which is particularly obvious in the footprints, that is, the pressure surface will become larger and larger.

Based on the footprints left at the scene, it can be roughly recommended that the age of the witness should be around 45 years old."

Hearing these theoretical inferences, Xiong Dalin and Song Changqing were silent.

The young man in front of them has enough knowledge reserves, no wonder he can solve four murders in a row.

Qin Fen was so happy that his back teeth were grinning, "Did you hear that? The person who left the footprints is 1.70 meters tall, weighs 65 kilograms, and is 45 years old. Check the nearby villagers and you will be able to lock the person soon."

Xiong Dalin was about to send someone to check, but heard Han Xu say, "That's not necessary. The footprints have already told us who that person is?"

"Don't keep us in suspense, tell us!" Qin Fen urged with a smile.

"Look at these two footprints. They were left when the survivor was walking. The pressure surface of the left foot is obviously larger than that of the right foot, one is deeper and the other is shallower.

From this, we can see that his legs are not right. He walks uncoordinated, one step is short and the other is long.

I suspect he was injured and walks with a limp.

The survivor should have a disability in his right foot. The left foot is the main force-bearing foot, and the right foot only plays a supporting or auxiliary role. Walking affects his symmetrical steps.

In addition to these sole patterns, Officer Song has just said that it is likely that they were stepped on by green rubber shoes a long time ago, so..."

"It turned out to be him!" Xiong Dalin was the first to understand.

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