When Han Xu heard this, he looked closely and saw that they were Chen Shaochong and Xia Xueying!

Fortunately, Lao Zhang has good eyesight, otherwise it would be difficult for Han Xu to distinguish them.

At this time, Chen Shaochong didn't look like a young man. He was wearing a black down jacket, which showed a lot of mature charm.

Looking at Xia Xueying again, she was dressed in white and slim, completely different from before.

It's not that Han Xu has never been in contact with Xia Xueying, but looking at her now, she can't find her previous appearance!

How about saying that men rely on clothes, and women rely on beautiful makeup!

If it wasn't for Lao Zhang's reminder, and with the presence of Chen Shaochong beside her, Han Xu almost didn't even recognize her.

"That's Xia Xueying? No way!"

Of course Miao Xiaolan had come into contact with Xia Xueying, Teacher Xia, and she just put on a shocked look, "Here I go, Teacher Xia looked quite ordinary before, but now that she's dressed like this, wow, it's amazing, she's almost as charming as I am. It’s over!”

"Is it that exaggerated?" Zhou Hai had never met Xia Xueying and had no idea how amazing this transformation was!

Even Han Xu was speechless, and at the same time he understood why this woman was so comfortable between Zheng Qiang and Zheng Shiqiang.

I just can't figure out whether Xia Xueying usually pretends to be ugly, or whether she suddenly went for plastic surgery.

The changes were as dramatic as those of Ma Mingtao who had been on the run for two years!

"It's more than an exaggeration!" When Miao Xiaolan said this, she couldn't help but take out her mobile phone and pull up the information about Xia Xueying that she had found before, and then handed it to Zhou Hai, "Nuo, you can see for yourself, this is completely It’s almost two people!”

Zhou Hai took the phone, looked at the bare-headed photo carefully, then looked up and compared it with the beautiful girl not far away, "Oh, dear, if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't even know that these are the same person! This What a change!”

"I still want to know, my dear, how can a person become so beautiful all of a sudden? Could it be that he took some magic pill?"

Miao Xiaolan has already developed unlimited imagination. After all, becoming beautiful is a fatal temptation for any woman!

Even with Miao Xiaolan's carefree character, she cannot escape from this iron rule.

"Han Xu, what do you think is going on?!"

When you encounter something strange, you naturally have to ask the wisest person present for advice.

Han Xu glanced at Miao Xiaolan who looked curious, smiled and shook his head, "Maybe Xia Xueying has been deliberately acting ugly, but what we see now is her true appearance!"

"Is this possible?" Miao Xiaolan said she was still a little confused.

"Well, haven't you heard a saying, women should look good to please themselves! Obviously, in front of Chen Shaochong, Xia Xueying will put down all pretense and show her best side!"

Han Xu said truthfully, otherwise he wouldn't know how to explain this issue.

"It makes sense. Look at how close the two of them are. Their relationship is very unusual!"

Lao Zhang took the opportunity to say, "When Chen Shaochong came to see Xia Xueying today, school had just ended. What's interesting is that Xia Xueying didn't look like this before. Maybe she knew that Chen Shaochong was coming, so she dressed up temporarily.

Unexpectedly, dressed up like this, he looked like a completely different person.

It’s even more exaggerated than the beauty magic of those anchors on the Internet today!

Fortunately, she was with Chen Shaochong at that time, otherwise I would have lost her! "

"So that's it!" Only then did Zhou Hai understand how Lao Zhang had been keeping up with these two people.

Miao Xiaolan nodded slightly, but then frowned again, "Hey, no, since Xia Xueying is so beautiful, why does she usually act ugly? I'm surprised. She's so good-looking, she shouldn't be too big Fang Fang shows it!"

"Maybe she wants to hide something!"

Han Xu couldn't explain this problem clearly, but if something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Xia Xueying must have her own reasons for doing this!

But why exactly is still unknown!

Maybe this matter has something to do with Mr. Chen!

"Hide? Tsk, tsk, I can't rule out this possibility!"

Miao Xiaolan may have stayed with Han Xu for a long time, and she didn't know when she learned this mantra.

"It seems like these people all have their own little secrets! Needless to say, Chen Chunsheng, Dean Chen, Chen Shaochong, Xia Xueying, and Xia Chudong, these three people seem to have a simple relationship, but there is something strange about this case. It’s getting more and more interesting!

Hey, Han Xu, didn't you tell me that the case in Chengdong, that is, the death of Zheng Heqiang, was related to Xia Xueying? Let me see, nine times out of ten, this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Think about it, how terrible the thoughts of people who pretend to be themselves almost every day must be! "

When Han Xu and others heard Miao Xiaolan's words, they couldn't help but exchange looks with each other. They had to admit that women are indeed quite scary if they use their brains.

"Sister Miao, you are right. This Xia Xueying is not a good person! I doubt that Zheng Shiqiang's death has anything to do with her." Han Xu continued to add.

"Since we can't get away with it, why don't we invite her back for tea?!"

Miao Xiaolan is not an ordinary activist. As soon as she heard something about it, she wanted to be tough.

"Don't, we don't have any evidence in our hands now. If we ask you to go back like this, it will alert the enemy. Besides, don't forget that Xia Xueying has a sister! Our advantage now is that the Xia sisters may not know that we are targeting them!" Han Xu hurriedly dispelled Miao Xiaolan's bold idea and explained the interests at the same time.

"Well, what Officer Han said makes sense. We can respond to all changes with the same attitude!" Zhou Hai seemed to have studied the art of war a lot. He smiled and completely agreed with Han Xu's idea.

Not to mention Lao Zhang, everything follows Han Xu's lead. He didn't say anything, but just stared at the front not far away, in case anything happened during the discussion.

To put it bluntly, you guys discuss your own things, and I'll be responsible for keeping the wind out!

Miao Xiaolan looked at Han Xu on the left and Zhou Hai on the right, and had to admit that what they said made sense!

The biggest advantage at present is that the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark. If there is any action in advance, it is easy to alert the enemy!

Moreover, no matter whether it is Chen Shaochong or the Xia sisters, neither of them is easy to deal with!

Once a certain balance is broken, there is no telling what kind of butterfly effect will be triggered.

Even if Miao Xiaolan is the head of the serious crime team of the Nancheng Police Station, it is not easy for her to bear this responsibility!

Besides, the one in charge now is not Miao Xiaolan, but Han Xu who was drafted!

"Okay, I'll listen to you, what should we do next!"

Miao Xiaolan judged the situation and directly gave up the idea of ​​alerting the enemy.

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