"Be honest with me. I'll explain your problems to you later when we go back! Don't say we won't give you a chance!"

Han Xu just clicked and solved a difficult problem in a few words.

But Miao Xiaolan was still a little frightened when she saw it!

Good guy, just fight if you say so!

Things are different now. Even if it is an attempted crime, you cannot do it casually!

If the other party is really serious about it, just by doing that, no matter how much Han Xu has done before, he will have to shed a layer of skin!

Moreover, Miao Xiaolan is a discerning person. One look at the kidnapped couple shows that they are not good friends. Although they are submissive now, it is hard to say what will happen next.

But Han Xu acted as if nothing was wrong and didn't take this to heart at all!

After all, Miao Xiaolan is someone who has been here before, and she usually does these things, but never as blatantly as Han Xu!

"Han Xu, you are not that big..."

Han Xu turned to look at Miao Xiaolan, as if he had guessed what the other party wanted to say, and a cryptic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Sister Miao, don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion!"

Seeing this, Miao Xiaolan shook her head slightly and said nothing more. After all, with Han Xu's mind, he would definitely not do anything unreasonable!

"No, two officers, can you let me go first? I want to go to the bathroom!"

After half a moment, the male head of the household in Room 1301 boldly spoke.

Han Xu looked at the other party expressionlessly and said, "Hold it in, where did so much shit come from?"

Miao Xiaolan was almost speechless. After knowing each other for so long, she had never seen Han Xu be so unkind!

It can't even be described as being unkind, it's simply inhumane!

After Han Xu said this, he raised his foot and kicked a certain giant Mediterranean baby who was still lying on the floor for the third time.

"And you, it's hard to hold it in, right?"

When Miao Xiaolan heard this, she subconsciously took two steps back. She had just forgotten to take safety measures for the person lying on the floor.

I bet this guy is already awake!

"You're still pretending to be dead, do you want me to die for real?!"

Han Xu didn't take it seriously. Not to mention that the guy in this guy's hand had already been put away by himself. Even if he was given a big guy, it was just because he liked it!

Mediterranean did not know when he had woken up. When he heard Han Xu's words, he was afraid that the other party would hit him again, so he quickly opened his eyes!

But the severe pain in his jaw still made him grin!

It doesn’t even hurt anymore, it feels like my jaw is gone! Completely separated from the body!

But the nerve was still involved, and there was a burst of unspeakable pain!

The Mediterranean was completely awakened by the pain!

"Now that you're awake, let's have a nice chat?!"

Upon seeing this, Han Xu was still sitting on the edge of the bed, with no intention of moving! He didn't take the other party into consideration at all!

Miao Xiaolan has seen arrogant people, but never as arrogant as Han Xu.

He could only shake his head slightly, walked forward quickly, and quickly tied Mediterranean's hands behind his back and cuffed them.

"Hey, hey, it hurts, beautiful police officer, please be gentle! It hurts so much!"

Mediterranean's jaw was injured, his mouth was so painful that he couldn't move it, and the sound was squeezed out of his throat.

Miao Xiaolan was speechless for a while, "Be honest! If you move again, your arm will be broken!"

Mediterranean knew that he had encountered a ruthless person, so he was too frightened to say anything.

Lin Niao, who was tied up at the side, was so frightened that he couldn't help but mutter to himself, these evil stars would either hit someone or stick out their arms if they dared to love each other!

This is so cruel!

This doesn't look like a police officer, he's more of a bandit than a bandit!

Han Xu glanced at the couple huddled in the corner, shook his head slightly, winked at Miao Xiaolan, then stood up, picked up the Mediterranean without any explanation, and walked to the living room.

Mediterranean originally wanted to struggle a few times, but Han Xu's strength was no joke. Not to mention breaking free, it was as if he was caught in iron pincers. His feet were lifted off the ground and he was lifted up in the air. Got out.

"No, no, it hurts!"

The Mediterranean man fluttered in the air a few times, but his injury was involved again, so he didn't dare to make any more moves.

Han Xu just carried him out of the bedroom and threw him on the sofa in the living room.

"Be honest, you answer whatever I ask!"

The voice was still extremely cold, without any warmth.

Mediterranean couldn't help but shiver all over and swallowed hard.

At that moment, I knew that the young man in front of me was difficult to deal with, and I immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​escape!

Boy, fell into a baby's sleep with just one kick.

If I had a few more kicks, wouldn't I never wake up again?

This force value is not on the same level at all!

"I'm asking you, do you understand?" Han Xu casually slapped him.

Before Mediterranean could even raise his hand, he received a heavy blow on his head, which only caused him to scream in pain!

But he quickly held it back, who knows if this guy in front of him would take the opportunity to do something evil!

"No, no, no, officer, did you ask?"

Mediterranean didn't know who to talk to for reason, and his face turned green again.

Han Xu raised his hand and was about to hit him, but then he realized that he hadn't even asked yet, but he was addicted to it.

"what's your name?"

"Reporting to the ZF, my name is Chen Xingyi, I am thirty-eight years old this year!"

"When did you come out?" Han Xu frowned when he heard this. He didn't expect this guy to be a regular customer!

"Last...last month, just...just came out!"

Chen Xingyi was still a little awkward when speaking. He couldn't move his jaw and could only squeeze it out with his throat. His voice was hoarse and unpleasant. If Han Xu hadn't been so close, he wouldn't have been able to hear what this guy was saying.

"Okay, you dared to break into and rob a house right after you came out? Do you know what the crime of housebreaking and robbery is?"

As soon as Han Xu heard that it was released last month, he started doing his job.

Can't you tell that the Mediterranean in front of you is quite courageous!

"I know, but I have no skills and no connections, and I can't find a good job out there! I'm lucky that I'm not starving to death now!" Chen Xingyi replied with a squeak, holding his chin in one hand.

"Are you going to make excuses for yourself?" Han Xu had worked on the street before and knew the policies for those released from prison. "After they come out, the street will implement the work. You kid can't endure that hardship." Bar!"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it from the other party, Chen Xingyi let out a long sigh and said a "wise saying", "It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life!"

Han Xu was stunned when he was told that he almost couldn't hold it back and hit another big beep bag!

"You are quite unreasonable!"

Chen Xingyi raised his head in embarrassment and looked into Han Xu's clear eyes, "People like us have no way out by working!"

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