Han Xu didn't expect the famous Yu Tianfang to be so easy to get along with.

If Qin Fen and Xiong Dalin are of the same type, rough and heroic, then Yu Tianfang is just the opposite of them.

The great sage Yu Tianfang is more like a Confucian scholar, or a Confucian policeman.

Han Xu can easily feel the good cultivation in him, which is indeed different.

It’s no wonder that at such a young age, he can stand on par with the other three captains of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, and can even be said to be only half a point ahead of the experienced Xiong Dalin. His crime detection rate is better than that of Qin Fen and Miao Xiaofeng.

"As expected of Tian Fang, he is quite well-informed."

What Xiong Dalin meant was that Yu Tianfang did not go to the commendation meeting and knew what happened at the scene.

And at a glance, they recognized the young police officer following them as the brilliant Han Xu.

Yu Tianfang gave a smile that you know how to say, "Old Qin is lucky, but we all made mistakes!"

Which pot won’t be opened?

Sure enough, no one is easy to get along with.

Han Xu smiled and smoothed things over, "Our captain mentioned you to me and said you are a role model for our young police officers."

"Really?" Yu Tianfang turned to look at Qin Fen.

Qin Fen: Did I say that? Why don't I remember.

"Isn't that right? Don't look at our captain who is usually not good at expressing himself. He has been asking us to learn more from you in private." Han Xu said bravely.

When Qin Fen heard this, his face turned red. He couldn't refute his favorite general in person, so he had to laugh.

Xiong Dalin thought of the question just now, "You haven't said anything yet, why did you come to my place?"

Yu Tianfang smiled and replied, "I just came across a case and I don't have much clue. I came here to borrow the files, but I didn't get much. I'm about to leave."

"I told you not to leave, and to help us with the case." Xiong Dalin issued a rare invitation.

Yu Tian patted his butt and said, "You are here, do you still need my help? Don't be ridiculous, you are busy, so I won't disturb you. See you later!"

Before he finished speaking, he ran away faster than a rabbit.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to pat Han Xu on the shoulder and said, "Young man, let's go fishing together when you have time!"

Looking at Yu Tianfang's back as he walked away gracefully, several people couldn't help but smile.

At 5:15 p.m., the Criminal Investigation Conference Room of Yancheng East Police Station.

Xiong Dalin sat in the main seat, Qin Fen and Han Xu sat on both sides, followed by the elite detectives from the Chengdong Police Station.

At this time, Xie Xinghua, who had gone out to arrange the bride's dress, had returned and brought good news.

Not to mention that this kid was extremely lucky. In just a few hours, a blind cat bumped into a dead mouse.

I randomly searched a few bridal shops and found a clue.

Xiong Dalin was shocked and felt incredible.

"Xiaojie, tell me about the situation over there."

After hearing this, Xie Xinghua stood up, sorted out his thoughts, and said shyly,

"In the afternoon, we searched several bridal shops in the area, and in a shop called Mona Lisa, we found the same style as the dress worn by the deceased Liu Bo.

After asking the store clerk, we found that only five bridal dresses of this style were sold. Fortunately, four of the dresses were paid by credit card or electronic payment. We found the buyers soon, and their dresses were still there. So the suspicion can be ruled out.

Only one buyer is paying with cash.

It was ten days ago, when he left a very deep impression on the waiter.

According to the waiter's recollection, the man was wearing black clothes and black trousers, a peaked cap, and a mask. His appearance could not be clearly seen. He was about 170cm tall and had a thin build. "

"Did the waiter ask why the person bought the wedding dress?" Xiong Dalin was experienced and guessed that the waiter would ask more questions driven by curiosity.

Xie Xinghua replied, "I did ask, and the man replied that he bought it for a friend."

"Did the surveillance near the bridal shop capture the suspect?"

“Some were photographed, but the suspects were very cautious and had certain counter-investigation capabilities.

Only two surveillance cameras near the bridal shop captured the suspect, but no important clues were left. "

Xie Xinghua's words were concise and to the point, and his ability was obvious to all.

Xiong Dalin nodded with satisfaction and motioned to play the two videos.

Soon, a dynamic picture was displayed on the big screen in the conference room.

Han Xu read it from beginning to end attentively, without missing any detail.

As Xie Xinghua said, apart from his height and body shape, the suspect captured on the surveillance probe did not reveal too many valuable clues.

The moment the suspect turned to look at the surveillance camera, Xiong Dalin pressed the pause button.

"What do you think?" A rough voice echoed over the conference room.

All the police officers present frowned and stared at the suspect on the big screen. No one said a word.

Xiong Dalin also rarely put his hands together and rubbed them back and forth, losing his mind for a moment.

At this time, Qin Fen, who was sitting on Xiong Dalin's left hand, coughed in time.

Xiong Dalin heard the sound and looked over, seeing Qin Fen giving him a wild look.

After long-term cooperation, the two have a perfect understanding.

"Xiao Han, what do you think?" Xiong Dalin turned around and asked about Han Xu, who was in the limelight today.

Han Xu was thinking about it, but he didn't react when he was asked this question.

But everyone present was stunned. Except for Xie Xinghua and a few police officers who had gone to the commendation meeting in the morning, the rest had never seen their own criminal investigation team leader question a new police officer.

Moreover, this rookie police officer is not from the Chengdong Police Department.

It’s so fucking bizarre! It's a hell, isn't it?

Xie Xinghua became even more excited. Even his boss started asking Han Xu when he encountered a problem. What did it mean?

Brother Han deserves to be called Brother Han, he is so awesome.

Little did Han Xu know that with Xiong Dalin's words, everyone's eyes in the conference room were focused on him.

what to do? You said you can’t read it? ! Do not you know?

Just go for it, you can't surrender directly, it would be too embarrassing.

It was okay for me, but sitting across from me was my captain, who had lost the face of the Northern Suburbs Police Department. That was outrageous.

So, Han Xu had no choice but to rush to the shelves, stood up, looked at the suspect on the big screen, and said slowly,

“Everyone just saw that the suspect was photographed by two surveillance cameras.

By comparing the on-site environment, we can see that the locations of these two probes are very hidden, and one of them was even deliberately hidden by the merchant.

But from this picture, it is obvious that the suspect turned back and looked exactly at the location of the surveillance camera.

Then it is obvious that he is very familiar with the environment near the bridal shop.

A stranger cannot accurately obtain this hidden information in a short period of time by visiting the site.

So I made a bold guess that the suspect lived nearby and tried to trick us into hiding. "

Every word Han Xu blurted out was soft yet strong, and the conjectures he raised surprised everyone.

Dark under the light? !

Unexpected, yet reasonable.

It's not that Xiong Dalin hasn't thought about it, but the possibility is too small.

In other words, the criminal suspect is too courageous!

Thinking of this, Xiong Dalin couldn't help but look at the person who could quickly break the situation!

Han Xu!

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