It happened so fast!

Han Xu instinctively dodged and hid behind the door, but the huge impact still hit him like a heavy hammer.

The glass of the living room in the back house burst in an instant!

The few people near the window and door were all thrown out without exception!

Fortunately, Han Xu reacted quickly and dodged, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

However, as he dodged, his eyes were full of flames!

The violent explosion suddenly lifted the roof of the entire mourning hall into the air!

Not far away, it was visibly turned into a ruin!

Heat waves, debris, flames, screams...

Han Xu stared at the hell-like scene in front of him in amazement, and couldn't come back for a long time!

At this time, the living room was also in chaos!

Everyone was frightened by the sudden explosion!

In addition, many people were affected and suffered minor injuries, and screams were also endless...

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while!

Mei Yuting is indeed experienced. After a brief shock and loss of consciousness, she walked to the door a few steps, looked at the tragic scene in front of her, narrowed her eyes, and could not speak for a long time!

The business leaders of Yancheng present were all horrified, and some even huddled together, frightened to death!

Li Le finally recovered from the shock and ran to Han Xu, "Xu...Xu, are you okay?!"

Before Han Xu could come back to his senses and say anything, a slightly hunched figure came over, "Xiao Xu, are you okay?!"

Li Le looked over in confusion and was stunned for a moment.

The person who came was Li Yaoxiang, the richest man in Yancheng!

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Han Xu reacted, grabbed Li Le and stood up, "Hurry up, go save people!"

After saying that, he didn't even bother to say hello to the richest man in Yancheng, and rushed out.

Li Le was stunned for a moment, looked at the tragic situation outside, gritted his teeth, and rushed out against the remaining heat wave.

Lai Yiu-cheung was also stunned when he saw this, and hurriedly called out to his subordinates, "You guys hurry up and follow, don't let anything happen to that young man!"

Mei Yuting, who was standing by, just came back to her senses as soon as the words fell!

"Everyone calm down, it's safe here now, everyone stay here, don't go anywhere!"

Mei Yuting comforted the emotions of everyone at the scene, while walking to the injured people and began to check their injuries!

Fortunately, this place is far away from the mourning hall, and the aftermath of the explosion has weakened a lot!

Those people just now suffered some flesh injuries, which is not as good as the one Han Xu encountered head-on.

Mei Yuting certainly saw Han Xu rushing over with his men.

But there was no intention to stop him at all!

Now she is needed to maintain the situation here even more!

Who knows if there was only one explosion? !

If someone targeted the people in the reception room, they couldn't escape even if they had wings.

As the richest man in Yancheng, Lai Yaoxiang hurriedly said a few words to help Mei Yuting calm the emotions of the bigwigs in the reception room.

There is a saying that the richer the people, the more they are afraid of death!

These people have never seen such a scene before, and their livers are almost broken. Some of them have even begun to blame Mei Yuting.

Mei Yuting knew that the security work was not done well, and she was cold and silent, but her brows were furrowed, and the whole person was like an iceberg.

"Boss Mei, what's going on?!"

"Is it someone seeking revenge?"

"Oh my god, it's almost blown up over there!"

"What are you doing! We almost died here!"

"Fuck, Mei Yuting, do you want to blow us all to death!"


Faced with all kinds of exploding sounds, Mei Yuting didn't know how to explain for a while.

Lai Yiu-cheung tried his best to maintain order at the scene, but if his life was in danger, the words of the richest man in Yancheng might not work.

However, even so, everyone present was smart at heart, and no one dared to run out of the room!

No one dared to gamble with their lives!

What if there was another explosion!

That was no joke!


Let's talk about Han Xu, who rushed over with Li Le and a few others!

But what I saw was even more tragic!

With the mourning hall as the center, circles of hot waves were still spreading outward. After the earth-shaking loud noise, billowing smoke rose into the sky, accompanied by scarlet flames and blooming like a glamorous flame!

But the area affected by the explosion was not particularly large, and it was still within the controllable range!

Fortunately, the condolences were temporarily suspended because of Mei Yuting's departure, otherwise it was unknown how many casualties there would be!

"Good guy," Li Le, who followed Han Xu, swallowed hard when he saw the mess in front of him!

"Don't just stand there! Call someone! Check if there are any injured people nearby!"

At this time, Han Xu showed his calmness and arranged things in an orderly manner!

Hearing this, Li Le quickly took out his phone and called for support!

Such a loud explosion, like a thunder in broad daylight, instantly detonated the entire Yancheng!

Han Xu didn't have time to think about what the impact would be. The most urgent task at the moment was to minimize unnecessary casualties.

While Han Xu and others were putting out the fire and saving people, support from the nearest Nancheng Police Station arrived.

The leader was of course Captain Miao Xiaofeng, and there were also Miao Xiaolan and others who followed.

The fire department arrived two minutes in advance and quickly brought the remaining fire under control.

Fortunately, the power of the explosion seemed to have been deliberately controlled. It looked huge and did not cause too many casualties!

Only two staff members responsible for the security of the mourning hall were seriously injured and have been sent to the hospital. It seems that they are not in any danger of life.

The rest of the people, because they were far away from the mourning hall, at most suffered some skin injuries like the unlucky guys in the reception room!

Even so, Miao Xiaofeng's face turned green!

Good guy, such a bad explosion happened in public!

Isn't this a slap in the face of the Nancheng Police Station!

Not only Miao Xiaofeng was embarrassed, but Director Song of the Nancheng Police Station who rushed over later was even more livid!

You know, not far from the origin of the explosion, there are a group of well-known business leaders in Yancheng.

If this is all taken down, not to mention a mere director, even the top leader of Yancheng can't bear the responsibility!

The next thing is to start a detailed investigation of the cause and effect of the explosion with the South City Police Station as the main body.

Han Xu and Li Le were exhausted after all the trouble!

Not many people were saved, but controlling the fire cost a lot of lives!

The Shen family mansion is still all wooden structures. Even with good fire prevention measures, it can't withstand such a burn!

Li Le almost lost count of how many fire extinguishers he brought over.

Fortunately, with the tacit cooperation of the two, the fire did not spread!

It's a blessing in disguise!

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