A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 101 Zhu Family Secret Technique

Zhu Zhaohong and Xie Rongfu were together, fighting an exceptional demon and a large number of subordinates.

As soon as Yun Ye arrived, they noticed that in this area, they had arranged formations for protection.

This is not to guard against others, but mainly to worry about sneak attacks by monsters.

"Yang Shi? This is not the place you should come, right?"

Zhu Zhaohong still had some energy left, but when he saw Yun Ye appearing, his expression turned cold.

The reason why there was no conflict in the Black Armor Army was simply because Yun Ye completely avoided the family and almost never communicated or did tasks with the members of the family.

Without points of contact, there would naturally be no conflicts, and Zhu Zhaohong was too lazy to pay attention to a commoner.

But now that Yun Ye took the initiative to appear in front of Zhu Zhaohong, the meaning was obviously very different. Even if Yun Ye had not collected the elixir, Zhu Zhaohong would not believe it.

Yun Ye didn't say much.

Xiang Liangren's strength is unknown, and Yun Ye still needs a sneak attack, but Zhu Zhaohong has fought many times with other children of aristocratic families, and most of his abilities have been figured out by Yun Ye. Even if he is ten times stronger, he will still be suppressed.

"Fire from the sky!"

Yun Ye punched open the formation and stepped into it.

Xie Rongfu's face changed drastically and he shouted: "No, Miss, what's coming is a demon, and the formation is totally unstoppable!"

"Stop him and I'll deal with the other demons." Zhu Zhaohong glanced at Yun Ye and frowned.

Under her spiritual observation, the flame used by the visitor was indeed Cang Yan. Is this young man really a demon?

No matter what, the other party's purpose is indeed very clear, that is to kill her, so there is no need to think too much, just suppress it.

"Wanteng Spiritual Technique!"

A large number of vines fell down towards Yun Ye, like giant pythons. There were also spiritual flowers blooming on them, which contained extremely poisonous vines.

Xie Rongfu launched the attack first. This was a spiritual method launched in conjunction with the formation. It could control a large amount of spiritual energy amplification power without consuming vitality.

"My heart is on fire!"

Yun Ye had no intention of wasting time, and entered a thousand times acceleration. All the vines solidified, and Yun Ye shuttled around at will, approaching at a speed that Xie Rongfu could not detect.

Then, the black hole opened, Yun Ye pulled out the celestial phenomenon, and hit Xie Rongfu with a stick.

Accelerating a thousand times, how terrifying is Yun Ye's power?

With just one blow, Xie Rongfu's body was twisted into slag by the huge force, and then the pieces of flesh turned into debris and scattered all over the sky, just like sniper bullets, directly blowing up the cave to pieces.

The high-level demons were all instantly killed in blockbusters, directly helping Zhu Zhaohong to eliminate his opponents.

In the end, the only ones left alive were the extraordinary high-level demon, Zhu Zhaohong, and Yun Ye himself.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhaohong turned around and ran away. A green light emitted from her body and her speed increased rapidly.

This is a talisman!

But this was obviously not enough. Zhu Zhaohong's black armor activated and extended a pair of spiritual wings. Zhu Zhaohong's speed increased sharply again and he escaped directly to the entrance.

Judging from the horrific damage caused by just one blow, Yun Ye was obviously no match for her.

Only escape!

But in an instant, the world turned upside down, and with a roar and shock, Zhu Zhaohong felt severe pain all over his body, and almost suffocated...

When she regained her breath, she realized that she had been pushed into the ground. She struggled to hold herself up, but soon fell down, vomiting blood.

She saw the scale-covered monster roaring and attacking, and couldn't help but struggle to resist.


Yun Ye danced with the celestial phenomena, smashed the attacking monster to pieces with one stick, and then picked up the celestial phenomena.

Zhu Zhaohong found himself flying out of thin air and hanging on the wall in humiliation.

"Yang Shi!"

Zhu Zhaohong was almost desperate, trying to activate the secret method to increase his combat power and make a desperate struggle.

But the netherworld fire burned, spiritual consciousness invaded, and the interrogation began.

Smooth and admirable.

After all, Zhu Zhaohong had no means to defy fate, so he was caught by Yun Ye and briefly interrogated.

The reason why it is said to be short-lived is mainly because as a spiritual practitioner, the nervous reaction is too fast, so the speech can naturally be accelerated.

As long as it doesn't exceed the speed of sound, it sounds unhindered.

Thanks to this, Yun Ye was able to dig out all kinds of secret techniques and spiritual knowledge in just a short period of time.

"Does the Zhu family's secret Qi nourishing technique actually feel like this? It's indeed very subtle and more effective than I imagined. I didn't take into account many details..."

"It's interesting. Combined with the secrets of the Xiang family, the imagination can be further improved."

Yun Ye nodded repeatedly.

He gained so much. As expected, working for the aristocratic families and government officials in Baishi Town was nonsense.

The correct approach should be to directly grab the knowledge of these core members of the family. No, in just a short period of time, the knowledge he has mastered has undergone a qualitative change like a leap!

If you work for a noble family, you won't be able to earn this in ten lifetimes!

"The last highlight is about the secret technique and cultivation method of Fire Spirit Root. Come on, tell me, so that you can be freed early!"


Yun Ye's words were so sarcastic. Even if Zhu Zhaohong was under control, her anger almost made her break free.

However, it was impossible to explode the seed. In the end, Zhu Zhaohong vomited everything out.

"A single spiritual root has three attributes: spiritual root integrity, spiritual energy absorption speed, and attribute strength."

"The integrity of spiritual roots determines the quality of spiritual power. The higher the integrity, the higher the intensity of the same amount of spiritual power."

"The speed of spiritual energy absorption determines the amount of spiritual energy. The stronger the spiritual root resuscitator, the faster it absorbs spiritual energy and the faster it converts spiritual energy."

"The strength of the zodiac sign determines the strength of the innate ability. The five elements are the weakest zodiac sign, while the wind zodiac signs and thunder zodiac signs are ten times stronger."

"The Secret Technique of Fire Spirit Root is the secret technique that changes the intensity of the zodiac signs. It can fuse the flames acquiredly and change one's natural zodiac signs. I fused the flames of the True Fire Bird and obtained a flame three times stronger than the Five Elements Fire. It's only slightly worse than the natural spiritual fire. If you dare to fuse with a more powerful flame, it might even be better than the natural spiritual fire."

Zhu Zhaohong fully explained the principles of the secret technique.

Yun Ye was a little surprised.

He knew a long time ago that in order to transform the Five Elements Spiritual Fire into the Acquired Spiritual Fire, he must swallow the corresponding heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but this kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures is so rare, there is none in Baishi Town, and even Yingyue Secret Realm Yunyedu Not encountered.

Obviously, the fire spirit root secret technique has a lower threshold than swallowing heavenly materials and earthly treasures. You can directly use the demon's demon fire!

Even if this is not as good as the real innate spiritual fire, it is still of great value!

This is a natural zodiac sign. Gaining a new zodiac sign will also improve the integrity of your spiritual roots and your ability to absorb spiritual energy!

Why are the wind and thunder zodiac signs more than ten times more powerful than the five-element zodiac signs?

The reason is very simple, because the upper limit of the five-element zodiac signs is 10, while the upper limit of the wind zodiac signs and thunder zodiac signs is 100.

Even if it is only 10% complete, it is equal to the upper limit of the five elements.

This surprise is even comparable to the cultivation method she contributed!

"Samadhi True Fire Method!"

The three fire spirit techniques are gathered together and combined to form the true fire of samadhi. This is used to construct the practice method and increase the spiritual power to an unimaginable level.

Although Zhu Zhaohong practiced the Samadhi True Fire Technique, she had not mastered it, otherwise she would have achieved the spiritual realm.

Like the five major military commanders, he has a very high status even in Baishi Town.

"The leap from the mortal realm to the spiritual realm is so amazing."

"This is what Yingyue Tianmen calls..."

"The road to heaven?"

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