A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 108: Great Harmony Tomorrow (Additional Chapter)

"How to do it? It's just in the dormant stage now. If you don't have enough power but want to challenge the family, that's asking for death."

The crystal flames on the surface of Yun Ye's figure dissipated, revealing his true appearance.

Tong Huoyang opened her eyes wide.

this person!

Yang Shi?

"It's you, your target... is me! Why, we obviously have no enmity!"

Shi Baiyan was also horrified and recognized Yun Ye, the young man who had smiled at him before the mission.

He thought it was strange at the time, so he went to investigate and found out that Yun Ye had indeed nothing to do with him and was not an enemy who had escaped.

After several years without any problems, he stopped caring.

But seeing Yun Ye's face today, his memory quickly revived, and a creepy feeling lingered in his heart!

"There is no grievance or enmity. In fact, is this really the case? The land, resources, and knowledge of Baishi Town are all in your hands. As a latecomer, as long as I don't want to become a slave, I must have grievances and enmity with you." ah."

Yun Ye sighed.

"Senior, this has nothing to do with me. I am just a nobody, just doing dirty work. Compared with those aristocratic families, I have nothing. If you want to seek revenge, go to those big aristocratic families. Their crimes are countless!"

Shi Baiyan begged loudly, but Yun Ye was indifferent. He couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling. He glanced at Tong Huoyang and had to make the most drastic choice: "Senior, let me join you. Since Tong Huoyang can join you, I will too." That’s okay, right? I’m willing to die for you!”

"Join us? It seems that I didn't explain the nature of our organization clearly, leaving you to take chances. In fact, our main program is to liquidate the old world and overthrow all injustices. Although this is only an ideal state and cannot really be achieved, But that doesn’t stop me from doing what I can.”

Yun Ye said calmly, "Tong Huoyang, the man in front of you is the enemy who killed your father and massacred the village. Kill him, and this will be your vote to join us."

He raised his hand and threw it, and the netherworld fire enveloped Tong Huoyang, suppressing the magic chain.

Tong Huoyang had made a decision long ago and directly drew his sword and inserted it into Shi Baiyan's chest, causing the flames to surge.

This sword almost burned Shi Baiyan, but he also broke free from the restraint of divine law, grabbed the blade with a ferocious expression, and the water flow suppressed the flames.


Tong Huoyang kicked Shi Baiyan away with a high kick from bottom to top.

Shi Baiyan relied on his willpower to support himself, but this blow caused him to completely lose control of his spiritual power. The spiritual fire on the spiritual sword burned a large hole in the air, and his internal organs were almost burned out.

He fell to the ground and couldn't spit out anything. He pointed at the center of the firewood and said, "It's just firewood..."

The flames swept across and engulfed Shi Baiyan.

God's way is reincarnation.

Eighteen years later, the situation has reversed, how happy it is!

"Senior Yang, since Shi Baiyan is going to die, what about Tong Kun? I don't mind making the certificate of nomination more convincing."

Tong Huoyang glanced at Tong Kun, who was lying quietly on the ground, and his murderous intent was obvious.

Compared to Shi Baiyan, Tong Kun, who was born directly, was even more hated by her.

She had known for a long time that she was forcibly brought into Tong's family by Tong Yuan, but without the memory of her childhood, this would not cause any additional emotions. She didn't care whether Shi Baiyan had killed her parents before.

But Tong Kun, as a direct member, has been plundering her resources, and even wants to take her as a concubine, consuming her power to cultivate a strong enough next generation.

If it weren't for the impending catastrophe and the Tong family needed enough spiritual practitioners, she would have turned into a fertility machine like other gifted women, and then died after exhausting her vitality for her children.

"I left him alive because I wanted to torture him for knowledge. As for who kills him... no, let me do it."

Considering that Tong Kun was a direct bloodline of the ascendant family, Yun Ye did not let Tong Huoyang take action.

He followed suit and used Nether Fire to destroy the chains of divine magic.

Quickly interrogate what Tong Kun has mastered.

"What kind of flame is this? Can it destroy divine magic?"

Tong Huoyang was stunned at this scene.

The soul flame of Netherworld Fire is really terrible, and it has absolute restraint on the chains of divine magic.

As long as it is not a magical method that explodes the head in an instant, it will be blocked.

the reason is simple.

The magical chains made by Zhuo Qilian actually only have a restraining effect. After being triggered, they will surface and lock the body. In this case, as long as you use Nether Fire to block the chain before it exerts force, the restraint will be invalid. change.

After Yun Ye finished eating the elixir, the magic chain could no longer be determined, and even if the Nether Fire was removed, it would not be triggered again.

This is the basis for Yun Ye to erase the chains of divine magic bit by bit.

Similarly, the same is true for the divine magic that restrains the tribesmen from telling secrets. It is impossible to explode directly after being tortured. This is tantamount to leaving a fatal weakness. Once the opponent has the divine magic, he can violate the oath and complete the instant kill.

General oaths are divided into three levels. The initial trigger is defense and no torture is allowed.

The deep trigger is a stinging pain in the head, which interrupts the torture or escapes the control of divine magic.

In the end, it is still ineffective, which means there is an essential gap in strength, which will blow up the brain and interrupt the information from the source.

During the first two stages, Yun Ye can use the airtight Nether Fire to block it, making the magic chain completely ineffective.

And after Yun Ye obtained Nether Fire in his zodiac sign, he was able to adjust the only inextinguishable fire.

This means that he can directly let the Nether Fire penetrate deep into the body to clear away the divine magic without burning his soul.

This operation is beyond the imagination of the divine magic monks in Baishi Town. It is beyond their imagination.

Yun Ye did gain a lot from interrogating Tong Kun.

Although Tong Kun was easily killed by Yun Ye, he actually had half of the Tong family's skills.

The method of metal phase is of no use to Yun Ye, it can be recorded as a foundation!

Yun Ye did not let go of the rest of the various knowledge, and listened to them all, which was also a good harvest.

Moreover, Tong Kun also has a space magic weapon. The space is four cubic meters, filled with all kinds of elixirs, which is another amazing resource.

After everything was over, Yun Yecai handed Tong Huoyang a halo book.

"This is the organization's liaison tool. During the dormant stage, they can develop separately and go offline without the need for contact." Yun Ye said.

Tong Huoyang nodded and silently learned how to use it. Her halo book was called "Notepad".

As his daughter in the previous life, Yun Ye gave her ample preferential treatment even if she didn't recognize her.

Judging from the time when Tong Huoyang joined the first team, she must have participated in the massacres in various villages, and her crimes were heinous, but this obviously cannot be the reason for Yun Ye to give up on her.

In fact, if you want to survive in the cracks, treat the prisoners well, and influence the enemy, these are basic operations, otherwise the number of people will be reduced.

Tong Huoyang has been brainwashed since she was a child. It is clear that the family is the enemy, but she has to serve. She will not abandon the dark side for the bright side. Who will abandon the dark side for the bright side?

Just put the blame entirely on the family, and Tong Huoyang can atone for what he has done.

After all, Yun Ye can't force the idea of ​​not being afraid of death on everyone...

In this world, the price for choosing freedom is death.

After Yun Ye passed the information about Tong Huoyang to the Yang Shu couple and Wang Yao, he prepared to go to the stone monument here.

The Nine Marrow Spirit Body has been completed, so naturally he will continue to challenge Lei Zhenyu.

"Senior Yang Shi, what is the name of our organization?"

Before Yun Ye left, Tong Huoyang remembered this key matter and asked casually.

This knocked Yun Yewen down.

Yes, he hasn't thought about the name of the organization yet. As a secret organization, the name is obviously very important.

While reflecting the organizational program, it is best to have a certain connotation.

"Our organizational philosophy is to clean up the old world. We will probably work hard for many years, but without any hope or reward... This is very similar to the sun, isn't it? It rises in the east and sets in the west to illuminate the world, and it will not be like aristocratic families. We ask for payment."

"Our organization is taken from the sun, from eternal hope, so... we are 'tomorrow'."

"Tomorrow we will meet together!"

"Tomorrow - Datong?"

Tong Huoyang chewed the words and recited the words, and somehow, an astonishing courage suddenly came out in his heart.

Just reading these words evoked her emotions. This is the charm of words.

It's true, it's interesting to see...

It’s clear at a glance!

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