A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 114 Rules and Disasters

Taoist tools are tools forged from the heart.

The second level is to ask sincerely, just to draw out this power. In theory, anyone can build a weapon with the heart and form a Taoist weapon.

However, this is only theoretical, and it is not that simple to elicit the Taoist weapon.

The Yingyue Tianmen formation does not exist in small places at all. It is a remnant of the ancient great power.

If you want to awaken the Taoist weapon without a Taoist formation, you probably have to establish a sect and teach your own way. After accumulating a certain response, the Taoist tool will be awakened naturally.

Or, use Taoist tools as a guide to awaken Taoist tools, but most of these Taoist tools are auxiliary Taoist tools, with little potential, just some fuel wood to feed the source.

"The reason why Tao tools are powerful is because when more people agree with Tao, they will form a reverberation and use this to modify the rules!"

"The reverberation of a newly born Taoist weapon is extremely weak and cannot restrain people at all. It is the best time to kill it."

Information about the Taoist artifact flashed through Yun Ye's mind.

The Taoist weapons of Baishi Town have been passed down for thousands of years. The power they possess today is still far from the Taoist swords of tomorrow.

The same is true for the bronze tripod in the hands of the official of Tifa. It does not have the heaviness of thousands of years.

It is probably not the most powerful Taoist weapon in Baishi Town, but the Taoist weapon of Tifa Zhengguan himself.

In the family.

Ordinary Tao tools are not uncommon. Such Tao tools are generally called auxiliary Tao tools, and are only used to feed the most powerful Tao tools.

What is truly rare is the source of Taoism, that is, the Taoism that creates a new Tao.

However, even if a new weapon appears within the family, there is only one possibility of destruction.

There are only so many reverberations, and it is impossible to cultivate new Taoist tools.

Same reason...

A new Taoist weapon appeared in the outside world, and the only thing that greeted the Taoist tool user was crazy strangulation.

The moment Yun Ye awakened the Taoist weapon, he was destined to face the entire Baishi Town.


"Tomorrow after tomorrow?"

After Yun Ye saw the annotations in the Book of Reincarnation, he tried to awaken the Taoist weapon and entered the so-called liberation state.

But no matter how he called, it was of no use. Yun Ye just felt a special rhythm coming from the Taoist weapon.

Taoist tools are forged from the heart, and when Yun Ye holds them in his hands, he feels like they are connected with flesh and blood, which is very warm.

Therefore, Yun Ye can also feel the state of the Taoist weapon... Although the call did not make the Taoist tool enter a new form, it seemed to be gradually awakening the Taoist tool, and the rhythm became stronger and stronger.

Yun Ye was confused and didn't know how to proceed to the next step.

He shook his head and activated the Book of Reincarnation.

"Taoist Rules: Not formulated yet."

"Consumable reverberation to formulate and enhance."

Formulating rules is obviously very mysterious, and the Book of Reincarnation does not give specific examples. It only says that echoes can be consumed to formulate them, and it can even be strengthened later.

It was Yun Ye's first time, and he obviously had no experience.

He had an idea and decided to try out all types of rules first.

"When I hold a Taoist weapon, I will have strength comparable to that of a true immortal."

Text appears in the rules column.

But immediately, the text shook and quickly shattered.

“Not enough response.”

The Book of Reincarnation prompted.

Yun Ye was shocked: "The response is enough, can it really be realized?"

If such an outrageous rule could be realized, he would become an immortal directly!


"Becoming an Immortal... Um... Could it be that Taoist tools are the road to becoming an Immortal? Is that what it means?"

Yun Ye instantly thought of the third level of the trial.

Big festival!

Countless corpses.

The boy in silver armor even said that there should be no monks after the great festival.

Perhaps, this was a war that took place in an ancient era to gather echoes. If you want to use a Taoist weapon to become an immortal, the echoes required may be unimaginable!

Yun Ye calmed down and tried new rules one after another.

"Let me gain the strength to kill the judge of White Rock Town instantly."

“Not enough response.”

"Give me the strength to stand up to the White Rock judge."

“Not enough response.”


"So, how much reverberation is needed?"

The Book of Reincarnation cannot answer this question.

But it gives another solution.

"Disaster can replace echo." 』

"The more missing echoes, the stronger the disaster. 』


Yun Ye was stunned for a moment, doubtfully replacing the echo with disaster, and then observed the results.

"Having the power to fight against the Judge of White Rock Town, every time it is used, there will be a disaster. If the disaster is not resolved, it will accumulate until it breaks out at the moment of the sixty-year rotation."

"With the ability to instantly kill the judge of White Rock Town, even if you don't use it, you will accumulate a disaster event every ten years. A catastrophe will definitely come in sixty years. The more you use it, the stronger the disaster will be."


Yun Ye gradually understood.

The catastrophe in Baishi Town was actually a Taoist catastrophe, right? !

Good guy, really a good guy, using Taoist weapons to suppress everyone, making everyone work for him, and then letting these people die as a result of the disaster?

One firewood for multiple uses?

What kind of beasts are the people in this world?

Yun Ye took a deep breath, suppressed all the negative emotions, and tried to observe the echo of the need to become an immortal.

"Having true immortal strength...cannot be replaced by disaster!"

True immortality cannot be replaced by disaster!

It seems that in order for a Taoist weapon to become an immortal, it must gather enough repercussions. It is impossible to repay debts and harvest the wool of heaven and earth after becoming an immortal.

I just don’t know how much response it takes to become an immortal in this way.

"So, where is my breaking point?"

Yun Ye started various tests to estimate the number of reverberations needed based on the intensity of the disaster.

As a result, he found that the more he concentrated his power on himself, the more repercussions he needed, and the more he treated everyone equally, the less repercussions he needed.

simply put.

Forced enslavement of all people requires the most repercussions.

And setting a rule so that everyone, including yourself, can abide by it requires the least repercussions.

This is a matter of acceptance. The fairer the rules, the fewer people will have objections and the fewer responses will be needed. It feels like a trade-off game.

At present, this does not help him survive the crisis.

Because there are very few people supporting him now, only a few people such as Tomorrow Club and Shuifuzhuang, it is impossible to reverse the strength gap.

To defeat the four priests, Yun Ye needs to face a catastrophic disaster.

He didn't know whether the disaster would dissipate after reincarnation. If not, the people of Baishi Town would be in disaster, and the suffering should not be borne by them.

Finally Yun Ye shook his head.

No longer consider using the rules of Taoist weapons to break the situation.

Only if he dies this time, how to reduce losses and get more information is what he should think about. Reality cannot give him a chance to reverse everything every time.

Yun Ye took out the halo book and sent Tong Huoyang and Wang Yao the next situation respectively, asking them to try not to attract attention.

The same goes for Yangshu and his wife. They informed in advance that when they leave the secret realm, the halo book will automatically take effect.

After doing all this, Yun Ye looked at the Dao sword in his hand, and an idea suddenly occurred to him.

"It is difficult to modify the rules to restrain others, and it is also difficult to improve one's own strength, but what if the effect is not these two?"

"If the Yingyue Baohuan becomes a part of my body and is reincarnated with me, what disasters will it accumulate?"

"Make rules: The Yingyue Baohuan becomes part of the reincarnated person and will face an ordinary disaster once a year. 』

"Ordinary catastrophes hardly require the consumption of echoes. Is this because the Yingyue Baohuan belongs to me? Hahaha, this is enough. Just wait...wait for me to come back!"

Yun Ye laughed a few times, and the Dao sword in his hand bloomed with a large number of gold and silver characters, engraved on the sword body.

The moon-reflecting treasure ring then fell down, rotated at the hilt of the sword, and merged with the Tao sword.

The rules are set!

In the dark, Yun Ye has already felt that disasters are gathering silently, waiting for the opportunity to explode!

After doing all this, Yun Ye took back the Taoist weapon, sat down and practiced, trying to improve his strength as much as possible.

And near the end of the secret realm.

Wang Yao arrived.

He came to take the Halo Book so it wouldn't get damaged in the battle.

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