A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 120 The place of reincarnation, ten talent upgrade times!

"The spiritual roots are revived and become a first-stage practitioner. The number of talent upgrades is +1."

"The spiritual root method has reached the stage limit, and the number of talent upgrades is +1."

"Physique method has reached the stage limit, and the number of talent upgrades is +1."

"The divine consciousness method has reached the stage limit, and the number of talent upgrades is +1."

"If you change your talent the day after tomorrow, the number of talent upgrades will be +1."

"The day after tomorrow, you will become a spiritual body, and the number of times your talent will be improved will be +1."

"The first time you awaken the Taoist weapon, the number of talent upgrades will be +4."

"There are actually ten talent upgrades in total!"

"So rich!"

Yun Ye was pleasantly surprised.

Having so many talent upgrades is a big leap for him. He can directly upgrade a talent to A level!

However, Yun Ye still felt a little unsure when he looked at the first line, "Spiritual roots revived, talent improvement times +1."

He remembered the first life, the first line was the "autonomous" recovery of spiritual roots, and the number of talent upgrades +1.

But this time, it became a "revival of spiritual roots."

"Whether these achievements have been achieved repeatedly or cannot...forget it, it's impossible to guess just like this. Let's talk about it in the next life."

Yun Ye gave up quickly.


Turning over the book of reincarnation, Yun Ye began to operate.

He lowered all talents to level E, and even wanted to reduce his lifespan, but his lifespan could only be increased but not decreased.

Therefore, Yun Ye's total number of talent upgrades is 16, and the maximum number of times Yun Ye can upgrade a talent is A level.

Then Yun Ye improved in turn, experimenting with the effects of each talent.

After trying it.

Yun Ye basically understood the situation of each talent.

The main improvements in destiny are "family of origin", "future destiny" and "luck and misfortune".

"Family origin", whether you are born into a rich family or a poor family, whether you are a core child or a side branch, determines your origin.

"Future destiny" refers to one's own general trajectory. If you have the fate of a warrior, you will definitely have the opportunity to become a warrior, but you will decide whether your destiny will come true or not.

"Blessings and Luck", this one is even more powerful. It is an option that only appears at C level. It is similar to Taoist tools. If you reduce your luck, you can be born into a better family. If you improve your luck, you will be born into a worse family.

However, this column is of little significance in Baishi Town, because even if he reaches A level, the improved luck will only prevent Yunye from minor disasters. If he faces Baishi Town, he will still die.

Then there's physique.

Physical fitness also has a general direction of improvement.


"Combat talent" refers to the ability to fight, no matter what the strength, the upper and lower limits are very different. Some people are naturally good at fighting and can maximize the same level of strength, such as Lei Zhenyu.

"Growth speed", talent for practicing Qi nourishing techniques and other physical techniques.

"Strength upper limit" increases the upper limit of physical fitness, such as being several times stronger than others at the same level, having a natural spiritual body, etc.

Level A, you can get a natural spirit body.

Next comes spiritual consciousness.

It's pretty much the same, it's also the upper limit of growth speed and strength, and the last one is not the combat talent, but the accuracy of spiritual consciousness. The higher this item is, the more subtle the use of divine consciousness, and the stronger the spiritual control.

Then comes understanding.

There are only two ways to improve understanding.

Pioneering, the ability to summarize existing information and open up new paths.

Learning ability, the speed of mastering a piece of knowledge.

Both creativity and learning ability have branches, such as talent for music, calligraphy, seal script, and alchemy.

to be honest.

Looking at the dense branches, it was quite difficult for Yun Ye to choose. Many talents were worth adding, but the problem was that the number of talent upgrades was not enough.

There are a total of six talents, each of which is too important and needs to be chosen.

The sixth item, spiritual roots, is the highlight.

Spiritual root attributes, integrity, and aura control.

These three items directly determine the upper limit of Yun Ye's strength in his next life.

In the second life, Yun Ye has understood that it is not necessary to go together with the three methods. The ultimate one is what should be done when resources and talents are scarce.

Even the judges of the Ji family are like this, let alone him?

The greatest significance of the three methods is just the secret.

If you want to use it, you only need to be similar to Yun Ye's second life, open your spiritual consciousness and cultivate into a spiritual body.

The road ahead is too long and there is no need to walk further.

Think of this.

Yun Ye also came up with the idea of ​​adding some points.

"The spiritual root has been upgraded to the Baishi Town area, D level."

"Please choose one as a direction for improvement."

"1. The speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is increased by 100%."

"2. Gain an additional spiritual root attribute at random."

"3. The fire spiritual root is replenished from 3% to 10%."

"Item 3."

"The direction is determined, the talent is nirvana..."


"The Spiritual Root of Fire is replenished from 3% to 10%."

This is obviously not the end.

Yun Ye continues to improve.

"The spiritual root has been upgraded to the Baishi Town area, level C."

"Please choose two as the direction of improvement."

"1. The speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is increased by 100%."

"2. Get an additional spiritual root zodiac sign at random."

"3. The fire spiritual root is replenished from 10% to 20%."

"4. On the basis of choosing to randomly obtain a spiritual root attribute, determine one of the five elements attributes you want."

"Item two, item four!"

"Choose the spiritual root sign."

"Water Spirit Root!"

"The direction is determined, the talent is nirvana..."


"The spiritual root of fire transforms into the dual spiritual roots of water and fire."

Yun Ye took a closer look and found that the two spiritual roots were independent and had their own spiritual root integrity and spiritual energy control capabilities.

In other words, for normal people, having one more spiritual root will double the upper limit, which basically means high talent.

However, it is not easy to use here in Yun Ye, because he has to improve the talents of two spiritual roots.

"Number of talent upgrades: 13 times → 9 times."

"The spiritual root has been upgraded to the Baishi Town area, level B."

"Please choose two as the direction of improvement."

"1. The speed at which the two spiritual roots absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is increased by 100%."

"2. Obtain a spiritual root attribute."

"3. The fire root is replenished from 10% to 30%."

"4. The water spiritual root is supplemented from 10% to 30%."

"5. The double spiritual roots are supplemented to 20%."

"6. The speed of a single spiritual root absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is increased by 200%."

"Item one, item five."

"The direction is determined, the talent is nirvana..."


"The dual spiritual roots absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and increase it by 100%."

"The completeness of the twin spiritual roots has been completed to 20%."

Yun Ye took a deep breath.

He turned his attention to the consciousness.

Before, he thought that the upper limit of spirituality depended on spiritual root talent, but now after experiments, there is no doubt that the upper limit of spirituality depends on spiritual talent.

Only when his spiritual talent is high can he continue to improve his spirituality. The early stage of the third level is the limit of the second life, and will never become the limit of the third life!

"Number of talent upgrades: 9 times → 8 times."

"The consciousness has been upgraded to the Baishi Town area, level D."

"Please choose one as a direction for improvement."

"1. The growth rate of spiritual consciousness is increased by 100%."

"2. The accuracy of spiritual consciousness increases by 100%."

"3. The intensity of spiritual consciousness is increased by 50%."

"Second option!"

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