A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 128 The whole story and...the dispute over Taoist tools!

A cold touch.

The smell of soil.

The moment he woke up, Cheng Wenjie suddenly opened his eyes and wanted to jump up.

But he failed. The cold chains trapped him and he couldn't move. He looked around in horror, but he only saw a rice field and a few fruit trees.

"You woke up."

A voice came.

Cheng Wenjie realized that the voice came from behind. He struggled to move his body and looked back with his head raised - he was chained to the ground and couldn't move.

As a result, he saw a black-haired boy wearing sackcloth. The boy had black hair and a fleshy face. It was obvious that he had never been hungry. He had a strange smile that normal children shouldn't have.

What really frightened Cheng Wenjie was that the boy was turning the moon disk in his hand - it was exactly the same as the one painted on his flag!

He couldn't help but yelled in shock: "Who are you? How come you have the symbol of that group of people!"

"That group of people?" Yun Ye waved his hand and removed the moon disk that he wanted to fill with water. He looked at Cheng Wenjie for a few times, "Now I am interrogating you, you don't think you have room to ask questions in return?"

The water and fire streamers appeared, and the sword of Taoism appeared, emitting dazzling light.

This Taoist weapon floated above Cheng Wenjie, seemingly ready to fall and chop off his dog head at any time.

All of Cheng Wenjie's thoughts were swallowed up in an instant!

Spiritual Lawman!

Although he practiced the art of nourishing qi, it was only at the foundation level, and there was no way he could be the opponent of the other party!

"Master Lingfa...please ask, I know everything!"

Cheng Wenjie looked at the strange sword just one foot above him, his Adam's apple moved, and he forced a smile.

Fear had filled his heart, and he couldn't say a word.

"You are quite sensible."

Yun Ye looked at him in surprise, "Name, gender, age, birthplace."

"Cheng Wenjie, male, 23 years old, from Luoyun Town." Cheng Wenjie did not hesitate.

"A Luoyun Town native came to Baishi Town to be a bandit?"

The Dao weapon dropped a little.

"No! I am really from Luoyun Town. I just want to make a fortune... I just want to do something great. Believe me, I would never dare to lie to you. What good would it do me!"

Cheng Wenjie screamed in fear and kept trying to shrink down to avoid the sword, but he was lying on the ground, where could he shrink?

This feeling that his life was not under his control made him confused and begged repeatedly.

"Make a fortune, do something great? Tell me in detail. If you can't explain it clearly, someone will probably worship you at this time next year..." Yun Ye said slowly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Cheng Wenjie naturally didn't want to be killed. He had a face full of snot and tears, and explained all his situation clearly, and even wanted to tell Yun Ye about the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

According to him, Yun Ye knew that this was just a farce.

Cheng Wenjie was originally a low-level thug of a family in Luoyun Town, used to deal with the chores that the family was too lazy to deal with.

As a thug, Cheng Wenjie always wanted to go further and become a superior person, but the reality made him live in a muddle-headed way. Just when he was about to accept this reality, he suddenly encountered a turning point.

One day, when he was beating a troublemaker, he was stopped by someone. Just when he was angry and wanted to fight back, he found that the other party was a member of the Tomorrow Club... He couldn't afford to offend him, so he smiled and nodded repeatedly no matter what the other party said.

It was precisely because of this that he was forced to listen to a lot of words, such as oppression and resistance, and that it was wrong to do so.

And it was these words that shocked him and suddenly felt that everything was clear.


If he had always been the exploited, how could he become a superior person?

He must exploit others!

So, he didn't listen to the follow-up, and after stealing an abandoned flag of the Tomorrow Society, he fled from Luoyun Town.

And every time he passed by some villages, he would deceive people, and in this way, many people who couldn't survive believed him and wanted to do big things with him!

However, near Luoyun Town, he was worried that he would be found by the Tomorrow Society, so he ran all the way north to Baishi Town, and just took root nearby to rob.

The reason why he came to Baishi Town was not just for fun. As a low-level thug, he actually had quite a lot of sources of information.

Recently, Baishi Town had a big problem. It was said that a big man almost died, which led to Baishi Town no longer accepting any tasks, and the number of caravans from Baishi Town to Luoyun Town decreased significantly.

However, even so, there are still small caravans that are not afraid of death and want to make this money.

These caravans don't have spiritualists, and there are not even many powerful warriors, which is very interesting!

Based on this point, Cheng Wenjie's method of robbing is also very simple.

Vote for a death squad of three or five people, and go up to kill first.

If he is a tough guy, and there are spiritualists following him, then he will consider himself unlucky.

If not, then rush up and hack him to death.

As a low-level thug, Cheng Wenjie has nothing but courage, and dares to kill and fight.

Just by doing this, he really made two deals!

These two teams have no spiritualists, they are small caravans trying their luck, but their wealth is still unimaginable. Intercepting them will directly give the village food, money, and weapons, and make them rich overnight.

Even if he gives a lot of rewards, the remaining money is still more than he can earn in several lifetimes as a low-level thug!

Just when he was planning to run away with the money or continue to do a few more jobs, Yun Ye came and his beautiful dream came to an abrupt end.

After hearing this, Yun Ye was speechless.

I have to say that this is a talented person who dares to fight hard, is very capable, and is not afraid of death.

——There are two situations: not being afraid of death when taking action, and not being afraid of death when falling into the hands of others. He is obviously the former.

I dream about the future, but I don’t have the ability to bear the consequences.

From his mouth, Yun Ye got some information.

First, tomorrow’s meeting in Luo Yun Town is obviously fine. At least there are some spiritual magicians who are completely superior to most people. The reason why they don’t use the name of the Yang family is probably because they are worried about being attacked by Luo Yun Town. People pay attention, after all, there is a person in the Yang family who almost killed the judge, there must be a secret.

Second, Baishi Town began to clean up the interior. I don’t know if Tong Huoyang and Wang Yao managed to escape.

"My lord, my lord, I know I've said it all. Do you think you can let the villain go? I promise not to reveal your information..." Cheng Wenjie said cautiously.

"Haha." Yun Ye glanced at him, "You are just lying here under the banner of tomorrow's meeting. From now on, you will do all the farming here. If you can't do it well, you will have no value in existence. "

After listening to the concept of Tomorrow Meeting.

The first thing you think about is exploiting others?

This is really good material that is born to take advantage of loopholes. If it is not cultivated properly, it will be unworthy of the concept of tomorrow.

The moon disk appeared directly in front, and Yun Ye disappeared into the secret realm.

"Ah! What is this? People disappeared?"

Cheng Wenjie was frightened, yelled, and looked around for traces of Yun Ye, and then he finally discovered something strange.

This place is not the ordinary world at all!

The sky here is a moon disk, not the sun.

The four walls were filled with mist, so deep that he didn't know what was inside, and the space he could see was extremely narrow!

What is this?

Cheng Wenjie was at a loss. His knowledge was not enough for him to understand all of this!

After Yun Ye came out, he used the Yingyue Baohuan to carve words on the ground, and then took away a large amount of money and food and left.

When daylight came, these people gradually woke up, and the commotion spread rapidly.

Their leader has escaped!

He also left a sentence of "divide the money and break up"!

A group of bandits immediately started fighting to divide the remaining wealth.

The servants of the landlords who were kidnapped by them were all killed after dividing the wealth to avoid future troubles.

Originally, they brought the landlords' servants up the mountain to assimilate them as cannon fodder. Now that they have all disbanded, they naturally killed them.

When the fight started, one night had passed, and Yun Ye had already gone down the mountain and started sorting out his trophies.

Looking at the three piles of various supplies, Yun Ye was thoughtful.

His bottom line is still too high.

How slow is it to collect everything yourself?

Wouldn't it be over if you just lower your body and intercept and kill these rich people?

For example, the team that was just killed by this group of people was actually a small landowner in Baishi Town. He could not get the protection of Baishi Town, so he went to Luoyun Town with all his wealth.

But he didn't expect that instead of encountering the demon, he encountered the extremely rare bandit and delivered it directly to his door.

As for ordinary landowners, it is impossible to have spiritual practitioners. At most, they only have a few children and servants who practice Qi nourishing techniques.

A mere thug, Cheng Wenjie wants weapons but no weapons, wants people but no one, and all his men are just dishes.

He can use traps and numbers to defeat the strong and defeat the merchant's guards. Naturally, Yun Ye can do the same if he holds a treasure such as the Yingyue Ring.

There is no need to go to such trouble. He can just rush to the landlord's house and rob him. He can maximize his wealth.

If there is a strong enemy, it is very safe to hide directly in the secret realm, and it cannot be broken unless you are powerful.

This is a big secret treasure involving space, and it is impossible for a judge to force it to open it.

"Then the owner probably can only choose a farther area, otherwise he may be discovered unknowingly."

The voice of tomorrow sounded from the bottom of my heart.

"Can't discover it in advance? Speaking of which, what are the rules for discovering your Taoist artifacts?"

Yun Ye asked.

"It's the Dao Domain. As long as the Dao Domains intersect, we can know that there is a Dao Artifact nearby. If the Dao Domain covers the Dao Artifact, we can know the exact location."

Tomorrow explained.

In other words, when tomorrow discovers the other party, the other party will also discover tomorrow.

Tomorrow's Dao Domain is very narrow. If it is covered by the other party's Dao Domain, the other party can know their location, but they know nothing about it and fall into great passivity.

"Is it impossible to hide? According to this, doesn't it mean that I can't go to the city at all?"

Yun Ye was shocked.

"Master... do you feel that if you close your eyes and don't believe in its existence, the path (principle) will be hidden?"

Tomorrow is a quiet road.

Taoist tools are a collision of ideas and cannot be hidden at all!

If Yun Ye wants to enter Baishi Town and Luoyun Town, he must first have the strength to make the local rulers willing to lay down their weapons.

The road has become narrow!

"We have to speed up!"

Yun Ye's teeth were sore and his sense of urgency suddenly arose.

He really didn't expect Taoist weapons to be such a hot potato. According to this statement, as the Tao domain continues to expand, wouldn't there be more and more enemies for him?

Grass (a plant).

No wonder the Luo Dynasty was a feudal system!

Each Taoist artifact represents a territory with an owner. People from outside must abide by the rules when they come. It is the private territory of local forces!

Perhaps the Taoist tools in Baishi Town are not powerful enough to completely restrain the strong.

But in a real big city, the restraining power of Taoist tools may be impossible for all practitioners to resist.

Taoist tools are the power that surpasses the cultivation system!

Since there is a pinnacle in cultivation, the pinnacle of the Taoist instrument must definitely be much higher than cultivation!

In this case, the true cultivating force will dominate one place and rule as king, rejecting all outside interference. It will be extremely difficult to complete the unification!

Yun Ye is now convinced that every Taoist unification war will cause a devastating blow to civilization.

It can't be said that the great sacrifice in the Ten Tribulations is a unified battle of Taoist weapons.

The moon disk in front of him that was the same as his height opened, and Yun Ye returned directly to the secret realm.

Cheng Wenjie was tied to the ground and cried loudly: "I don't dare anymore, let me go, I don't want to die, I am willing to do anything!"

Yun Ye came down from the mountain. It took only an hour or two for Cheng Wenjie to collapse. It was difficult to control his own destiny. He was indeed too desperate.

This touched Yun Ye very much.

The fear of death becomes stronger the more you have. His parents in this life committed suicide out of numbness and despair, but Cheng Wenjie didn't want to die and wanted to live no matter what.

Everything he really saw was making Yun Ye's understanding of the world clearer.

In this world, the crushing power is so terrifying that it can nip the buds of all thoughts.

Copying the theories from previous lives will never work.

Listening to Cheng Wenjie's cries, Yun Ye moved a chair and sat down, lost in thought.

In fact, in the past life, there was an interesting theory.

That is, one can only be rich for three generations and poor for three generations.

This statement is actually not a joke. It has some truth, at least on Earth.

And where is the truth?

It's very simple. No matter how talented the founder of a family is, how many resources he has, and how well educated he is, in reality, the size of a family will never be comparable to the billions of poor people in the world.

Even if the poor have no resources and no education, their base is so large that there will always be a steady stream of geniuses and people who change the times.

And what about the rich?

Even if the rich themselves are smarter and stronger, so what?

Can they control their offspring to remain smart and strong?

One generation and two generations may be able to prolong the time, and the chance will be extremely small.

Therefore, no matter how brilliant a family is, it will decline and be buried by history.

The so-called "no more than three generations" refers to "many".

Under the torrent of time, no one can survive forever. As times change, the old ones are destined to be buried.

However, the above are all laws of the earth.

If this law were converted to this world, would it still be valid?

Yun Ye thought about the Liu family's unique dual zodiac sign "wind" and became a little silent.

This kind of thing...

Can luck be inherited?

Can a child born to a mortal be born with a talent that can bridge all gaps?

Probably not.

This world is full of blood and destiny theory, which is a vulgar world for ordinary people.

Of course, for the rulers, it is not an exaggeration to say it is paradise.

"Master Lingfa, please spare me, please spare me..."

Because of Yun Ye's silence, Cheng Wenjie had completely collapsed, and his imagination had defeated all his psychological defenses.

Relying on fear to rule is a very convenient and quick way.

Even if Yun Ye believes in the theory of tomorrow, he is more inclined to use this method to control the enemy, especially in this world.

This is indeed due to human nature, and it is also the reason why people who are not at the bottom cannot make revolution.

If you are a person with vested interests, without the overwhelming pressure, how can you have the motivation to find every possible way to victory and unite all the friends who can be united?

"I said, I will leave it to you to take care of from now on. As long as you can do a good job, I will not take your life."

"On the contrary, haha..."


The chains were untied and the shackles were removed from the body.

Cheng Wenjie bowed his head and shouted with great excitement: "Thank you, Lord Lingfa, for showing mercy beyond the law!"

This scene.

Ironic yet true.

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