A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 139 Establish a base area in advance

After Ning Xiao confirmed Yun Ye's identity, he immediately wanted to invite Yun Ye to Luoyun Town to meet Yang Shu and others.

But Yun Ye refused. He still had to stay here to cultivate the elixir. If he had anything to do, he could just tell it in the Halo Book.

Since the secret realm will be revealed to tomorrow meeting sooner or later, Yun Ye thought for a while and said to Ning Xiao: "I want to develop in Baishi Town. It is not without confidence. The master gave me a safe place before he died. After reading this Finally, you can think more carefully about the feasibility.”

After saying that, Yun Ye opened the moon disk and motioned for Ning Xiao to walk in.


Ning Xiao was hesitant, but gritted his teeth, and his trust in Yang Shi made him decide to trust this successor for once.

One step forward and the scenery is turned upside down.

Cheng Wenjie, who was lying on the bed dozing off, heard the noise and quickly got up to pay his respects: "Lord Lingfa!"

Speaking of which, Yun Ye hasn't told Cheng Wenjie his name in this life.


His parents in this life called Yun Ye by this name. Although he didn't know his last name, it didn't matter. To Yun Ye, the name was just a code name. Since this name was given by his parents in this life, Yun Ye agreed with it.

"Who are you?"

Ning Xiao looked at Cheng Wenjie hesitantly.

"I am Cheng Wenjie, a subordinate of Master Lingfa, who is responsible for managing the medicine fields. You two adults don't need to pay attention to me."

Cheng Wenjie clasped his fists and didn't say anything detrimental to Yun Ye.

"I see."

Ning Xiao nodded and looked at the medicinal herb in the center of the secret realm. He looked at it for a moment and said in surprise, "It turns out to be Yang Lingzhi that is almost forty years old?"

Because of Tong Huoyang and Wang Yao, the Yang family actually kept a few elixirs, which is not considered unseen in the world.

But the Yang Lingzhi in front of him was a real herb that had not been picked off for forty years. He had never seen it before.

This is so rare!

"The secret realm is just special. It can speed up the growth of plants. It cannot be transplanted after growing outside. In addition to retreat, it can also provide certain resources, but there are too few."

Yun Ye said.

"It's already very good. Resources can be obtained from the outside world. Isn't this why you want to develop in Baishi Town?"

Ning Xiao looked around. Although the secret realm was not big, it would not be a problem to hide dozens of people.

There are now less than twenty important members of the Tomorrow Club, which is enough.

As a safe base, it is much more meaningful than one or two elixirs.

"The secret realm is an independent space. Even the judge cannot force it to open. It is extremely safe. The only thing you need to pay attention to is to hide enough supplies, otherwise you will be helpless when the supplies are used up."

Yun Ye walked up to Yang Lingzhi and pointed, "I planted this in the morning. Now it has forty years of medicinal power. It can increase ten years of medicinal power in about two hours. If there is a wood spirit root resuscitator, It can’t be accelerated further.”

"What? Two hours equals ten years of growth?" Ning Xiao didn't think so at first, but when he heard this, he immediately broke his guard. "How is it possible? How many times is this accelerated growth? Ten thousand times?"

"Twenty-five thousand times." Yun Ye smiled.

"Are you kidding? You must be joking, right?" Ning Xiao didn't believe it at all.

The 25,000 times acceleration is really so terrifying, even a pile of elixirs can create a powerful monk!

"I'm not joking, but it's not as exaggerated as you think. The 25,000-fold acceleration is limited to one plant. Even if there is one more, the acceleration will have to be cut in half." Yun Ye said.

"...If you cut it in half, it's 12,500 times. How could it be accelerated to such a point? It's impossible for the herbs to withstand it!"

"In the Yang family, even if the Mu Linggen cultivator speeds up with all his strength, it will only speed up the growth time of the herbs ten times. If it is any more, the herbs will wither immediately, or even if more spiritual power is injected, the herbs will be stuck at a fixed number and cannot be used. More progress!"

Ning Xiao was stunned as he spoke.

Because with his eyesight, he has already seen that the white wheel is increasing. This kind of growth that is visible to the naked eye cannot be achieved by accelerating growth ten times, but at least ten thousand times!

This completely broke his common sense, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Is this the secret realm? Is this the power of ancient monks?"

"That's roughly how it feels. Send someone over as soon as possible. It's best to have wood spiritual root, earth spiritual root and golden spiritual root monks. I want to see if we can speed it up further." Yun Ye opened the moon disk and took Ning Xiao out of the secret realm. .

Ning Xiao left in shock and returned to Luoyun Town to report back. He gained a lot from this trip.

Yun Ye returned to the cave and continued to open the moon disk to increase the potency of the elixir while silently refining the treasure.

It is said that this treasure is indeed beyond imagination. Even if it is no longer in the way of Yun Ye, it is still difficult to completely refine it. At this speed, I am afraid it will take 20 to 30 years to get started.

Yun Ye knew that this was caused by his low level of cultivation. If he were at the ultimate level of the second mortal realm, it would only take about five or six years to completely refine it and turn it into his own treasured weapon.

It's a pity that he can't improve his cultivation now, so he can only make do with sacrifices and improve as little as possible.

Even if the treasure weapon only increases the progress of the sacrifice by one thousandth, the power it can exert will be significantly improved, but it is much more than the cultivation method.

Noon the next day.

Yang Shu sent a message to Yun Ye, saying that they had finalized a preliminary plan and would send people to Baishi Town to assist him in the near future. However, to be on the safe side, the people would set off one after another and not all of them would arrive at once. If something goes wrong, There is also a basic understanding of Luoyun Town.

Seeing the news, Yun Ye didn't say much. It was enough to bring in some trustworthy manpower. He wasn't going to attack Baishi Town, he was just assisting him in land reclamation and management.

"They are coming, but I can't just sit here and wait. I have to lay out a basic framework so that they have something to do as soon as they arrive. In this case, I will gather those refugees first, otherwise I will have to wait a little longer. Even if Baishi Town attracts a large number of demons, those ordinary people will die completely!"

When Yun Ye thought of this, he couldn't calm down anymore. He got up and left the cave to gather the refugees in advance.

He initially contacted the Tomorrow Meeting because he felt something was wrong and wanted to speed up the pace of accumulating strength. Although it would actually help ordinary people, this was obviously too passive.

When a catastrophe comes, ordinary people are unable to resist. If they continue to wait, they may all die.

This is fatal to Yun Ye, because spreading the concept of tomorrow and actually helping ordinary people is the only way for him to break the situation. Only in this way can the road be extended and tomorrow can grow.

If he couldn't see through and understand this truth, he would be no different from Baishi Town and other aristocratic families.

After leaving Hongshan, Yun Ye went straight to the nearest village.

Qicao Village!

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