A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 148 No surprise ending

Bai Shendong quickly clarified the situation, but then he became even more confused:

"You have hatred towards the aristocratic family. Just because of that, do you want to give up your glory and wealth to fight against the aristocratic family?"

"You are a monk who has mastered the spiritual method of the second zodiac sign, and you can kill the troublemaker demon with one blow. No matter which town you are in, your status is definitely not low. It may require groveling, but it also represents the possibility of going further!"

"With a lifespan of more than two hundred years in the spiritual realm and more than four hundred years in the legal realm, you want to go against the entire spiritual monks in Baishi Town just for a moment of anger?"

Momentary anger?

He was exploited and worked like a cow for twenty years.

The brother who killed his wife.

The whole village was massacred, and finally the daughter was kidnapped and used as a tool.

No matter which one, we are irreconcilable!

And do many people really not want to deal with this "temporary anger"? No, that’s because the odds are slim!

If you have strength, if others glare at you, they will probably think that they are provoking you, and they will kill Ling Chi on the spot.

"If the family is an enemy, I will kill them... This is my way. If you don't follow it, you will die. It's as simple as that. If I want to change it to a more pleasant slogan, it is for the sake of all living beings, so that tomorrow I won't crawl in the mud. Be a cow and a horse for the family!”

Yun Ye said calmly.

The reason why he did not mention the concept of Tomorrow's Society was mainly because he felt that a member of the aristocratic family would most likely not understand it.

Therefore, he should subtly change his perception instead of forcibly modifying his understanding.

If subtle changes don't work, then elaborate on the idea and use more drastic means to change it.

If he fails, he will be an enemy and he will be killed...

That's all.

"Your way?"

Bai Shendong chewed, and then his face became horrified, "Are you a Taoist user? Is your Tao meant to kill all ascended aristocratic families for the sake of all sentient beings? Is it you who was the new Taoist user born two years ago?"

"You actually know...that this matter has been spread so widely?" Yun Ye frowned.

When Bai Shendong saw Yun Ye's admission, he took a few steps back and pointed at Yun Ye with great horror: "You are in for a big disaster. The Luo Dynasty will never allow new Taoist users to develop. You are breaking the existing ones." order!”

"But I haven't died until now. This means that the Luo Dynasty has not been able to detect my position, doesn't it?"

Yun Ye said.

"Can't you detect your position? In fact, it can be said that the Taoist user can't calculate anything even if he divine magic deduction. Unless you are right in front of you, you can only make a small amount of deduction by directly observing the causal line..."

"But, there is no need to locate you! If the Taoist artifacts want to grow, there will inevitably be a battle over the Dao domain. Although the Luo Dynasty is a separate city, county, and town, the Taoist artifacts have the same origin. Once you seize them, , maybe you can hide it for a short time, but you can never hide it forever!”

"At that time, even if all the immortal clans and sects restrain each other and only use some trivial forces, one of their little fingers will be enough to crush you to death. In such a remote and small place, it is impossible for them to compare!"

"You are looking for death!"

Bai Shendong was completely desperate. Now even if a miracle happened, he could really defeat Baishi Town.

The result is just to be extinguished by a higher level of power, and there is no possibility of winning!

This is the order of the entire world, the order of the entire Luo Dynasty, an order that lasts for countless years!

The truth may be distorted, or it may be completely wrong, but if just a random person could make it happen, the world would have changed countless times over a long period of time.

But the reality is that there is no such thing. This is precisely because there is enough power to destroy everything!

"Well, it does make people feel a strong sense of despair."

Yun Ye said this.

However, Bai Shendong couldn't see any changes on his face - did this man really understand the current situation?

This is natural. Yun Ye has long expected these possible difficulties. He does not think that Baishi Town has no connection with the Luo Dynasty. At least every once in a while, the Luo Dynasty will come to confirm the changes in the Taoist artifacts in Baishi Town.

He didn't know how much time would be left for him after capturing White Rock Town, but there was no way he would stop because of this.

This is indeed an extremely dangerous situation.

If you want this kind of world to overthrow the ascending aristocratic family and even the Immortal Clan, there is only one way...

That's right, take your life to fill it.

If you want to take a shortcut and be reincarnated into a noble family, and want to use the power of a noble family to seek a more stable path to change...

This is a joke.

Do you really think that the Aristocratic Family is a sentimental place?

When a cultivator has lived for hundreds of years and is high and mighty, could it be that he founded his family because of family ties?

No, he does it for his own rule, for someone to solve troublesome tasks and collect resources for him!

In this kind of family, those who have no ability or talent cannot be cultivated at all. They will only be pushed to the side branches, and they are even less likely to be exposed to the high-end skills of the family...

This is something whose power will be taken away for every additional person. It is impossible to give it to some worthless people!

Even if you overcome all difficulties and really have the talent and strength to climb to the top of the family step by step, it is of no use at all.

Because they are still restricted by the family's Taoist tools, they must act according to the rules of the family's Taoist tools.

There is absolutely no possibility of breaking it from the inside!

Yun Ye did not want to become a walking zombie, nor did he want to ignore all external voices and then entertain himself and enjoy life... In this case, what was the point of him being reincarnated into a noble family?

So, only this bloody road is left.

To put it bluntly, this path means sacrificing all the early supporters. Those who are the first to wake up will always be the cornerstone and will never see the possibility of success.

How ambitious to sacrifice... Dare to teach the sun and moon to change the sky!

If the weak want to succeed, they are destined to make countless sacrifices and blood and tears. This is extremely difficult. Only through countless such sacrifices can the final victory be achieved, and most of the time this kind of sacrifice is just the beginning and has no end.

Because their ideas are rapidly deteriorating and corrupted, and cannot be sustained for a long time.

Yun Ye's appearance is a kind of luck. With him, sacrifice will indeed exist, but victory will also inevitably exist.

As long as Yun Ye is still alive, the concept will continue to be passed on, which is something that will never happen under normal circumstances.

Yun Ye knew that he was probably doomed to bear countless lives and deaths, but he also promised that he would complete this journey and sacrifice for a new life, and then... I would like to see thousands of waves of rice paddies, and heroes everywhere setting off the mist!

"This is indeed difficult. Even just thinking about it, I feel out of breath. I have to bear so many lives, deaths and hopes... However, when I think about this world being like this for countless years, I know that I have to go. Done."

Yun Ye sighed, and then said to Bai Shendong, "If you don't approve, I won't do anything to you. I can even send you to the border. You can continue to look for your own life."

"I understand...have you gone crazy? In that case, send me to the border. Although I am not afraid of death, I don't want to die in such a worthless way. I want to go to Yuntian Lingzong!"

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