A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 159 The Power of the Moon Reflecting Ring

Chao Zizhong's pupils narrowed to the limit, and the fear in his heart suddenly exploded. Countless scenes and thoughts flashed past his eyes. He was entering a revolving door, or... in life and death, his thinking was extremely accelerated!

"I will die, I will die, I will die, I will die! The danger comes from other than the reversal of manifestation, and the warning effect of my divine consciousness has been weakened by myself!"

"This blow... I will die!"

Chao Zizhong's thinking was accelerating infinitely. At this moment, he no longer cared about his foundation or life span.

Work hard!

Only by working hard can he have a chance of survival!

In an instant, he thought of all the powers he could use!

Dharma Realm Talisman Seal?

It is extremely difficult to make a spiritual level talisman seal, not to mention he only has one legal level talisman seal!

But the key thing is that the talisman requires time to activate, and there is simply not enough time!

The attack speed of this light was so terrifying. By the time he took out the talisman and activated it again, he would have died hundreds of times.

You can’t use talisman seals!

Great spiritual method?

It takes time to absorb the spiritual energy!

Destroyed liberation on top of the second liberation?

not enough!

A further form of spiritual root sublimation, the secret technique of spiritual root burning?

not enough! not enough!

Not enough!

Inferior secret?

Those who have not mastered the Mystery cannot integrate their heart and soul. Even if they consume their lifespan, they can only use the Mystery mode to enhance their power, but cannot exert the true ultimate of the Mystery.

This is the secret of inferiority.

Once upon a time, leaving the Dharma was the inferior secret of use!

How much should be consumed?

ten years?

Twenty years?

No, far from enough, a hundred years!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Chao Zhong's consciousness exploded.

The real dragon burst into light, and the dragon-shaped jade cracked directly, bursting out with all its afterglow.


Like fireworks, after a brief confrontation with the Earth-Xingxian True Dragon, it turned into powder.

The beam of light covering everything in front of you is pushing forward, unstoppable!

"Destroy liberation!"

The thick earth magic armor draws the power of the entire earth, and it also cracks everywhere, and the ultimate aura blooms in the cracks, forming a sky wall to block the light of judgment.


But it was still meaningless. The air and the sky barrier were destroyed together, and even the sound could not catch up.

In the silence, the light keeps getting closer to the Chaozi Bell.

But Chao Zi Zhong was also retreating. Although the sky light that destroyed everything destroyed the obstruction, the shocking blast of wind was also pushing Chao Zi Zhong away. This could not allow him to escape, but it could buy him a blink of time.

At this time, Chao Zizhong roared, and the spiritual root texture that spread to his neck suddenly seemed to be burning. Dense spiritual root textures emerged from all over his body - these were the reserve spiritual roots he had captured!

Although the spiritual root burning secret technique cannot control the burning object at all when it burns, and will burn together with one's own spiritual roots, but if a large number of spiritual roots are sealed throughout the body, the loss of one's own spiritual roots will drop sharply.

Although this secret technique is self-inflicted, it is much stronger than using the spiritual roots as fuel. If Chao Zhong wants to fight for his life, he can only do it at any cost!


Power burst out from within.

There is no need to extract the spiritual energy from the outside world, and the power is many times higher than usual!

When the spiritual roots of the spiritual assembly are burned, how powerful is the power provided by spiritual power?

Even at the level of the spiritual realm, one can double one's own strength.

The doubling of the spiritual realm is completely different from the mortal realm.

It's too difficult...

"The Thick Earth Reveals the True Practice - The Mysterious Amplification!"

Finally, Chao Zhong vomited blood and poured all his power into one arm, which turned into a huge earth dragon and bit into the light.

The next moment, the light completely engulfed him.


In just an instant, a full kilometer in front of Yun Ye was penetrated and turned into complete ashes and magma.

The explosion rolled into the sky and ravaged the entire area.

Yun Ye stood still, and was very surprised by the current power of the Yingyue Baohuan. It penetrated several mountains in a row, and it had such power without compression. After the progress of the sacrifice was improved, the power increase was really immediate!

Look at the terrifying reversal of the stone formation. How can it still exist?

"do you died?"

Yun Ye looked at the chain of calamity energy wrapped around the Taoist weapon in his hand. There was no change at all. "It seems that he is not dead, which is not bad. The spiritual realm of the seven major families should know countless secrets."

The consciousness spreads.

Search for traces of Chao Zi Zhong.

Soon Yun Ye found Chao Zi Zhong in a pothole a hundred meters away. Half of his body evaporated and fell into a coma. However, there was no doubt that he relied on the power of the last blow to deflect himself away from Ying Yue. The Baohuan's attack range barely saved the dog's life.

Before he fell into coma, he used several talismans in succession to treat his injuries and conceal his aura, just to create the illusion of his death.

It's a pity that Yun Ye is carrying calamity, and he can see the problem at a glance...


Within a few seconds of finding Chao Zi Zhong, he opened his eyes and regained consciousness. Yun Ye was startled and ignited the blue flame first, directly covering Chao Zi Zhong's entire body.


Chao Zizhong, who had just woken up, immediately screamed miserably, and his breath quickly declined. Then he no longer had the strength to scream, and his pupils were dilated, as if he was dead.

Then Yun Ye activated his divine magic to control it.


Chao Zi Zhong remained motionless.

There was no scream, nor did it turn into chains of divine magic.

Yun Ye watched, and it seemed that he was not affected. Is there something to protect him?

A more thorough exploration of spiritual consciousness.

Soon, he discovered that there seemed to be a ball of light on Chao Zi Zhong's head, protecting his head from the invasion of divine magic.

Yun Ye directly transformed the only Netherworld Fire, letting the Netherworld Fire turn into a hand of flame and penetrate into Chao Zizhong's mind.

There is a "sea of ​​consciousness" on the head, which is where the spiritual power of Yin is stored, that is, spiritual consciousness.

Normally, one can only use spiritual consciousness to invade the sea of ​​consciousness, but Yun Ye's spiritual consciousness is too weak, far inferior to Chao Zi Zhong, not to mention that it is protected by treasures. If Yun Ye is not stupid, he will not choose to throw himself into a trap.

So he invited the Netherworld Fire again. During the escape process, he had taken a lot of elixirs and turned the Netherworld Fire into his own natural spiritual fire through the secret technique of turning fire.

Turning into natural spiritual fire means that the Netherworld Fire can adjust the spiritual proportion at will.

For example, the only Nether Fire can not harm Chao Zi Zhong's body, but only destroy his consciousness and treasures!

However, even the single Nether Fire did not take effect immediately.

Yun Ye spent ten minutes before exhausting the power of the treasure, and then forcefully fished it out.

This treasure is a statue of a strange beast with teeth and claws. It is only the size of a thumb and looks very ordinary.

Yun Ye didn't know what this thing was and didn't dare to use it casually, so he first affixed the sealing talisman and then threw it into the secret realm.

Then he turned his attention to Chao Zi Zhong.

No more treasure to protect.

It's his turn!

"Tell me the essence of your practice!"

Yun Ye began to torture.

If you want to kill the Dharma Realm, you must naturally weaken its power to perform the Dharma.

The earth walking spirit method is the main practice of the Chao family, so its power reaches an extremely high level with the blessing of the heavenly road. As long as it is spread, the effect will immediately drop by half.

This is the best way to break through the monopoly barriers of the family.

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