A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 166 Tomorrow Meeting System

"Xiaoyu, please continue your work and complete the quality improvement as soon as possible. Tian Jing, let's go."

After chatting with Tian Yu for a while, Yun Ye took Tian Jing to the meeting hall.

Along the way, Yun Ye briefly told Tian Jing the story of four months, and Tian Jing was stunned for a while.

The two months of refining weapons passed by in a blink of an eye, so I won’t mention it anymore.

But the four months of hiding in the secret realm were very difficult, because in order not to hinder the growth of the elixir, Yun Ye could only study some things that did not require spiritual energy. It was very boring, not to mention that he had to take care of several pregnant women and children.

Even during this period, two pregnant women had given birth to their children, one boy and one girl. Their talents were basically D level or above, and at least two of them were C level. The girl among them had an A level understanding.

Comprehension is the basis for mastering Taoism, as well as the basis for mastering any knowledge and creating any knowledge.

In the entire tomorrow's meeting, she is the only child with A-level understanding, and the rest are rarely even B-level.

For this reason, Yun Ye specially named her "Yue Xin" and kept her by his side to take good care of her.

And her performance is indeed outstanding. Only two months after she was born, she can already understand Yun Ye's meaning and respond simply. This seems very ordinary, but in fact it is very amazing.

Human beings are unable to form permanent memories before the age of four. One theoretical explanation is that babies do not have the ability to speak and cannot use words to replace memories, such as blue windows and black cars. These are acquired languages. Until a baby learns language, it is incomprehensible.

If you say an English word casually to a person who does not understand English, the brain will not form any association, so it is extremely difficult to recall it. It will eventually be regarded as a useless memory and will be cleared during the growth process.

In other words, humans actually act on instinct before the age of four. Only after the age of four can they have some rationality. After the age of seven, they can fully possess rationality and gradually mature with experience.

Being able to understand Yun Ye's words in two months and even respond clearly means so much!

Even though humans in this world generally have stronger physiques and may be able to form semi-permanent memories at the age of three or even two, Yue Xin's performance is extremely amazing, ten times faster!

This is the power of understanding!

From the perspective of various talents from physical constitution to spiritual roots, understanding represents creativity and learning ability.

Being able to understand people's words in advance can only be regarded as the most superficial manifestation. Yun Ye believes that there will only be more and more miracles in the future.

I'm afraid it won't take long for her to learn to speak, and then she will be able to read, master Qi nourishing techniques, learn spiritual techniques, and use the modern knowledge system to create more spiritual techniques. These are all foreseeable futures...

This is the power of the data panel, Yun Ye can guide them to the most suitable path!

Yue Xin, she is a natural researcher, I am afraid she will occupy a leading position in the Tomorrow Society for a long time to come.

After listening to the whole story, although Yun Ye hid a lot of things, Tian Jing still guessed it. He suppressed his anger and said: "Those people in Baishi Town deserve to die. Are we ordinary people really just worthless? Clay figures also have three points." Where is the fire! Sooner or later we will lead everyone to destroy them!"

"This day is not far away. Even without us, it will be the same. The so-called spiritual family monopolizes resources, controls knowledge, and hopes that they will always be superior. This is indeed a barrier to despair."

"However, no dynasty can last forever. It will change in thousands of years at most. It's just that the identities were exchanged and the more powerful family came to power. The situation of ordinary people is no different."

"And now..."

Yun Ye couldn't help but sneer.

A hundred opportunities for reincarnation, coupled with great calamity, in the words of Xian Xia, he is now destiny!


The council is currently composed of core members.

The responsibility levels of the Tomorrow Club are represented by numbers 1, 2, and 3, which are the top decision-making level with a single number, the core management level with a double number, the core executive level with a three-number number, and the lower four-digit number. The serial number is the intermediate execution layer, and the five-digit serial number is the base execution layer.

Numbers of 3 and above refer to numbers of 3, 2, and 1, not numbers of 4, 5, and 6.

In short, using numbers is to hope that there will be no level difference, and then...

easy to understand!

This is the most critical!

When Yun Ye was in modern times, he was very confused about what the various official positions represented. He probably couldn't understand it if he wasn't within the system. At least in his feeling, ordinary people wouldn't understand it.

When he arrived in another world, Yun Ye hoped that the organization he built would be simpler so that even ordinary people who had never read a book could easily distinguish it, so he used numbers directly.

The fewer the digits, the more important the status.

And, each number represents a specific function.

For example, the rank of the most powerful representative in the Tomorrow Meeting is "1", which means chief, or number one.

If the People's Republic of China was founded tomorrow, the number of the top leaders in every town and state must be 1.

Then 2 is military, 3 is law, 4 is something else...that's probably what it feels like.

At present, there are only more than 20 members of the Tomorrow Meeting, and the spacious meeting hall looks empty.

However, Yun Ye was very satisfied. It was extremely difficult to have so many followers in this world.

There are many familiar faces among these members.

It has been almost two years, and Tomorrow Village has been recognized by Yang Shu and others, so part of the top management of Tomorrow Village has been transferred to Tomorrow Village.

For example, Tong Huoyang.

The classes in the school are taught by Tong Huoyang. Education ranks fourth after government, military, and law. It is naturally very important, so Tong Huoyang is currently serving as the number 4 representative of education in a number.

Except for Tong Huoyang, the most authoritative among the other senior executives is Yang Shu. He has also been in Tomorrow Village for a while and is responsible for management. He is also the current No. 1 chief.

He has been the owner of Shuifu Manor for many years and has experience in this area. Yun Ye did not compete with him and temporarily served as No. 11, which was the most powerful among the two figures.

Then there is Wang Yao. He has been in Luoyun Town because of business and has not been here yet.

As number 5, it represents economy and business.

Shu Zhu was in charge of managing the branch in Luoyun Town tomorrow, so she couldn't come, and she only held a secondary position.

Now that the team of Tomorrow Club has been formed and the framework has been finalized, it is time for Yun Ye, the leader, to step on the accelerator and allow it to enter a truly rapid development stage.

As all members sit down around the square table.

There are only seven people in total, Yang Shu, Yun Ye, Ning Xiao, Tong Huoyang, Cheng Cang, Chai Xin, and Tian Jing.

Except for Yun Ye, the youngest one is Tian Jing, who is only thirteen years old, and the oldest one is Yang Shu, who is almost forty years old.

Yang Shu looked a little tired. He looked at Yun Ye and said, "Dao, everyone is here. You can start what you want to say."

There is no scene, just get to the point.

Everyone also looked at Yun Ye seriously.

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